Dear New Employee:
Welcome to (Company Name). We are pleased that you have joined our company and look forward to your contribution in the growth of this stable and well established business.
We hope you will enjoy getting to know your fellow employees and will quickly begin to feel at home here. Therefore, we encourage you to participate in and take full advantage of our orientation process. You will spend time with management to review our policies and procedures and with your supervisor who will orient you to your new job and co-workers. Most importantly, you will spend a substantial amount of time training, so that you will know exactly what your new responsibilities are and what contributions you will be making to our overall goals and objectives.
This handbook will help you get acquainted with (Company Name). Please take time to read it thoroughly. It contains important information about our Company and its current policies and procedures.
We hope your work will be satisfying and that your career at (Company Name) will be a rewarding one.
2. Company Name Story: Ensuring
the success of our clients
The Company was originally established in month-day-year by its founders owners name.
Brief history of the company, what the company does and who is the executive team, as well as, the list of company locations.
This handbook contains a summary of the current personnel policies, procedures and employee benefits of (Company Name). The Company reserves the right to amend the policies set forth herein as business and legal considerations require. The contents of this handbook are informational only and are intended solely as a guide. This handbook does not, nor is it intended to constitute or create, the terms of an employment contract between the Company and any of its employees.
Employees of the Company have the right to terminate their employment at any time, for any reason. Likewise, the Company may terminate an employee’s employment and compensation with or without cause and with or without prior notice at any time.
Any questions and concerns about the contents herein or suggestions for improving the contents of this handbook may be directed to the management.
A. The Employment Process
1. Application and Interview
Any person applying for a position must complete an Application for Employment. Depending on the department for which the application is made, there may be a telephone interview followed by one or more face-to-face interviews. Reference checks will be conducted with the permission of the applicant.
2. I-9 Verification of Eligibility for Employment
Upon employment, employees are required to provide documentation which verifies the legal right to work in the United States. Proof of eligibility for employment must be provided within the first three days of employment. The most common forms of documentation are:
· A valid passport
· A valid driver’s license and a social security card
· A valid driver’s license and a birth certificate
· An alien registration card (“green card”)
If you are unable to provide these documents, see management immediately.
Employees who hold a Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) or a motor vehicle license of any kind, are required to provide a copy of their current or most recent license. Employees will be required to provide or assist management in obtaining a record of their driving history.
B. Employment Categories
Employees are classified according to the following definitions:
1. Training: All employees are classified as “in training” for the first 6 months of continuous employment.
2. Full-Time Hourly: After 6 months “in training” all employees who regularly work at least 40 hours a week, earn a yearly salary, and may be entitled to medical and insurance benefits.
3. Part-Time Hourly: All employees who work a regular schedule of less than 40 hours per week and are paid an hourly wage. Employees who regularly work less than 40 hours a week are not entitled to medical or insurance benefits.
4. Temporary Employee: Employees who work for Cooper Wilbert generally for periods of not longer than 90 days. Usually temps are hired for specific short-term projects or during certain times of the year (e.g., summer help).
C. Equal Employment Opportunity
(Company Name) has been and remains committed to the principle of equal employment opportunity for all persons without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin or disability. In keeping with this policy, the Company seeks to recruit, hire, train and promote into available jobs the most qualified persons, and to administer personnel matters such as compensation, benefits, transfer, training, layoffs, termination, and Company-sponsored programs in accordance with this policy.
These policies and practices are consistent with government regulations, good management, and sound business values.
1. Job Posting Procedure
Whenever practical, job openings will be filled through the transfer or promotion of current qualified employees. Open positions may be filled from within the department in which the opening exists, through rotation of a current employee for development purposes, or through an interview and selection process.
D. Termination of Employment
The Company and the employee have an “at will” employment relationship. This means that the employee has the right to terminate his/her employment at any time. Just as the employee has the right to terminate his/her employment at any time, the company has the right to terminate the employment relationship at any time, with or without cause.
1. Resignation
Employees who wish to voluntarily resign from their position with (Company Name) are asked to notify the company in writing, indicating the effective date of resignation. The Management will schedule and conduct an exit interview and provide you with C.O.B.R.A. benefit information, if applicable.
2. Exit Interview
We realize that separation will occur for such reasons as resignations, discharges, layoffs or retirements.
Generally, employees will receive an exit interview with management at the time of termination. Before a final paycheck will be released, all Company property (key, manuals, uniforms, credit card, and cellular telephone) must be returned. C.O.B.R.A. benefits, if applicable, will be explained during the exit interview.
E. Benefits
During the orientation process management will explain your benefits program, if applicable. The company has provided its regular full time employees an excellent program that is structured to meet the needs of its employees. The program is periodically revised to keep up with changes in the health insurance industry. The following is only a basic outline of the benefits available subject to interpretation by the insurance carrier.
Medical hospitalization, major medical, prescription and life insurance will be available. There is a co-pay that is required for these benefits that the management adjusts from time to time. A life insurance benefit is added at an approximate benefit amount of $15,000.00.
The company has established a 401(k) program. An employee is eligible for this benefit after one continuous year of employment.
F. Confidentiality
All employees will be asked to sign a confidentiality agreement containing post employment restrictions against joining a company whose business competes with (Company Name) or disclosing any of (Company Name) proprietary information such as pricing, customer names and addresses, company finances and the like. The form of Confidentiality Agreement with Restrictive Covenants is attached hereto.
