Created by Kerry Moody

Week Beginning: 27.2.2012 / PLC: What can I see at night? Space / Week: PLC 8

Key Question: What would an alien/ UFO look like? Reflection and Presentation

CLL Focus: Writing for a variety of purposes: recipes/ instructions PSRN Focus: Measuring Time SDU/ O’ Clock intro

Time / Monday / Tuesday
NHunt in / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
8:50 / Carpet session 1: Register and news from the weekend Introduce children to key question of the week. / Carpet session 1: Register and Wake & Shake – Take 10 / Carpet session 1: Register and Wake & Shake – Take 10 / Carpet session 1: Register and Wake & Shake – Take 10 / Carpet session 1: Register then Whole School Celebration Assembly
9:15 / Physical Development :
See Separate planning – PE/Physical Development Medium Term Plan: Reception/Year 1 –Ball Skills
Setting up continuous Provision/ Outdoor Activities then
Ind Readers / Adult Led Activity
Obj: Readers / observations
CT: Ind Readers
HLTA: Outside Activities EY Playground / Adult Led Activity
Obj: Readers / observations
CT: Outside Activities EY
HLTA: Ind Readers / Adult Led Activity
Obj: Readers / observations
CT: Ind Readers
HLTA: Outside Activities EY Playground
Adult Led Activity
Obj: Readers / observations
CT: Outside Activities EY
HLTA: Ind Readers
Children: MA Raindrop / Children: MA Rainbow / Children: LA Snowflake / Children: HA Sunshine
9.45 / Carpet session 2: PSRN CT/HLTA
Warm Up - Obj: Use ordinal Nos. in different contexts. (Count aloud in 5’s and 10’s)
Revise counting in 10’s and 5’s
Sing ’Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush’, doing actions for getting ready in the morning. Discuss what we do first, next etc.
Main Teaching Session - Obj: Use everyday language related to time. Order and sequence familiar events.
Show cards with pictures of daily activities. Discuss what each card shows and when during the day we might do them. Can we put them in the right order?
Hang the days of the week on the washing line but swap 2 days. Read along the line. Can chn spot which 2 days Muddles has muddled up today? Rpt, moving 2 days whilst chn close their eyes. / Carpet session 2: PSRN CT/HLTA
Warm Up - Obj: Count aloud in 5’s and 10’s
Revise counting in 10’s and 5’s – using a 100 grid
Main Teaching Session - Obj: Measure short periods of time with a non-standard unit, (sand-timer)
Ask children what words they know to describe time. Give examples if they are stuck, eg. minute, week, morning etc. Make a list as children offer suggestions.
Talk about the comparative length of the different times we think of, ie. which is longer, a minute or a day?
Sit for one minute to feel how long it is, timing it with a sand-timer and/or the second hand on the clock.
What is... bigger... smaller... longer... shorter? (out of two things)
Try asking what takes longer eg walking to school or walking to the playground? / Carpet session 2: PSRN CT/HLTA
Warm Up - Obj: Count aloud in 5’s and 10’s
Revise counting in 10’s and 5’s – Pass the Bean bag
Main Teaching Session - Obj: Measure short periods of time with a non-standard unit, (sand-timer)
Play ‘minute races’ eg. how many cubes can they join, how many beads can they thread, how tall a tower can they build, how many numbers can they write, how many shapes can you draw in a repeating pattern, how many times can they write ‘the’? etc.
Choose up to 4 children for a race.
Try a race with a 3 minute timer. What difference will it make? Why? / Carpet session 2: PSRN CT/HLTA
Obj: Count aloud in 5’s and 10’s
Revise counting in 5’s and 10’s – Around the circle
Main Teaching Session - Obj: Describe solutions to practical problems, drawing on experience and talking about their own ideas, methods and choices.
Look at a clock. What can the children see? What do they notice? e.g. numbers, hands, movement. Talk about the different parts of the clock face.
Show a teacher demo clock. Set it to say an o’clock time. What time does it say? Repeat with different o’ clock times? Invite children to come out and make the clock say a given o’ clock time.
Hand out ind clocks – give o’clock times for the chn to make.
10:00 / Adult Led Activity CT/HLTA
Obj: Use everyday language related to time. Use developing mathematical ideas and methods to solve practical problems.
