Date: Click here to enter today’s date.

Name: Click here to enter name.

Chapter: Click here to enter name.

E-mail Address: Click here to enter e-mail address, preferably UIowa account.

Cell Phone Number: Click here to enter phone number.

2015 Executive Council Position(s) Applying For, in preferential order:

1.  Choose position(s) you are applying for.

2.  Choose position(s) you are applying for.

3.  Choose position(s) you are applying for.

On a separate sheet, please answer the following questions.

The answers should not exceed three pages in total length.

1.  Explain your goals for each position listed above and how you plan to accomplish them.

2.  Why do you want to be a member of the Panhellenic Council?

3.  Describe any leadership or organizational experiences (i.e., campus activities) that would be assets to the office(s) that you seek.

4.  In your opinion, what are the biggest challenges that the Panhellenic Community faces currently and how would you approach each challenge? Please describe the overall problem and your specific response.

5.  Do you commit to attending all executive board and legislative meetings held every Monday and Wednesday at the IMU 3:30-5:00pm for the duration of your term?

I, click here to enter name, do hereby confirm that the information I have provided in this application is correct and true. Furthermore, I give my permission to make this completed application available to the Panhellenic Legislative Body. I also give my permission that the Center for Student Involvement and Leadership, in conjunction with the Panhellenic Council, may verify my cumulative GPA is above the Panhellenic all women’s average (currently 3.128) minimum requirement needed to run for office per Article II, Section 1 and Article III, Section 6, of the Panhellenic Council Constitution and By-Laws.

Signature: ______(type name here)

Important Additional Information

·  Attach this letter to the front of your completed application.

·  Return applications to Amanda Hart at by Sunday, October 26th at Midnight.

·  Elections will be held on Sunday, November 2nd at 11:00am in the Penn State Room, IMU.

Please arrive to the Ohio State Room, IMU, by 10:30am

·  Elections will run in order of the Panhellenic Council Constitution and By-Laws (see below).

·  Please prepare a short speech for each position for which you are applying.

Speeches must not exceed five minutes in length.

·  Panhellenic chapters will be provided a copy of your application.

·  All applicants are encouraged to wear formal badge attire.

If you have any questions, please contact Amanda Hart, President of the 2014 Executive Council at

Excerpts from the Panhellenic Council of The University of Iowa Constitution and By-Laws



The purpose of the Panhellenic Council shall be to promote the interest of The University of Iowa, develop and maintain fraternity life and Panhellenic relations at a high level of accomplishment and in so doing:

A.  Comply with the rules outlined in The University of Iowa Policies and Regulations Affecting Students and the National Panhellenic Conference Resolutions and Policies.

B.  Consider the goals and ideals of member chapters as continually applicable to campus and personal life, in cooperation with the overall student body.

C.  Promote superior scholarship as a basis for intellectual achievement.

D.  Cooperate with member chapters, the University administration, and faculty in concern for and maintenance of high social moral standards.

E.  Promote all forms of community service and giving to the community, the University, and fellow students.

F.  Act in accordance with National Panhellenic Conference UNANIMOUS AGREEMENTS and policies.

G.  Act in accordance with rules established by Panhellenic Council so as not to violate the sovereignty, rights, and privileges of member chapters.

H.  Uphold the standards and morals common to the founders of all fraternities.

ARTICLE IX: Organization

Section 2: Executive Council

A.  Executive Members Limits of Authority

1.  Each officer of the Executive Council with the exception of Chief Justice and Assistant Vice President for Recruitment has one vote in the Executive Council meeting and no vote during the Legislative Council meeting.

2.  The members of the Panhellenic Council Legislative Council elect each officer and each is bound to serve the overall Panhellenic Community first and their individual chapter second while in office.

3.  Executive Council members cannot vote for their individual chapters if the regular delegate is absent and they cannot be counted as part of quorum for any legislative meetings.

4.  No chapter president will be allowed to serve as an officer of the Panhellenic Council Executive Council at a coinciding time.

B.  General Duties of All Executive Officers

1.  Attend all Panhellenic Council meetings (executive, legislative, roundtables, committees, etc.).

2.  Serve a minimum of 6 office hours per week. All office hours shall be scheduled with the Vice President of Finance and Operations.