G. Orientation and Training
As a new employee, you are considered to be “in training” for 6 months from the date of hire. This period will allow ample time for acclimation to your new job and work environment. New employees will be provided with an orientation to familiarize you with Company policies, procedures, benefits, as well as your new job responsibilities. Depending on the position, you may receive formal skills development training and/or on the job training. During your orientation and training, your performance will be evaluated by the company.
H. Personnel Records
The Company establishes and maintains employee personnel files which include information and records on benefits, compensation records, performance and disciplinary records, in addition to other materials relevant to the employee’s status. Because employee records are company property, they will be treated with confidentiality and are released only as required by law.
Written employment verifications are released only with the signed authorization of the employee.
It is the employee’s responsibility to update personal information such as home address, telephone number, marital status, educational level, etc.
I. Appearance and Dress code
(Company Name) is highly respected by the industry and our clients. To maintain our image and standard of excellence, all employees are required to maintain good personal hygiene, grooming, and dress practices in keeping with the Company’s image and standards.
Our dress code requires neat and business-like attire. Uniforms will be supplied to you by the Company. Clothes not issued by the Company, such as jeans, T-shirts, shorts, or sneakers are not allowed. When representing the Company on-site or in a meeting, business attire and a courteous, professional attitude are required.
The use of illegal drugs and alcohol is strictly forbidden on premises. Employees will not report to work while intoxicated. Employees will not work under the influence of a drug or bring drugs into the workplace. Being under the influence of drugs or alcohol, and therefore not capable of performing your duties effectively, is grounds for discipline up to and including immediate dismissal.
It is the company's policy to maintain a safe, productive working environment for everyone, and to safeguard company property. Since your job will require the use of complicated machinery in a heavy machinery environment that can pose a danger of personal injury or even death if not handled properly, the company has adopted a zero tolerance policy for alcohol or drug use. As part of this policy, the company prohibits the use, sale, transfer or possession of alcohol, drugs or controlled substances on any company premises or work sites. In addition, the company prohibits any employee from being at work under the influence of alcohol, drugs or controlled substances. The company also prohibits any visitor, contractor, or employee of any contractor from being on company premises or work sites while under the influence of alcohol, drugs or controlled substances. For purposes of this policy the following definitions are applicable:
(1) Alcohol. Alcohol includes all intoxicating beverages that contain alcohol, including beer and wine.
(2) Drugs and Controlled Substances. Drugs and controlled substances include all substances not legally prescribed by a licensed physician for use by the person possessing them. Some examples include marijuana, cocaine, heroin, and methanphetamine. The company will determine at its sole discretion what is a drug or controlled substance. Any questions about whether or not a substance is a drug or controlled substance should be directed to your supervisor. Over the counter medicines taken as directed are permitted and are not a violation of this policy.
It shall be a condition of employment for all employees to submit to drug testing under the following circumstances:
· When there is reasonable suspicion to believe that an employee is using illegal drugs.
· When employees are involved in on-the-job accidents where personal injury or damage to company property occurs.
· As part of a follow-up program for treatment of drug abuse.
If you are taking a legally prescribed drug for pain or that otherwise can impair mental or physical activity, you must provide management with a copy of the prescription or a physician’s note. Management will resolve the working environment in the issue of safety by taking such appropriate action in its discretion. Failure to report the use of a legally prescribed drug that may impair mental or physical ability in connection with work will be treated the same as the use of an illegal controlled dangerous substance and you will be subject to discipline up to and including termination.
As a condition of employment, employees must abide by the terms of this policy and must notify (Company Name) in writing of any conviction of a violation of a criminal drug statute occurring in the workplace no later than five calendar days after such conviction. Employees must also notify management of any conviction for driving while intoxicated within 5 days.
It is the responsibility of the company’s supervisors to counsel employees whenever they see changes in performance or behavior that suggests an employee has a drug problem. Although it is not the supervisor’s job to diagnose personal problems, the supervisor should encourage such employees to seek help and advise them about available resources for getting help.
The goal of this policy is to balance our respect for individuals with the need to maintain a safe, productive and drug-free environment. The intent of this policy is to offer a helping hand to those who need it, while sending a clear message that the illegal use of drugs is incompatible with employment at (Company Name).
In order to insure that each individual is provided a safe workplace, the company may require that an individual may at any time be required to give a urine or blood sample in order to determine compliance with this policy. A refusal to provide a sample means that there is a presumption of a violation of this policy. Any employee who violates or refuses to comply with this policy may be disciplined, including terminated from employment.
Visitors or contractors who come onto the company premises are also subject to all provisions of this policy.
A. Payroll and Overtime
You may be required to work beyond your scheduled hours. If you are an hourly employee, you will be compensated at time and one-half your regular hourly rate for all hours you work over forty (40) in a workweek. The workweek at (Company Name) runs from Friday to Thursday. All overtime work must be authorized in advance by a supervisor. Hourly employees who work unauthorized overtime will be subject to discipline up to and including termination. Failure to work overtime requested by your supervisor also may lead to discipline up to and including termination. Payday is on Friday for the pay-week ending on Thursday night.
B. Confidentiality While at (Company Name)
All data regarding client companies and accounts contacted on behalf of client companies, as well as documents and other materials relative to client projects, are considered privileged and confidential. These materials may not be removed from the premises. Specific projects or Company matter are not to be discussed outside (Company Name).