OCTOBER 22, 2009

Curriculum Members:

ASCC Student / X / Bellas, Monica / X / Bettino M.L. / X / Farmer, Bill / Cameron Rich / X
Chambers, Pam / X / Clemans, Susanna / X / Edwards, Carrie / X / Fobi,
Charlene / Holmes, Judi / X
Leon, Ruben / X / Hoppe-Nagao, Angela / Malkin, Hal
(sub for HO) / X / Matsuura, Ken / X / Mitchell, Val / X
Stephanie / X / Sharp, Mageya / X
Balmages, Mary / Morgan, Vykki / Senf, Jan
Senf, Joy
Ukita, Traci proxy for Hoppe-Nagao, Angela
New / Modify / Inactive / Deletion / DE / GE / Content Review / Approved / Tabled
I. Approval of
Minutes: Oct 8,
2009 /
Rich welcomed Archy to our meeting as the new Student rep
M/S/P Leon/Holmes (10 –yes; 0 – no; 2 – abstentions) to approve the minutes of Oct. 8 with the following clarification:
On JOUR 107 we need to add in the distance education form that we changes the answer on question 9 to the standard accessibility answer.
Rich: We are going to get started with the CRCC courses. However, before we get started I need to make sure where we are with them. I want to apologize to the Business Division, the CRCC folks, and committee members here. We sent out a set of outlines online on Friday, and then yesterday we sent changes to them. I want to apologize for that; unfortunately with our changes yesterday we still have problems, and so what we will be putting up on the screen today is brand new. I mean it’s been updated again. We’re trying to correct all these (procedural) problems. You may find additional problems with the outlines. I met with the CRCC folks yesterday to see what we should do because of the number of changes that were being made, and I wanted you to have the opportunity to see them. We talked about the possibility of tabling this stuff to the next meeting. However, it creates too many problems for the department if we do that; there is a time issue involved. So we need to try and act on this stuff now. After today we are going to look again at the pros and cons of what procedures we’ve got in place and see what we do about this in the future. But for now we want to do what we can to address these courses.
M/S Holmes/Sharp to approve CRCC 119 AEF.
Can you explain what we are doing here today?
Vykki: We have a couple of courses like this one that are included. We have several new courses for our captioning grant. So the reason we were in a hurry to get things in place is because out captioning grant is funded right now through August of 2010. We can only run the classes in the spring semester. That is why we are trying to get the classes and certificate through.
Rich: The certificate is an issue that we will deal with when we get to it. But again one reason why we can’t postpone this is because after we approve it they have to go off campus to area deans to get approval at least 2 more times than it needs to go to the board for approval then into our online catalog. So that it can be offered for the spring. If we wait until our next meeting then we run out of time.
Ruben: This is for spring 2010?
Rich: Spring 2010, yes!
Ruben: Then all these should not have been corrected to fall 2010.
Vykki: The ones that weren’t urgent were made for fall 2010, CRCC 119AEF, CRCC 119BCD, and then two more CRCC 137A, and CRCC 137B these were made fall 2010 because those aren’t urgent. So we are just trying to push the urgent ones through.
I just wanted to ask… I know back at the division Joy was really busy trying to make a final outline of everything kind of the way we used to do it, where the division would take care of all the changes. I don’t know if that is (the outlines) we are looking at today.
Rich: On the screen today is what was submitted to Pam this morning.
Vykki: Okay, that that would be consistent good! Joy’s on her way.
Stephanie: If these are going to be offered for spring 2010 they need to be published in the class schedule 30 days prior to the start of enrollment. We cannot collect apportionment on a course that is not advertised in the class schedule which is different than the catalog. They have to be out there at least 30 days and we start enrollment on Nov 19th for spring 2010.