3.  Attend meetings with Fraternity/Sorority Advisor, Panhellenic Council, and National Pan-Hellenic counterpart on a consistent and regular basis.

4.  Transition the incoming officer into one’s appropriate position.

5.  Keep an up-to-date file of all activities and duties pertaining to the particular office.

6.  Assist in formal recruitment week.

7.  Work jointly and have an open relationship with the Interfraternity, National Pan-Hellenic Councils and Multicultural Greek Councils.

8.  Attend and participate in conferences as appropriate.

9.  Two absences from Executive Council, Legislative Council, or other meetings as required without an excuse submitted in advance to the President or Vice President of Finance and Operations can result in termination of office.

10.  Maintain a cumulative grade point average above the Panhellenic all women’s average.

11.  Any other breaches of these obligations or other criteria deemed appropriate could result in termination of office by 2/3 vote of the Executive Council or Legislative Council.

Section 3: Officers and Duties

The Executive Council shall consist of those stated in ARTICLE IV of the Constitution and they will decide the policies of the council with the approval of the legislative body.

A.  President

Duties include, but are not limited to, the following:

1.  Facilitate operation and maintain awareness of the Executive and Legislative Councils.

2.  Call and preside at all regular, executive, and special meetings of Panhellenic Council.

3.  Act as a spokesperson for the Executive Council and the Sorority Community.

4.  Serve as an ex-officio member of each committee.

5.  Facilitate regular sorority chapter presidents’ meetings.

6.  Organize Legislative Council and sorority chapter presidents’ meetings, in regards to guest speakers and educational programs.

7.  Maintain positive communications with University officials, and represent member chapters at Student Leadership Meetings with University of Iowa President.

8.  Release information to the President of the University, Vice President for Student Services, Dean of Students and other administrators regarding the efforts of the Fraternity/Sorority Community.

9.  Reside in Iowa City or surrounding area during the summer to coordinate the registration of guests and copying of chapter materials for the formal recruitment process.

10.  Other duties as assigned.

B.  Vice President for Recruitment

Duties include, but are not limited to, the following:

1.  Report to the President.

2.  Perform the duties of the President in her absence, inability to serve, or at her call.

3.  Maintain oversight of any assistant(s).

4.  Plan and facilitate the formal and informal recruitment events for the Panhellenic Council.

5.  Prepare and present a presentation for students during the summer orientation sessions.

6.  Facilitate regular member chapter recruitment chair meetings/roundtables, and coordinate plans of all chapter recruitment chairs.

7.  Organize summer mailings.

8.  Reside in Iowa City or surrounding area during the summer to coordinate the registration of guests for the formal recruitment process.

9.  Serve 20 office hours per week during the summer.

10.  Disseminate current issues to members of the Fraternity and Sorority Community via e-mail, newspaper, flyer, or other method.

11.  With the President, AVP and Advisor, review Campus Total once annually and propose increases/ decreases, as necessary.

12.  Other duties as assigned.

C.  Vice President for Finance and Operations

Duties include, but are not limited to, the following:

1.  Report to the President.

2.  Organize meeting agendas for both the Executive Council and Legislative Council meetings.

3.  Record the minutes and records of the Executive and Legislative Council meetings and distribute them to the appropriate recipients.

4.  Create and maintain a comprehensive events calendar.

5.  Be responsible for all the finances of Panhellenic Council.

6.  Prepare a budget that is approved by Fraternity Business Services, the Fraternity/Sorority Advisor and Legislative Council.

7.  Review budget monthly.

8.  Receive all payments, collect all chapter dues and assessments, pay all bills promptly, and give receipts.

9.  Collect and review all chapter budgets for fall formal recruitment.

10.  Inform officers as to the status of their budgets on a monthly basis.

11.  Meet monthly with a representative of Fraternity Business Services.

12.  Serve on a supplemental funding program committee, alternating committees with Interfraternity Council Vice President of Finance and Operations.

13.  Responsible for the annual review and revision of the Panhellenic Constitution and By-Laws.

14.  Receive and present any requests for changes or amendments to the Constitution and/or By-Laws of the Panhellenic Council.

