JANUARY 8, 2017

The Deacon’s Bench

Deacon Jim Carper, Parish Life Director

The deacon’s bench, historically, is where the deacons sat during church services in the early protestant church. It seemed an appropriate title for this small section of our Church Bulletin; since it is an opportunity for me to share with you what’s going on in our Parish, from my point of view.

January 2017 Prayer Intentions

Universal – Interreligious Dialogue

Prayer that sincere dialogue among men and women of different faiths may produce the fruits of peace, justice and compassion.

Evangelization – Christian Unity

Pray that by means of dialogue and fraternal charity…and with the grace of the Holy Spirit, Christians may overcome divisions.

Christmas is over…Now What???

Is Christmas over when we take down the decorations and pack away the statues, put the manger back in the closet and return Jesus to his box wrapped in tissue paper?" When the signs of Christmas are no longer visible, does that mean that the significance of Christmas is no longer valuable?

I would submit to you there are a number of things we can, and should do, after Christmas to make it Christmas all year long. We should continue to CELEBRATE THE MAJESTY OF CHRISTMAS all year long.

Celebrating the majesty of Christmas involves:

Glorifying God

The word "glorify" is an interesting word in the Greek. It is the word doxazo (dox-ad’-zo) which comes from the root word doxa which means "opinion." When the Bible speaks of "glorifying" God it means, in essence, to give others a right opinion about God. Everything we do ought to give those around a right opinion of God. "The number one cause of atheism is Christians. Those who proclaim God with their mouths and deny Him with their lifestyles is what an unbelieving world finds simply unbelievable."

Another meaning of "glorify" is to "magnify God." When we magnify something, it gets larger. Our goal ought to be to make God look bigger in our life...especially when it comes to ministry. If our goal in ministry is to make ourselves look larger in the eyes of others, then we’ve got the wrong idea about ministry. Everything we do in the work of the Lord ought to be with the goal of lifting up Jesus.

As those shepherds left that humble little manger scene some 2,000 years ago, they did so in such a way that gave others a right opinion of God…Praising God.

Merry Christmas, Deacon Jim

Last Sunday’s Collection……...... $7,975.00

Christian Service Collection...……………………….…$1,851.00

Intentions for the Week

Saturday 5:30PM / Intention of all Parishioners
Sunday 8:00AM
10:00AM / Intention of all Parishioners
+Warren Booth
Monday 7:15AM / Intention of all Parishioners
Tuesday 8:00AM / Olivia Servio
Wednesday / NO MASS
Thursday 7:15AM / +Emilie McKendall
Friday 7:15AM / Intention of all Parishioners


First Reading - Isaiah 60:1-6 (20ABC)

Psalm - 72: 1-2, 7-8, 10-11,12-13

Second Reading - Ephesians 3:2-3a,5-6

Gospel - Matthew 2:1-12



First Reading - Isaiah 49:3,5-6 (64A)

Psalm - 40: 2,4,7-8,8-9,10

Second Reading - 1 Corinthians 1:1-3

Gospel - John 1:29-34


Friday January 20th at 7:00 p.m. with Father Jim Clarke the Director of New Evangelization for the Los Angeles Archdiocese. Associate Spiritual Director at the Cardinal Manning House of Prayer for Priests in Los Angeles. He is author of "Soulful: Spirituality for People of the Go." If you or someone you know is struggling with emotional, physical or spiritual sickness, there is a place where we find rest and healing, join us! Contact Elsie Dixon or Carolyn James for further information.


The African American Catholic Center for Evangelization celebrates the 23rd Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Prayer Breakfast on Saturday, January, 14, 2017, from 8:00 to 11:00am at The Double Tree in Culver City. The tickets are $50.00 each. You may purchase tickets this weekend after the 8 & 10am Mass in the Parish Hall. For further information please contact Lorraine Sampson or Crystal Nichols our Parish Reps.


The Archdiocese of Los Angeles in collaboration with the Knights of Peter Claver and Knights of Peter Claver Ladies Auxiliary Invite ALL to celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Mass Monday, Jan. 16th @ 2:30pm at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels. The Celebrant & Homilist is Most Reverend Jóse Gomez.


