MyU 4


Instructor Expectations 4

Benefits 5

Emergencies 5

External Broadcasts 5

Medical 5

Weather 5

Motorist Assistance Program 5

Payroll 5

Basics in DHA 6

Office Assignments 6

Keys 6

Card Access 6

Mail 6

Email 6

Emailing Students 6

Office Phone 6

Mailbox 6

Mail – Outgoing & Delivery 7

Office Hours 7

Department Hours 7

Your Office Hours 7

Communication and Resource Information 7

Photocopying and Printing 7

Supervisor 8

Supplies 8

Purchasing 8

Use of DHA Lounge, Water and Coffee Clubs 9

Facilities 9

Building Access 9

Classroom Maintenance 9

WiFi Network Access 9

Computer Classrooms 10

Lab and Studio Safety 10

Room and Equipment Scheduling 10

Course Information 11

Syllabi Requirements 11

Textbooks 11

Course Controls and Permission Numbers 11

Course Prerequisite 12

Course Withdrawals 12

Grade and Coursework Retention 12

Data Security 13

Using Moodle for Course Management 14

Guest Lecturers 14

Course Evaluations 14

Course Fees 14

Final Exam Schedule 14

Grades 15

Grading Student Exams 15

Student Absence from Class 15

Grade Disputes 15

Grade Entry 15

Incomplete Grades 15

In-Progress Grade Alerts 16

Instructional Information 16

Academic Resources 16

Additional Instructional Resources 16

Library Reserve 16

DHA Library 16

UM Digital Media Center (DMC) 16

Center for Education and Innovation 17

Classroom Management Information 17

Undergraduate Program Directors 17

Students 17

Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) 17

Advising 17

Disability Services 18

Emailing Students 18

Student Conduct 18

Student Photos 19

Student Work 19

Displaying Student Work 19


The staff in DHA is poised and ready to assist you with preparations for a successful semester.

Julie Hillman serves as your primary contact for questions related to your employment, assistantship, course scheduling questions, and other issues and concerns. Questions concerning classroom management and course content should be directed to the lead instructor or program director.

Kathy Guiney can assist you with special event planning such as student shows, scheduling annual review appointments with the department head, university travel and conference registrations, your faculty expertise website, and conference room requests.

Amber DeVries can assist you with course schedule questions, room assignments, class permission numbers, and internships.

Sue Finnegan can assist you with class supply requests, photocopying needs, parking coupons for guest speakers, field trip buses, textbook orders, equipment check out and general office supply requests.

Each course in DHA has an instructor (you) and a lead instructor (full-time faculty member). The lead instructor serves as the first point of contact for instructors regarding questions about course content, student learning outcomes, class permission numbers, and classroom management, etc.

We want your teaching experience to be enjoyable, so please let us know how we can assist you!


The University has a single sign-on portal for the University community to access email and all other resources related to their business as an employee or student. Please go to myu.umn.edu. You will need to sign in to access your site.

On your MyU portal, you will find tabs on the left side for all of your information (teaching, student account access, your pay, your personal information, etc.). This is the gateway access to all systems you need as an employee and/or student.


Instructor Expectations

Instructors are expected to be prepared and in attendance at each scheduled class meeting. If you are ill or have an emergency and are unable to teach, call the Service Desk at 612-624-9700 so that they can post a sign in your classroom. If possible, please email your students as early as possible. Provide them with direction on assignments until the next class meeting. Also, if you have scheduled your class to meet at a different location, to go on a field trip, or if you have a guest speaker or critique review, please let the Service Desk know so that they can inform students and guests if necessary.

If you are traveling and need to miss class, please complete the required travel form and indicate how the class will be covered in your absence i.e. substitute, out of class assignment. Work days still require the instructor to be present and available for students during the scheduled class time.

Canceling class without reason is a breach of our required contact hours with our students.


Part-time appointments below 75% time do not carry medical or retirement benefits. For information on other benefits available to all university employees, go to Employee Benefits



External Broadcasts

In the event of an emergency during regular office hours, the McNeal communication team will check classrooms and offices to notify people of the situation. Information is also available on the University web site, or by text messaging via TextU, which is especially helpful for classes that meet after the office has closed.

