Dear parents of future fourth graders, 2017-2018

We hope your children are having an enjoyable summer. To prepare for the fourth grade school year at Mount Rock Elementary, we would like to provide you with a list of supplies so students can be ready by the first week of school.

Supplies your child will need for school / Supplies that are helpful at home / Extra supplies you may want to purchase
3 Ring Binder- personal choice of design / Homework tablet or paper / Backpack
Binder pocket folders with clips and holes
----Blue (Math),
----Red (Reading),
----Green (Science/Social Studies) / Dictionary / Thesaurus / Extra pencils/ erasers
3 Ring Binder paper- wide ruled
(2 packs) / Glue / tape / Mini stapler
pencils / Calculator / Colored pencils / crayons
Bottle of glue or pack of glue sticks / Crayons or Colored pencils / Mini pencil sharpener
2 or 3 Dry erase markers and eraser
(a sock or washcloth will work just fine) / Ruler (inches & centimeters) / Pencil box or bag
Community headphones are available but you may want to purchase headphones or earbuds for your child to use individually / Flash cards for Math Facts / Dry erase board
Box of tissues- class donation

Students will be given a personal chrome book (for school use only), homework folder, daily planner, and journals.

Classroom supplies: dry erase board, scissors, rulers, calculators, tablet paper, index cards, pencils & erasers.

Many items are provided for your child at school and will be provided if needed so they can be organized and prepared.

Thank you so much for your support!

We hope to see you at Back to School Night on Thursday, August 17th starting at 4:30!

Fourth Grade Teachers

Mount Rock Elementary