Curriculum Vitae

[Please limit your CV within four pages]

1.  Position Applied for: Regional Coordinator

2.  Name of Applicant [Insert full name]: ______

3.  Duty Station applied for

(Itahari only / Kohalpur only / Any one of them): ______

4.  Caste/ Ethnicity

5.  Permanent Address (Home District): ______

6.  Temporary Address: ______

7.  Age: ______

8.  Sex:

9.  Mobile No: ______

10.  Telephone No. ______

11.  E-mail address: ______

12.  Education

Academic Qualification: (Recent -Only Three)

Degree / Passed Year / Institute / Area of Specialization

13.  Membership in Professional Associations (if any) ______


14.  Relevant Training (s) [Please indicate significant relevant trainings obtained]: ______

15.  Employment Record [Starting with present position, list in reverse order every employment held by an applicant, in the format given below:

SN / Position / Employer / Period / Number of years of Experience
16.  Major role of the Regional coordinator :
Programme Development and Implementation
Management of the regional programme implementation
Monitoring and knowledge management
Coordination, collaboration and networking
Research and Study / 17.  Work experience that Illustrates Capability to perform roles of Regional Coordinator of ENSSURE (Please provide information that best illustrate the applicant’s capability/experience to perform tasks listed in line 10.]
1)Name of the Project and Employer: ______
Year (from – to):
Location: ______
Main project features: ______
Positions held: ______
Activities performed (by the applicant under this project):
2)Name of the Project and Employer: ______
Year (from – to):
Location: ______
Main project features: ______
Positions held: ______
Activities performed (by the applicant under this project):
3)Name of the Project and Employer: ______
Year (from – to):
Location: ______
Main project features: ______
Positions held: ______
Activities performed (by the applicant under this project):
4)Name of the Project and Employer: ______
Year (from – to):
Location: ______
Main project features: ______
Positions held: ______
Activities performed (by the applicant under this project):
5)Name of the Project and Employer: ______
Year (from – to):
Location: ______
Main project features: ______
Positions held: ______
Activities performed (by the applicant under this project):
18.  12. / Referees detail
1.  Name: (current employer/supervisor)
Email address:
Phone no:
2.  Name (line manager)
Email address:
Phone no:
19.  13. / Declaration:

I understand that any willful misstatement may lead to disqualification or dismissal of this application.

______Date: ______

[Signature] Day/Month/Year