Content Area Strategies


Instructor Information

Instructor: Kendall Flori

Location: Room B47

Work Phone: (503) 366-7431

Work Email:

Teacher Website:

Work Hours: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM, Monday-Friday

Course Description

Study Skills is a course designed to improve and promote independent student study habits in needed academic areas and provide students small group assistance with class assignments in addition to providing the student with specially designed instruction as outlined in their Individual Education Plan.


This course works towards:

· Improving personal study habits.

· Developing individualized strategies and techniques in the areas of organization and time management.

· Providing opportunities for students to explore, expand, and demonstrate new study techniques.

· Providing specially designed instruction as outlined in their Individual Education Plan.

Grading Policy

Grades are based on a point system and are cumulative through the semester. They do not reset at the nine-week grading period.

Grade Breakdown: 90% Practice:

· Attending class

· Bringing assignments to work on

· Bringing necessary supplies to complete work

· Participate in class activities and discussions

10% Assessments:

· Completing pre and post assessments

Grading Scale: A 90-100 Excellent Achievement

B 80-89 Above Average Achievement

C 70-79 Average Achievement

D 60-69 Below Average Achievement

F 0-59 Failing

Synergy: Parents and students have the opportunity to view grades through ParentVUE/StudentVUE. Please access the site to view student progress. Student grades will be updated every two to three weeks; however, major papers and projects may take longer to assess.

Late Work: Late work is accepted, but only for the current nine-week grading period. To allow me sufficient time to grade late assignments, there is cut-off date 1 week prior to the end of each quarter. This cut-off date excludes final projects and presentations which must be submitted no later than 24 hours prior to the end of the quarter.

Cheating and/or Plagiarism: Any student caught cheating will automatically receive a ZERO on the assignment in question and the parents/guardians may be contacted. Upon a second offense, a conference with the student’s parents/guardians will be held. Cheating includes but is not limited to the following: all acts of academic dishonesty such as supplying or receiving information during a test, copying tests or homework, allowing others to copy your work, obtaining test answers or questions beforehand, using unauthorized materials during a test, using a project or paper in a second class without teacher permission, plagiarism, and turning in work that was not completed by the person to whom it was assigned.

Absences, Make-up Work , & Retakes/Revisions

· Test Retakes: If a student would like to improve their score on an assessment, they will have the opportunity to either retake a test or resubmit an essay. Please understand that when appropriate, I reserve the right to issue an alternative assessment. Also, in order for a student to have an assessment rescored, they must do the following first:

o Turn-in the original assessment;

o Complete the required qualifiers (practice assignments that are connected to the assessment);

o Make arrangements ahead of time to complete and submit the assessment. (Possible times would be before school, lunchtime, Academic Achievement Period, or Homework Club.)

Classroom Expectations

1. Arrive in the classroom on time and prepared to work from bell to bell on assigned materials. Successful students often use their class time wisely and turn-in their work in a timely manner. They also ask for help when they need assistance. The more work that you attempt to complete during class, the more likely you will be able to ask me any questions if you get stuck.

2. Show respect for people and property within the classroom (my property, other students’ property, and school property). Swearing, putdowns or derogatory comments about race, gender, physical appearance, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or ability levels create a climate that is not conducive to learning and will not be tolerated.

3. Keep electronic devices off or silent and placed where they won’t be a distraction. (I will announce if a specific class activity warrants an exception.)

4. Leave your workspace as you found it. Failure to do so will result in loss of certain privileges, either individually or as a class.

5. Violating classroom expectations will result in a conference with me, phone call or e-mail to parents/guardians, a detention, and/or a referral to the office. I reserve the right to add or alter rules if a problem arises. Also, please consult the student handbook for more detailed explanations of behavior expectations and discipline.

I have read the attached syllabus for CAS and understand the course guidelines, policies, and expectations.

Student Name: __________________________________________________

Student Signature: _______________________________________________

Please return to Ms. Flori by Monday, September 19th.