Continuous Improvement Plan
SU: / School: / Date: /Plan Developers (Names):
❏ Approval of School Board Member(s)______
❏ Adherence to School Wide Plan Indicators (if applicable)
PHASE 1: Assess Needs and Innovate *Shared Vision:
Collaborative Stakeholders Represented:
Broad Area(s) of Focus Based on Data Review:
Identified Priority Problems/Problems of Practice:
Root Cause Analysis Results:
Theory of Improvement/Action:
*Please attach all relevant documents and supporting data that help justify your decisions and conclusions.
Prioritized Goals /What do we want to accomplish? Goal #1 /
What change(s) can we make that will result in improvement?
How will we know our interventions and/or innovations resulted in improvements?
Funding Source(s)
(Please refer to prioritized goal numbers when writing CFP investments)
What do we want to accomplish? Goal #2 /
What change(s) can we make that will result in improvement?
How will we know our interventions and/or innovations resulted in improvements?
Funding Source(s)
(Please refer to prioritized goal numbers when writing CFP investments)
What do we want to accomplish? Goal #3 /
What change(s) can we make that will result in improvement?
How will we know our interventions and/or innovations resulted in improvements?
Funding Source(s)
(Please refer to prioritized goal numbers when writing CFP investments)
PHASE 2: Test and Pilot /
Test changes applying iterative PDSA cycles; attach PDSA Worksheet(s) for all cycles. Describe the changes you made during your improvement cycles. Use as many cycles as needed to ensure the change is an improvement ready for implementation.
PHASE 3: Implement and Spread /
How will you make this change a part of the standard work/process in your context? Apply PDSA cycles for implementation and attach PDSA Worksheet(s). Describe the factors you considered during full implementation.
PHASE 4: Sustain /
Explain the decisions required to sustain this work/process over time and how resources will be allocated for sustainability.
Continuous Improvement Plan
(Revised: July 27, 2017) / Page 4 of 4 /