As a part of the University community, you will receive Text U messages during an emergency if your cell phone is listed in the system. To add your cell phone number you may go to your MyU page and click on your My Info tab. There is a link at the bottom of the page.

The University also broadcasts emergency messages through the public address system, which can usually only be heard when you are outdoors.


On rare occasions, an emergency may occur during class. Please make note of the nearest phone to your assigned classroom (cell phones do not always function in some areas of the building), and give the address of McNeal Hall, 1985 Buford Avenue. In case of an emergency, call 911 first and then contact someone in 240 McNeal (if during regular office hours) to notify them that you placed the call and a staff person will provide support until emergency personnel arrive. If it is after hours, ask a student to go to the atrium to meet the emergency personnel and direct them to your classroom. (Sometimes emergency personnel enter via the northwest entrance on the second floor and not the atrium.)


Signs are posted in each classroom and meeting room to identify safe locations in the event of a tornado or severe weather. If there is a siren or emergency broadcast message on the public address system, or you receive a TextU message, go to the nearest location indicated or follow the broadcast directions. Emergency information is available on the University’s main page web site (www.umn.edu) during an emergency. Seldom does the University cancel classes due to the weather. Information will be available through the media if this occurs.

Motorist Assistance Program

The Motorist Assistance Program is a FREE program designed to help Twin Cities Parking and Transportation Services customers who are legally parked in any University parking facility. This includes meters, surface lots, ramps, garages, loading zones, and vendor stalls. After calling the hotline, 612-626-PARK (7275), individuals will receive assistance with unlocking their vehicle when the keys are locked inside, changing a flat tire, jumpstarting a vehicle, and can be given referrals upon request to a service station when the problem is beyond the scope of their staff. Hours of operation are Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. Service is not available on weekends or on official University holidays.


Paydays are every other Wednesday—pay dates are posted in the mailroom. If you have questions regarding your pay, please contact Nancy Galas at . All employees are paid via direct deposit, with pay statements available only through the Web. You can view your online pay statement on your MyU page under My Pay.

Basics in DHA

Office Assignments

Office assignments are subject to change each year. Each part-time instructor and graduate student with an appointment in DHA will be assigned a hotel-style office. Shared computers are available in each office. There are no assigned desks and the space should be shared fairly. Part time instructors and graduate students with teaching appointments may reserve a personal locker located in room 366 (first come, first served). Research assistants may reserve a locker as space permits. Reserve the locker through the DHA Service Desk. You provide your own lock.


Office keys are issued by the DHA Service Desk and requires a $20 deposit. You will receive your $20 deposit back when all keys are returned; you may be charged for the cost of a lock change due to a lost key. You are expected to use keys responsibly. Keys are issued for the duration of your appointment and must be turned in at the end of the semester or academic year.

Card Access

The main office (240 McNeal), room 346, and all other DHA classroom studios are card access only. The department will automatically program your U Card for access to the office and to the McNeal Hall building for access outside of public hours. If you are teaching in a classroom studio, both you and your registered students will be granted access via U Card. This will allow students to work on projects outside of scheduled class time. Make sure you carry your card with you at all times. There is nobody available after business hours to open up a door.



A University Google email account is established for all employees and it is the official means of communication. Employees are required to use Google email and it should be the only email address on your syllabus. Email is the official form of communication between faculty, students and administration, so you are expected to check your email regularly. Check your email before each class, as students are likely to contact you in this manner. Email may be accessed via your MyU page and click on the email icon. Contact Julie Hillman for assistance with your email.

Emailing Students

When emailing more than one student at a time, the University requires that you use the “Bcc” field for entering email addresses to protect student identity information. You are required to keep student email addresses hidden from others.

Office Phone

Some office spaces still have landlines. Since email is the official form of communication, not all offices will have phones. The department no longer provides voice mailboxes. Please communicate with students via email.


You have a mailbox in 240 McNeal Hall. Please check it regularly and especially before each class.

Mail – Outgoing & Delivery

Items to be mailed via campus mail or USPS should be placed in the appropriately marked box in the mailroom in 240 McNeal. Campus mail is delivered and sent out each morning. USPS mail is delivered and sent out about 9:45 a.m. It must have postage on it in order to be mailed. Staff sorts the mail and places it in the DHA mailboxes by 2:00 p.m. For help in sending items UPS or FedEx, contact Sue Finnegan.