Show chn a stop watch and count the seconds as the display changes. They work in pairs to time how long it takes them to write their name 10 times, build a tower of 20 cubes, take their socks off and put them back on 5 times, write numbers 1 to 20, etc.
Which activities take the shortest amount of time? Which activities take the longest time? How could we record how long the activities take us? / Adult Led Activity CT/HLTA
Obj: Measure short periods of time with a non-standard unit, for example, with a sand timer.
Chn find out how many actions they can do whilst the sand runs through a minute timer, e.g. how many times they can write their names, how many bricks they include in a model built during the minute, as a group how many colours or animals they can name in a minute, how many times they can touch head, shoulders, knees then toes. Model ways of recording pictorially / Adult Led Activity CT/HLTA
Children: CT Observations/ Identified Focus Groups from AFL
Children: HA Giraffes / Children: MA Crocodiles / Children: MA Penguins / Children: LA Pandas / Children: CT Observations/ Identified Focus Groups from AFL
10:20 / PLAYTIME
10:35 / Carpet session 2: L&S / Carpet session 3: L&S / Carpet session 3: L&S / Carpet session 3: L&S / Carpet session 3: L& S
Objectives and success criteria: Every Day: Recall all previously learned GPCs .Sing alphabet song and point to letters. Read through high frequency words.
Teach reading are, see p91.
Teach ‘sh’ using phonics scheme.
Segmenting for spelling:
Phoneme frame p88: shop, ship, fish, shell, shed.
Countdown p86: shock, cash, bash, rush.
Demonstration writing p97 write the sentence: I am in such a rush to get to the shops. / Practice reading are, see p91.
Teach ‘ch’ using phonics scheme.
Segmenting for spelling: Phoneme frame p88: chop, chin, chuck, chill.
Blending for reading: Countdown p86: much, chick, check, chug, such. Reading captions activity Drawing p95: A man is rich if he has lots of cash. / Practice reading are, see p91.
Teach ‘th’ using phonics scheme.
Segmenting for spelling: Phoneme frame p88: then, them, that, this, with.
Blending for reading: Sentence substitution p86 using sentences on p104 Demonstration writing p97 write the sentence: A moth can be fat but its wings are thin. / Practice reading are, see p91.
Teach ‘ng’ using phonics scheme.
Segmenting for spelling: Phoneme frame p88: long, sang, ping-pong, ring. Blending for reading: Matching words and pictures p87 king, ring, sing. Reading captions activity Drawing p95: Sing a song to me. / Segmentation for spelling:
Full circle p90 using the words: ship, chip, chin, thin, fin, pin, pip, pop, shop, ship.
Blending for reading:
Sorting p88 between farm animals and zoo animals: lion, sheep, yak, cow, camel, zebra, pig.
Shared reading p97.
11:00 / Carpet Session 3: CLL CT/HLTA
Obj: Sustain attentive listening, responding to what they have heard with relevant comments, questions or actions.
WALT: Listen to a story and discuss it with others
Introduce the book Q Pootle 5 – focus on predicting who the character might be using front cover. What do you think this story is about? Show chn pages of onomatopeaic words. What do you think is making those noises? How do you think we might say these words?
Share the story with children, incl opening the poster at the last page. What do you think will happen next? Where do you think Q Pootle 5 will go next? How do you think the story might end? Where would you go if you had a spaceship like his? What kind of sound do you think the spaceship would make when it set off/landed? What do you think of the earthlings? Would it have been better or worse if Q Pootle 5 had met some people instead of a frog, two birds and a cat? / Carpet Session 3: CLL CT/HLTA
Obj: Show an understanding of how information can be found and conveyed in non-fiction texts such as instructions and recipes. Know that information can be retrieved from recipe books
WALT: Talk about what a recipe is, look at the different sections and what they are for.
Show a recipe for Rocket Jelly. Look again at the poster from Q Pootle 5, and point out that this is part of the party food. Read recipe together. Do chn think they could make it? Are the instructions good? Do the chn understand them?