15.  Coordinate and facilitate Panhellenic Council Executive Council elections and officer installation.

16.  Compile end of semester council report.

17.  Other duties as assigned.

D.  Vice President for Risk Reduction and Management

Duties include, but are not limited to the following:

1.  Report to the President.

2.  Facilitate risk management programming for the sorority community, which includes holding risk management/alcohol policy roundtables for all social chairs and risk managers.

3.  Educate chapters, social chairmen, and risk managers on risk management in the sorority community.

4.  Coordinate a risk management retreat to be held each semester in which chapter presidents, risk managers, and social chairmen are present.

5.  Send weekly social memorandum reports to advisor.

6.  Hold educational programs/meetings each semester with local bar and tavern owners about PHC policies as they relate to alcohol.

7.  Assist in the coordination of the ASTP (Alcohol Skills Training Program) for new members each semester.

8.  Assist in any programming that relates to alcohol or hazing education for the community.

9.  Apply for the AFLV Risk Reduction and Management award.

10.  Coordinating the social registration forms and securing and organizing proof of insurance and liquor licenses for bars in Iowa City.

11.  Other duties as assigned.

E.  Vice President for Leadership and Education

Duties include, but are not limited to, the following:

1.  Report to the President.

2.  Hold regular meetings with chapter new member educators.

3.  Develop programs and provide opportunities for leadership development within the Panhellenic Council.

4.  Apply for the AFLV Leadership & Educational Development Award.

5.  Administer the new membership experience:

a.  Facilitate roundtables on pertinent issues of the Fraternity and Sorority Community.

b.  Oversee the selection and development of the New Member Executive Board.

c.  Relay information from the National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) pertaining to new member education to chapters.

d.  Send a letter to new member parents following formal and informal recruitment.

6.  Coordinate and/or seek co-sponsorship for educational programs each semester to be presented to the Fraternity/Sorority, University and Iowa City/Coralville communities.

7.  Research speakers and educational programs on various topics for members of the Fraternity and Sorority Community.

8.  Other duties as assigned.

F.  Vice President for Public Relations and Marketing

Duties include, but are not limited to, the following:

1.  Report to the President.

2.  Continue work toward a better, more accurate portrayal of the Panhellenic Community through innovative marketing strategies.

3.  Disseminate relevant public relations topics to the Panhellenic Community via Panhellenic legislative meetings, e-mail, newspaper advertisement, flyer and/or other methods.

4.  Update Panhellenic website weekly during fall formal recruitment and academic year.

5.  Assist the Vice President of Recruitment in order to:

a.  Direct and facilitate the advertisement of fall formal recruitment.

b.  Develop all marketing materials for fall formal recruitment. When appropriate, coordinate recruitment materials and efforts with the Public Relations executive of IFC and NPHC.

6.  Assist chapters with public relations campaigns by holding frequent meetings with chapter public relations representatives.

7.  Other reasonable duties as assigned.

G.  Vice President for Philanthropy and Community Service

Duties include, but are not limited to, the following:

1.  Report to the President.

2.  Meet regularly with chapter philanthropy representatives in order to:

a.  Register chapter philanthropy events and announce deadlines for registration.

b.  Discuss chapter philanthropy rules and regulations and announce deadlines for documentation.

c.  Assist in the organization and execution of philanthropy events.

d.  Review post-event evaluations to gauge effectiveness and profitability of the events.

e.  Raise awareness for chapter events with the assistance of the Vice President for Public Relations and Marketing.

f.  Gather and maintain records of proof of donation from individual chapter philanthropy events.

3.  Meet regularly with chapter community service representatives in order to:

a.  Assist in the education of chapter representatives for upcoming community service opportunities.

b.  Assist in the implementation of overall community service programs.

c.  Discuss chapter community service requirements and announce deadlines for documentation.

4.  Educate chapter representatives on the difference between and the importance of philanthropy and community service.

5.  Work with the Panhellenic Vice President of Public Relations and Marketing at the end of each semester to create a report of community-wide service involvement and philanthropy money raised. Distribute this report to all Fraternity and Sorority chapters on campus, local service organizations, University personnel, local newspapers/media, and others.

6.  Work with the Interfraternity Council Vice President of Philanthropy and Community Service to plan an annual community-wide community service event/program OR maintain and organize the Greek Reach program.