Stephanie: We are going to be short on time. We don’t know how this takes. These will have to move into the second 9-week classes or something because you have to advertise courses to the general population because we are an open enrollment campus. One of the definitions is making this information available not just in the catalog but also the class schedule 30 days before the class is offered. So we start enrollment and they’re not there so we do not make them open to the public. That is one of the reasons why everything that goes into the class schedule or do we just not collect apportionment for these students. This is another option that I can’t make the decision on. The paper one has already been printed and If we don’t get them in the class schedule soon (it will be a problem).
Vykki: Right, this is funded by the grant for the teachers are funded by the grant.
Stephanie: If the institution doesn’t care about apportionment, we are good to go. If there is any kind of grading or positive attendance or anything that went along with that, then the institution will care. We will have to exclude these from apportionment.
Rich: That is valuable information. It is really not a curriculum committee issue. I do appreciate you bring that up so that we understand what is going on. That is an issue the Academic Affairs Office is going to have to work out with the division. But that is really go to know in light of Ruben’s question.
We have a motion on the floor let start looking at some of the corrections that we have for this point. I am going to rely very heavily on the division to help us out with this as well. Make sure all the corrections have been made. Anyone else may jump in at this point.
Carrie: I have a question why this became AEF instead of staying ABC?
Vykki: It was following (a class sequence) of A, E, and F (of similar classes) that we have combined and taught together and in our division. We were asked not to combine classes anymore. This was our relative suggestion.
M.L.: I have a general question I need clarity on. These classes have a lab and I guess my question is: “What happens in the lab as opposed in the lecture part of the class.”
Vykki: We put that in there.
Rich: If you look under course content.
M.L.: I would like an explanation, that is why I handed out this handout (see attached). I want to make sure we are all okay on the meaning of lab, and what’s on the meaning of lab, and what’s going on in the lab. So could you explain what happens? The difference between the two.
Vykki: That when they are doing their work with supervision, or assistance connecting the writer, and working on things; they get the teacher’s assistance.
M.L.: Okay so there is an instructor in the lab?
Vykki: Yes, this is the class hours. All of our classes in court reporting since I have been here have always been lecture/lab. The majority of the class being lab I don’t exactly why it is that way. So I kind of built it on the same thing. Yeah, that is part of the class.
M.L.: Okay we can get to that later when we talk about distance education. There is not a double dipping issue of apportionment or students are enrolled in the lab class they are in there with the instructor.
Vykki: These don’t have a co-requisite lab we do have a Court Reporting lab but these don’t have the co-requisite lab.
M.L.: There is instruction going on. Or is it just practice?
Vykki: Instruction is going on.
Rich (after extended discussion on a couple of content items): I am going to suggest something here or we will be here all night. Will the committee under this particular set of circumstances give the department, Pam and I the authority to go over the minor details, and make sure all the changes go made?
Ruben: That is setting a mighty precedence.
Rich: I know.
Mageya: Then again Ruben we will be here all night. A lot of these don’t reflect what Joy sent in. So we are looking and okaying these and they are not the correct ones.
Ruben: That still doesn’t cut it with me. In the past if we needed more time we would meet at another time, not delegate thing for change substantial or not to one person or one set of people. I don’t know if I am conferrable voting on something that say go ahead you guys and fix it type thing. If we have to meet on Fridays we meet on Fridays.
Joy: Is there a way to pull up the ones I set M.L. last night, and this morning?
Rich: What we have online are the ones that were corrected today. Those are the only ones that are online right now.
Joy: They are not corrected that’s the problem.
Rich: We do have the option to postpone this to next Thursday (because it is the fifth Thursday of the month and no other Tech Review or Curriculum meeting is schedule). They are short on time that is better than postponing it two or three weeks (for our next regular meeting).
Monica: I was going to say if we could come back on Thursday and do tech review after?
Rich: We have so little to do with tech review that is not going to be a big issue.
Monica: I am with Ruben on this one. I would like to see the final corrected copies, and go back through those instead of setting here and paging through them because it’s going to take hours.
Pam: Look how long it took up the first time!