To send materials for official UM business via USPS mail, place the envelope in the designated bin on the end of the DHA Service Desk and fill out the postage slip and attach it to the envelope. The postage is charged to the appropriate grant or budget account. We do not sell postage stamps for personal mail, but stamps may be purchased at the St. Paul Student Center post office.

Office Hours

Department Hours

The DHA Service Desk is open from 7:45 AM - Noon and 1:00-4:30 PM, Monday-Friday. You are welcome to use the photocopier, mailroom, kitchen area, etc., outside of those times, but remember to bring your U Card so you can get into the office.

Your Office Hours

Instructional staff is required to hold office hours. Typically an hour or two before or after class, once or twice a week is sufficient. The DHA Service Desk should receive your office hours by the end of the first week of class. The DHA Service Desk refers students to your office hours, so you are expected to be available in your office for drop-in students during those hours.

Communication and Resource Information

Submit news items about yourself or your students to Trevor Miller () for inclusion in the College’s Design News. Please copy Missy Bye () and Kathy Guiney () on this email. Send items/photos to Kathy Guiney for inclusion on the department digital display.

Web site resources that you may need most often are:

myu.umn.edu Personal MyU Portal

www.design.umn.edu College of Design Web Address

dha.design.umn.edu Department Web Address (DHA Intranet)

apparel.design.umn.edu Apparel Design Program

graphic.design.umn.edu Graphic Design Program

interior.design.umn.edu Interior Design Program

housing.design.umn.edu Housing Studies Program

product.design.umn.edu Product Design Program

retail.design.umn.edu Retail Merchandising Program

Photocopying and Printing

The department photocopier is located in the mailroom in 240 McNeal. If you have a teaching related appointment, you will be issued a photocopy number for photocopying classroom materials. Please limit your use of the DHA photocopier to syllabus, tests, and materials that are necessary for students to complete the course. We encourage instructors to use Moodle for course management, grade book, handouts, etc. See Sue Finnegan for more information.

Personal photocopying is discouraged, but in the event you need to make an occasional copy, it is on the honor system at $.05/copy. Envelopes for payment are in 240 McNeal; indicate your name, number of copies, and cash (no checks accepted) and place the envelope in Sue Finnegan’s mailbox. Payment is due at the time of photocopying. The copier or any departmental printers should never be used for duplicating personal thesis or dissertation or other personal papers or projects.

Copyrighted materials should not be photocopied in DHA for distribution to students. Copyright permission applies to electronic copies and Moodle. Links to library resources do not create copyright concerns. However, PDFs of copyrighted materials and using the same material for multiple years does cause concern. This material may be better distributed via a course packet. The Copyright Permissions Center, www.copyright.umn.edu, will work with you to receive copyright permission and make the course packet available for purchase by students through the St. Paul Campus Bookstore. Check with Copies on Campus (612-625-4771) to determine adequate timelines.

Printers are networked to an office computer and should be used for materials you need to instruct your class. If you need to make color prints, send your file to Sue Finnegan (). Personal printing is discouraged. In the event you need to occasionally print, the charge for color printouts is $.20/sheet. Payment is due at the time of printing. Black and white computer printing is on the honor system at $.10/sheet. Envelopes for payment are near the printers in 240 McNeal; indicate your name, number of copies, and cash (no checks accepted.) Place the envelope in Sue Finnegan’s mailbox. This applies to any personal printing done in shared offices as well.


If you are a graduate student (teaching assistant or graduate instructor), your direct supervisor is the lead instructor for the class you are teaching. If you are a teaching specialist or lecturer, your supervisor is Missy Bye, the department head; however, it is important to maintain close contact with the lead instructor for the class you are teaching and the program director. Each year, graduate students are expected to meet with their direct supervisor in January for a performance evaluation. Teaching specialists and lecturers should make an appointment with Missy Bye to review their work in late fall (if teaching only fall semester) or in April (if teaching both semesters.) Appointments are scheduled through Kathy Guiney.