Daily Teaching and Learning Plan
Teacher: / JNL / Subject / MFL Polish / Date: / Period:
Class: 7x / NOR: / M: / f: / Visual / Audio / Kin
Context and link with previous lesson:
Lesson 3: Pupils have learnt greetings, numbers & the alphabet
Learning Objectives:
Learners will learn how to pronounce/recognise 15 food items.
Learners will be able to say what they like/don’t like
· An objective is what the teacher intends students to learn – including skills/behaviour/how the learning is to take place.
· Objectives are statements of what skills/knowledge students are to learn/develop, not activities they will do.
Intended Learning outcomes: By the end of the lesson students in the categories below will be able to …………
All: Learners will be able to say what they like/dislike
Most: Learners will be able to recognise at least 5/7 simple food items common greetings
Some: Learners will be able to design a poster giving likes/dislikes
· Learning outcomes demonstrate how students have met the objective – outcomes must be measurable.
NC Level (if appropriate): Level 1 & 2 –“I can say simple/short words/phrases
SEN/G&T (initials):
Intervention students (initials):
Classroom design:
PLTS / ü / Every Child Matters / ü / N.C/Specification links:
Team Working Skills / ü / Be healthy / · Yr 7 Level 1 & 2 Speaking/Writing
Independent inquiry skills / Stay safe
Self management skills / Enjoy and achieve / ü / APP/Functional Skills links:
Reflective learning skills / ü / Positive Contribution / ü / ·
Effective Participation skills / ü / Economic well being
Creative thinking skills / ü
Key words:
Timing / Activity / TA Planning/delivery & Resources / Assessment method
3mins / Starter
Recap on classroom rules and routine
Numbers bingo- pupils note numbers on grid / JNL/KK to supervise
JNL to start intro / Peer marking/review
mins / Activity 1
Intro 15 simple items of food/drink on IWB presentation
Will be able to pronounce the phrases
Will be able to memorise the phrases without looking/reading
Will able to use the IWB to perform the drag & drop game activity using www.digital.dialects.com/Polish Food file / Yr 10/11 pupils lead activity
Listen & repeat
Practice pronunciation as group activity
Use phonetic spelling to aid pronunciation
IWB – Volunteers come up to the board & match food to words on screen.
Time game-who’s fastest?! / Peer marking/review
2mins / Mini Plenary/objective & outcome review
What was easy to remember? What was hard?
How many foods can you say?
Choose someone in the class & dare them to remember all / Q&A class
mins / Activity 2
Intro: Phrases to say what you like/don’t like
Ja lubie (ya lubieh)=I like
Ja nie lubie (ya nyeh lubyeh)=I don’t like
Pupil pair work: Pupils have to say which food/drink they like then note what partner likes/don’t like
Will be able to describe their 5 top likes/dislikes to a partner
Will be able to say how what they think of all items
Will be able to complete worksheet on jumbled up food / Yr 10/11 pupils
Intro phrases & model
Listen & repeat
Yr 10 pupils model the conversation
Choose JNL/KK or a pair of pupils to come up & model it
Worksheet Food & Drink / 1 to 1
3mins / Mini Plenary/objective & outcome review
Choose 2 pairs to model role-play in front of class
15mins / Activity 3
Create power point presentation on Food/drink using items learnt & give likes/dislikes Or create own word search using these new words
Will be able to create a simple presentation listing all 15 items –in Polish/English
Will be able to present their top likes/dislikes in Polish/English- find other items using Polish/English dictionary online.
Will be able to complete a word search on food / drink / Yr10 lead/monitor progress around the room
Display work around Dept. / 1 to 1
Self evaluation
5mins / Main Plenary
Recap on today’s lesson & discuss what pupil’s have thought of Polish experience.
Q&A on what they enjoyed learning etc / Congratulate Yr10/11 on their performance & help
Homework, extension tasks of further study
(Pupils take worksheet with food/drink to finish at home)
Teacher lesson Evaluation
Evaluation of teaching / Feedback to Yr10/11 pupils- what did they think they had achieved- / Grade
Evaluation of learning / Grade
3 key strengths / 3 areas for development / Student feedback
3. / 1.
3. / 1.
Daily Teaching and Learning Plan