Hal: How many classes are involved in this must have list?
Rich: Many of them. The one we are looking at is not the must have. There are many of them.
Hal: Even the must haves are too many to play with. I would be willing to come back at the earliest possible time. As Stephanie pointed we are already late and so we have to work every quickly on this.
Traci: If there are only 7 must haves is it possible to go through those today. M.L. could pull up his documents he was sent.
Rich: I am very uncomfortable with (with delaying action) because the department worked very hard and it was our new procedures have gotten in the way somehow.
Ruben: Our new procedures got in the way?
Rich: Yes, changes that were made at tech review did not all make it to the stuff we sent out the other day.
Hal: That is a separate discussion let’s work with what we have. We have a situation where we have to get these addressed.
Ruben: The discussion was clearly for me and I am not willing to put that aside. I need to be an informed voter for my division.
Rich: I appreciate that.
Mageya: Could we make a motion as Traci said to cover at least the 7 courses?
Rich: Let’s lay out the options here. We can take the courses that have to be done. We can put them up here (on the screen), but again it’s not going to relieve Ruben’s concerns if he has not seen these before or is seeing it for the first time.
Ruben: My concern isn’t even those concerns. It is that policy seems to be changed in terms of on how we do business, which could have a huge ramification in how people may submit things in the future to use in order to get them through us.
Rich: It might be a cleaner process to meet in a week and get this stuff cleaned up, and make sure we got everything.
Ruben: From a faculty’s point of view, as us being a sub-committee of the Faculty Senate, I am not sure they would like us to operate in this way. I know my senators wouldn’t.
Rich: Let me ask the department… I know you’re under a time pressure, but if we took another week to get the corrected one could you live with it?
Vykki: I suppose so, yeah we just found out about the 30-day thing.
Rich: That is a discussion you’re going to have to have with the Academic Affairs office.
Vykki: We turned in this great idea of a grant the first part of it was writing curriculum and getting it through and the second part was operating the classes it just kind of the timing.
Rich: If we postpone it one week it still gives you the opportunity to meet with the area deans, which was a concern when we talked yesterday? What is the desired of the committee?
Monica: I would be more conformable waiting a week.
Hal: If they can make it work with the week I will go with it. But I don’t want to sacrifice their grant or there program.
Vykki: We need to clarify what outlines we will be looking at, whether they are going to come from the division.
Pam: I will take everything I have on TalonNet off and up load all of Joy’s items.
Vykki: That would be less confusing.
M/S/C Hal/Ruben to table these courses until Oct. 29.
New / Modify / Inactive / Deletion / DE / GE / Content Review / Approved / Tabled
II. Business
a. CRCC 119 AEF – CAT Dictionary Build / X / X / X / X
b. CRCC 119BCD – Computer-Aided Transcription /
X /
X /
X /
c. CRCC 119G – Computer-Aided Transcription for Scopists /
X /
d. CRCC 130 – Computerized Shorthand Realtime Practicum IV /
X /
New / Modify / Inactive / Deletion / DE / GE / Content Review / Approved / Tabled
e. CRCC 137A – Beginning CAT Software /
X /
X /
f. CRCC 137B – Intermediate CAT Software /
X /
X /
X /
g. CRCC 140C – Computerized Shorthand and Theory for Scopists /
X /
h. CRCC 180 – Computerized Shorthand and Speed Building /
X /
i. CRCC 181 – Computerized Shorthand Speed Building /
X /
j. CRCC 190A – Captioning Video Introduction /
X /
X /
New / Modify / Inactive / Deletion / DE / GE / Content Review / Approved / Tabled
k. CRCC 190B – Captioning Video Laws and Requirements /
X /
X /
X /
l. CRCC 190C – Captioning Video for the Web and Video Production /
X /
X /
X /
m. CRCC 194A – Realtime Captioning Level I /
X /
X /
X /
n. CRCC 194B – Realtime Captioning Level 2 /