Talk about the recipe. First it tells us what we need (both ingredients and equipment) then what to do. Why do you think they are numbered? Point at the list of ingredients. Then point out the bossy verbs at the start of each line, and how the sentences are short and clear. A recipe is a list of instructions each one starting with a bossy word. / Carpet Session 3: CLL CT/HLTA
Obj: Show an understanding of how information can be found and conveyed in non-fiction texts such as instructions, recipes and invitations. Know that information can be retrieved from recipe books
WALT: Shared Reading: read lists of ingredients.
Show the recipe for Star Biscuits but don’t read it. Remind chn that these are the same biscuits that we made before the holidays. Did they taste nice? Ask chn to recall what ingredients were used to make the biscuits? Take feedback & write a list of chn’s suggestions.
Enlarge and show the recipe. Look at list of ingredients. Explain that the ingredients are what is in the biscuits. Compare the list of chn’s suggestions to the actual ingredients, reading together. / Carpet Session 3: CLL CT/HLTA
Obj: Attempt writing for different purposes, using features of different forms including recipes. Write own lists, begin to write simple instructions in a recipe.
WALT: Shared Writing: Write a recipe using bossy verbs and clear sentences.
Look again at Q Pootle 5’s meal on the poster. Discuss the different things to eat. Each one has been made from a recipe! Children look at a recipe and recap on the layout and features.
Show picture of Delta Wings in Q Pootle 5’s meal. Discuss what each child might put in their ‘delta-wings’. Shared write a list of the suggestions made.
Provide a partly completed recipe (use writing frame with ingredients and equipment already on.) for Delta Wings on the teaching board. Read it with the chn. Point out that what you need is written in but we need to write the instructions. Work with chn to model writing the rest of the recipe. Invite targeted chn to help you write to reinforce using good letter formation and spaces between words. Demonstrate how we can write clear simple sentences starting with a bossy verb. We are telling people what to do! / Adult Led Activity CT/HLTA
Obj: Space party Link to CLLD/ DW Recipes: Chn work in groups to make their own Delta Wings using the instructions from S.W. yesterday
AIAP: Once chn have cut off the crusts and spread their bread, they need to cut it into delta-wing shapes. Discuss what we call these shapes (triangles). When four triangles are together, what shape do they make (in the whole slice of bread) – a square or rectangle? If we shared a sandwich equally. How many people could have a piece? If 2 people shared the sandwich, how many pieces would they have each?
KM Recipes: Chn work in groups to make their own rocket jelly using the instructions from shared reading on Tuesday.
AIA: Chn work independently decorating circular, plain biscuits as planets for the space Party. Compare biscuits with pictures of the real planets to find similarities/ differences. (K3)
AIA: Chn work independently using the Rocket Fizz recipe to prepare enough drinks for each person in their group. (Ice cream to be added after lunch.
11:20 / Adult Led Activity CT/HLTA
G.Reading – Dark Pink/Red Text / Adult Led Activity CT/HLTA
G. Reading Red Text / Adult Led Activity CT/HLTA
G. Reading Yellow Text / Adult Led Activity CT/HLTA
G. Reading BlueText
Children: LA Snowflake / Children: MA Rainbow / Children: MA Raindrop / Children: HA Sunshine / Children: CT Observations/ Identified Focus Groups from AFL
11:50-12:00 / Handwashing & Lunchtime
1:00 / Carpet Session 4: Register and
Wake & Shake – Take 10 / Carpet Session 5: Register and
Wake & Shake – Take 10 / Carpet Session 5: Register and
Wake & Shake – Take 10 / Carpet Session 5: Register and
Wake & Shake – Take 10 / Carpet Session 5: Register and
Wake & Shake – Take 10
1:15 / Carpet Session 5: Obj: Listen with enjoyment, and respond to stories, songs and other music, rhymes and poems and make up their own songs, rhymes and poems. (L4) AIA: Tell the chn that there are many things still to discover in space and that scientists all over the world continue to invents ways to improve on travel and machines that will help humans to discover parts of space and the solar system that haven’t been visited yet. Explain that so far Earth is the only known planet that has living things on it. What might be alive on an unknown planet? Sing the alien song to the tune of ‘I’m a little teapot’ with actions. (On IWB)
Sketch a short creature to match the description in the song. Ask for ideas for other features such as antenna, a tail etc and sketch these. Model writing new lines for the song, e.g. I’m a little alien with one toe. I’ve antennae and I glow…. Sing the song again as new lines are added. Resources: Alien song