Dear Parents and Guardians:
Exciting news! Sarah Lee Guthrie will be offering ukulele lessons to BW students in grades 3-5 beginning in mid-October. Lessons will be scheduled for 8 weeks and will occur each Wednesday in the BW community room. The group will be limited to 12 students. These lessons are free of charge! And students do not need a ukulele to participate!
Admission will be decided on a first come, first serve basis and families are responsible for after school pick-up.
Dates: Oct. 19, 26, Nov. 2, 9, 16, 30, Dec. 7, 14
Time: 2:50-3:45PM
Place: BW Community Room
If your child is interested in participating, please return the permission slip below no later than Friday, Sept. 23, 2016.
My son/daughter___________________________________is interested in participating in the Becket/Washington Ukulele lessons. Grade:_______
My child ______has a ukulele. _______does not have a ukulele.
Parent/Guardian Signature:____________________________Phone number____________________
I can volunteer to help during snack and during the workshop on the following date(s)________________ Person Responsible for Pick-Up:_______________________________________