Consumer Research
1. Key Concepts
Qualitative research
Quantitative research
· Neutrogena is a manufacturer of personal care products for young adults. The company would like to extend its facial cleansers product line. Design a (a) qualitative and (b) quantitative research design for the company focused on this objective.
· Using the scales in Figure 2.3, develop a questionnaire to measure students’ attitudes toward the instructor in this course.
o Prepare five statements measuring students’ attitudes via a Likert scale.
o Prepare five semantic differential scales to measure student attitudes. Can the same dimensions be measured by using either scaling technique? Explain your answer.
· A consumer who rarely listens to music played on a portable device (e.g., an iPod) has purchased, on impulse and for $500, a pair of sunglasses with built-in earphones and the capability of playing MP3 files. Would the positivist or interpretivist research paradigm be a more appropriate way to study this consumption behavior? Explain your answer.
2. Key Concepts
Primary research
Secondary research
· What is the difference between primary and secondary research? Under what circumstances might the availability of secondary data make primary research unnecessary? What are some major sources of secondary data?
· What are the advantages and limitations of secondary data?
3. Key Concepts
Observational research
· A manufacturer of a new product for whitening teeth would like to investigate the effects of package design and label information on consumers’ perceptions of the product and their intentions to buy it. Would you advise the manufacturer to use observational research, experimentation, or a survey? Explain your choice.
· Compare the advantages and disadvantages of mail, telephone, personal, and online surveys.
4. Key Concepts
Probability samples
Nonprobability samples
· How would the interpretation of survey results change if the researcher used a probability sample rather than a nonprobability sample? Explain your answer.
· Using one of the customer satisfaction measures, construct an instrument to assess your fellow students’ satisfaction with the technological support services provided by your university.