Minutes of the DASP Curriculum Development group ICT meeting

Thursday 27th September 2012 at The Prince of Wales First School at 1pm

1. Present.

Rob Wicks - St Mary’s Puddletown Middle
Alison Halsey -Winterbourne Valley
Gary Spracklen - Prince of Wales First
Bev Dukes - Prince of Wales First
Bob Duffin - Cheselbourne Village
Paul Hicken - DASP ICT
Richard Scott - Thomas Hardye School
Julie Thorp - Frome Valley First
Graham Otter - St Osmund’s Middle
Lisa Thornicroft - Charminster First
Nancy Sewed – Sunninghill
Lynne Walker - Manor Park First
Penny Ettling - DMS
Audrey Andrews - Milborne First

Simon Oxlee - Broadmayne First.

Tom Davidson - Puddletown First

Paula McDonell - St Marys RC First
Tim Oram - Damers First


Joel Higgins - Piddle Valley First
Ali Webb -St Marys Puddletown Middle
David Vann - Cerne Abbas First

Bob welcomed new and stand in colleagues to the group – Nancy Sewed, Simon Oxlee, Tom Davidson and Tim Oram and thanked Gary Spracklen for all his contributions to the DASP ICT group, wishing him well in his new career move.

2. Technical update from Paul Hicken (included in item 12)

3. FROG update – survey of which schools would use (depending on price)

There was much discussion and information sharing on the potential uses of FROG as a Virtual Learning Environment. Thomas Hardye and all the Middle schools and Sunninghill have now bought FROG. Colleagues pointed out that there are other ‘cloud based’ and sometimes free, environments available though these are not secure and would not allow for data and secure info to be uploaded. (example is Office 365) Colleagues noted that having a single VLE across DASP would be beneficial but some noted not essential. Some concerns were raised as to who would populate and manage the new VLE in individual schools. It was noted that other pyramids had VLEs which were used routinely by children and students and that DASP might be falling behind. Five First Schools currently have a VLE. In conclusion the group felt that the discussion would need to go on.

The ICT group agrees broadly with the principle of a DASP wide VLE. However, members have a concern over the cost of a VLE and the time it will take to manage. Further they question how much impact it would have on raising attainment.

4. Broadband changeover experiences. The Heads’ group asked for a survey to be carried out relating to the experiences of individual schools during the migration to KCOM as broadband supplier. The following schools had broadband failures of varying levels and where there was no internet. Cerne Abbas, Charminster, Broadmayne, St Mary’s Middle, Cheselbourne and Piddle Valley. Cheselbourne is pursuing KCOM for compensation through IT services and if successful this might act as a test case for other schools.

6. ICT Curriculum changes - discussion

The CDG steering group asked the ICT group to discuss changes to ICT teaching in light of Government changes to the curriculum. There is now some uncertainty over what the new curriculum will look like and when it will be in place. Colleagues noted that there was a need to move towards more IT Science based teaching and learning with less of an emphasis on the secretarial skills associated with MS Office type programs. There was discussion and sharing of programs and ideas for teaching. It was decided that it would be useful for a directory of programs to be compiled by this group with ideas and ways to teach ICT and other subjects. These to be emailed please to Bob ( ) before the next meeting in January 13.

7. ICT Y4 Handover discussion.

Bob described the rationale for the work completed by a working group in the Summer term 2012 and the need for the middle schools to receive handover data from first schools. The group (comprising colleagues from first and middle phases) identified spreadsheets as an area requiring some ‘catch up’ at middle schools. It was noted that the timing of the suggested handover activity and extra assessment was not good. The group looked at the excel document and colleagues agreed that it was straightforward to use and in the past Y4 ICT data was handed on to the middles. The Excel sheet is already on ICT page should colleagues wish to look at it.

Action Bob to ask at the next Assessment group meeting whether it is appropriate for this data to be handed on from first to middle schools.

8. Useful websites, programs and offers of redundant equipment.

As Item 6 above, useful programs to be sent to Bob for inclusion in a directory of programs. Colleagues verbally shared any redundant equipment with the group. It is suggested that schools make contact with the doner school to take (on long term loan) equipment. A letter with text similar to this below can be used for the doner school to file in their inventory.

This letter is to acknowledge that xxxxx School as a member of DASP has borrowed on long term loan PC equipment belonging to xxxxx School.

We agree that the equipment is loaned on the understanding that it will be returned at any time should xxxx require its return.

We understand that it is xxxxx responsibility to fully licence the operating system and all software and to ensure that the equipment is looked after, protected from theft and damage and remains on the school site. Should the equipment fail then it will be returned to xxxx school but will not incur any charges.

9. Demo of ipads – Gary

A very informative and interesting demonstration by Gary of the ipad 2s recently purchased and used at POW. The blue cases are called Big Grip. Bob to contact Iain Cowper to ask for some ipad training at a DASP ICT meeting in the future.

10. AOB

Gary reminded us of the requirements for info on school websites from 1st Sep 12 The details on what legally has to be on all school websites from September 2012 can be found at:

http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2012/1124/made or


Gary’s new work email address for people who would like is: - anyone interested in joining a Raspberry Pi network should email him on this new email address. For some good information on the Raspberry Pi, you check out - http://www.raspberrypi.org/


He is hoping to work with: http://djangopi.com/ on a project.

Paul noted that at Lenovo HQ in Poole on Thu 25th Oct 12 there is a Windows 8 launch and all DASP ICT have been invited. Please send email to Bob or Paul and an email invitation will be provided.

Lynne asked whether there needs to be any more updates or strengthening of the schools ICT policies in light of recent OSTED changes. Colleagues including Richards and Bob asserted that the DASP policies on esafety and Social Networking were already based on SWGfL policies and were still ‘watertight’ if they are applied correctly and adhered to.

Bob asked how easy it was to move email to Office 365. Apparently schools just need to contact SWGfL to do this.

11. Next meeting

Thursday 24th January 2013 at 1600 at St Mary’s Roman Catholic First School.

12. Meeting split.

Middle school colleagues met.

First school colleagues met. Input from Paul on technical aspects of networks and especially Ranger.

Please ensure that you complete the DASP invoice sheet and post this to Joy Ray at St Osmunds to claim half a days’ supply costs.

Minutes by BD