Happy New Year! A SINCERE THANK YOU TO ALL who help to decorate our Church during the beautiful Christmas season under the leadership of Helen Clemmons, Chairperson.




CHOOSE LOVE: 01.21.17

You’re Invited! Join Archbishop Gomez and tens of thousands in downtown Los Angeles for the third annual OneLife LA, an event celebrating the beauty and dignity of every human life from conception to natural death. On Saturday, January 21, 2017 beginning at 12:00 noon at La Placita/Olvera St., we will walk to Grand Park for a family-friendly day of inspiring speakers, live music, entertainment, food trucks, and exhibits from community organizations serving those in need. The Requiem Mass for the Unborn at the Cathedral will follow at 5pm. Book parish buses now!Get t-shirts, postcards, posters, buttons, and everything you need to promote OneLife LA in your parish and school at


Saturday February 4th from 10:00 am-3:00 pm The Catechists of St. Bernadette are hosting. With a focus on Adults, Young Families, Young Adults in understanding how we are shaped as gifted people of Sacrament to live our lives in these contemporary times through Traditions, Prayer and Scripture. Free babysitting will be available by certified catechists of the parish, and Lunch is provided for a small donation. There is no cost for this event. Come and reach towards your call and purpose to be church and church-ed. For more information please email: William King at or Norma Jean Jackson at or call the parish office 323-293-4877.


Seasons Greetings!It is that time of the year again. Retreattime is approaching again.This year our 2017 Mater Dolorosa Retreatwill take placeJanuary 20-22. Please make plans to attend!This years theme is"The Crucified One Is No Stranger;" No truer words were spoken! Don't miss out. For more information please contact Gilbert Wright, Retreat Captain @(310) 849-5710.


Do you want to become a saint? This is the goal of the Legion of Mary. Come and join us. We meet every Tuesday morning at 9:00a.m. in the Rectory. We pray and visit the sick locally. We evangelize in counties world-wide. Our mission is to bring the word of God to everyone. If you would like to join please, contact the Rectory@ 323-293-4877.


Monthly Meeting: Tuesday, January 19th

12 noon in the Parish Hall

Family Food: Jan. 11th & 25th

If you can help with Christian Service, please contact Dn. Mark at the Rectory 323.293.4877

Thank you very much!


The High school teenagers of St. Bernadette Catholic Church ages 14-18 are invited to attend Youth Day in Anaheim. It is a day where Catholic youth from all of Los Angeles get together for an awesome day of workshops and worship. Our Teen Catechist will be chaperoning this trip Thursday February 23. Please contact Juanita Hughes or Lori Hicks for more information.


Please join us in studying the Bible and in experiencing the Living Word of God. Where: St. Bernadette Parish Center. When: Wednesday 1/18/17 at 12:00 p.m., Thursday 1/19/17 at 7:00p.m. We hope to see you there!


St. Bernadette Conference Society of St. Vincent de Paul, BUNDLE SUNDAY, Feb. 5th, 2017. Also, we are having our Annual Fundraiser to San Manuel Bingo and Casino on Thursday, Feb. 23rd, 2017.


Please join us after Mass downstairs in the parish hall for fellowship, coffee, and doughnuts hosted this weekend by


8th Emma & Karen Taylor Michael Romo

15th Lectors Ministry

22nd Eucharist Ministers

29th St. Vincent de Paul


5th Religious Ed



26th Pastoral Council

We need ministries and/or parishioners to HELP sponsor doughnuts. Please call the rectory @ 323-293-4877 if you can assist. Thank you for your support!


A review of a young person’s cell phone text messages may provide a parent or caring adult with information such as who your child talks to, where they are going, and what they’re doing. Unfortunately, all of that may be in the past. Today, some new cell phone text messaging services keep cell phone texting activity increasingly private. In order to protect young people, one must stay current and re-connect with ever changing technology. For a copy of the VIRTUS® article “Vanishing, Self-Destructing Texting, and Electronic Communication,” email or call 213-637-7227.