Name Badges for ’04 Basic Course Directors’ Conference:

Faculty Attending the Conference

Jonathan Amsbary

Univ. of Alabama, Birmingham

James R. Andrews

Indiana University

Patricia Hayes Andrews

Indiana University

Hugh Beall

Beall’s Culinary Institute

Melissa L. Beall

University of Northern Iowa

Julie Berman

University of Louisville

LeAnn M. Brazeal New!

Kansas State U.

Jackie Buckrop

Ball State University

Rebecca Carlton

Indiana U. Southeast

Jennifer Cochrane


Debbie Ford New! Note: Registration materials not yet received.

University of Kansas

Kay Garrett New!

SMSU—West Plains

Lisa Goodnight

Purdue University Calumet

Frank Gray

Ball State University

Jonny Gray


Cary Horvath

Youngstown State U.

Steve Hunt

Illinois State University

Karen Kight

Southeast Missouri State

Betty J. Lawrence

Bradley University

Gail Mason New!

Eastern Illinois U.

John Miller

Western Illinois University

Timothy P. Mottet Note: Affiliation modified

Texas State University

John Parrish-Sprowl New! Note: Registration materials not yet received.


Stacey A. Peterson

Kean University

Diane S. Reid

Indiana U. Southeast

Roy Schwartzman

Northwest MO State

Bill Seiler

U. of Nebraska—Lincoln

Deanna Sellnow

North Dakota State U.

Cheri J. Simonds

Illinois State University

Amy Slagell

Iowa State University

Cindy Smith

Indiana University

Christine Smith

George Mason University

Rob Smith

Purdue University

Jo Sprague

San Jose State University

Lesa Stern

Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville

Margaret Stowell-Wheeler New!

Cedarville University

C. Sue Strohkirch

Fort Hays State University

Helen Tate

Columbia College

Kate Thedwall New!


Scott Titsworth

Ohio University

Kristen Treinen

Minnesota State Univ.

Sam Wallace

University of Dayton

Roseanna Whitlow

Southeast Missouri State

Glen Williams

Southeast Missouri State

David W. Worley

Indiana State University

Debra A. Worley

Indiana State University

Don Yoder

University of Dayton

Graduate Students Attending the Conference

Courtney Bailey

Indiana University

Kane Click New!

Eastern Illinois U.

Stephanie Finney New!

Eastern Illinois U.

Melissa Gomick New!

Eastern Illinois U.

Melissa Hailer New!

Southern Illinois U.--Edwardsville

Teresa Heinz

Indiana University

Andrea Hull

N. Dakota State

Adam C. Jones

U of Nebraska—Lincoln

Claire King


Emily Lamb

U of Nebraska—Lincoln

Lynette Leonard

Univ. of Kansas

Anna Levina New!

U of Northern Iowa

Jennifer L. Lewis

Univ. of Kansas

Allison Martin New!

Eastern Illinois U.

Kevin Meyer

Illinois State

Kristen NanaZiashvili

N. Dakota State

David R. Novak

Ohio University

Sandy Pensoneau New!


Maggie Quinlan New!

Illinois State

Pam Royse

Ohio University

Richard Tompkins New!


Jill Tyler

Univ. of Iowa

Ryan Wychoff New!

Eastern Illinois U.

Publishers Attending the Conference (arranged in order received)

Deirdre Anderson


Tom Gantz

Kendall / Hunt Publishing Company

Colette Kelly

Holcomb Hathaway Publishers

Annie Mitchell


Eileen Townsend

Allyn & Bacon / Longman

Mary Finch

Houghton Mifflin Company

Elinor Gregory

Houghton Mifflin Company

Nanette Giles

Mcgraw – Hill