Constitution of Enon Pee Wee Football Incorporated- An Ohio Non-Profit Corporation
Article I- Name
The name of this organization is ENON PEE WEE FOOTBALL INCORPORATED. This organization, founded in Enon, Ohio in the year 1981, and is registered with the State of Ohio as a Non-Profit Organization. Enon Pee Wee Football Incorporated shall hereafter be referred to as EPF in the articles of this document.
Article II- Purpose
EPF and cheerleading organization is a non-profit group whose goal is to provide the area youth with a positive, safe football and cheer experience. Focusing on developing athletes individual skills, physical fitness, competitive spirit, sportsmanship and ability to contribute as part of a team.
Article III- Governing Body
Section I
A. EPF shall be governed by a Board of Directors: who are elected and voted into positions at the end of the season and hold a term of one year until the next season is completed. With the exception of the position of the Treasurer which holds a two year term, and stays as treasurer until February of the next calendar year.
B. The Board of directors will consist of a President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, General Manager, Field Manager, Equipment Manager, Concessions coordinator, Spirit shop coordinator, Web page/ Fundraiser coordinator, and Head of Cheer Coordinator.
C. Annual Meeting: Will be held at a time and location that shall be determined by the current Board of Directors. The meeting date, time and location will be in a public facility and will be announced to the general public one week prior to the actual date.
D. Candidates for Board of Directors: Must be a resident living within the Greenon Local School Boundaries or open enrolled in Greenon Local Schools, must be over the age of 18 years of age, and must have an athlete participating or wanting to participate within the EPF program. Candidates must be nominated to the floor at the annual meeting. If nominees are unable to attend the annual meeting, they must make their intentions for an elected position known to the current Board of Directors by phone, email, or a written letter prior to the meeting.
E. Balloting: To be eligible to vote you must be over the age of 18 years of age, must be a community member whom resides within the Greenon Local School District and has a athlete whom is participating within the EPF program either by direct involvement ( parent, or step-parent, or legal guardian), or indirect involvement ( grandparent, aunt, or uncle).
F. Election: The process of election will be held and organized by the current Board of Directors. The following is how the process shall be conducted:
-Annual Meeting date, time and location will be determined and announced to the public either by open forum, or on the EPF webpage, or via one-call.
-General public and possible candidates will be provided information in regards to the Board of Directors expectations, roles and responsibilities.
-Anyone wanting a position on the Board of Directors will make it known to the current Board of Director’s via written email or in a letter format. The Web manager will then list all candidates and the position they are wanting to participate in on the EPF Webpage within one week before the annual meeting date.
-Candidates and the position they are seeking will be announced to the general public by the current board President at the annual meeting.
-Voting system can either be by raising of your hand, written vote, or by electronic vote(email). All written and electronic voting must be submitted to the current board at least 24 hours before the annual meeting date.
-Each voting member is to only vote for one person on the said elected position.
-Counting of the votes will be conducted by a non-board of director’s affiliate in a systematic structure and will be verified by a second person. The candidate with the largest number of votes is elected to that position.
-Once elected to a position, the current president of EPF will ask that member for his/her acceptance into that position.
-If position is elected and accepted the individual will assume that role/position at the next scheduled meeting.
Section II-Terms of Office
Members of the Board of Directors are elected at the designated end of the year meeting. Their term of office is from January 1 to December 31 of the calendar year immediately following the elections. With the exception of the Treasurer, please see Article III Section I.
Section III- Offices, chain of command and roles/responsibilities of the Board of Directors
Responsible for: Presides over all EPF Board Members
-Shall have a vote on all issues that the board is voting on
-Reviews Background checks on each coach, and board member, and reviews with GM
-Acts as the EPF representative at LMRVL board meeting
-Directs one call to secretary
-Leads board meetings
-Speaks for the board at open meetings
-Acts as the treasurer when needed
Vice President:
Responsible for: Performs duties of the President in his/her absence
-Shall have a vote on all issues that the board is voting on
-Reviews with the secretary that all athletic forms are completed prior to start of season
-Shall report any issues immediately to the President
-Shall complete all insurance claims
General Manager:
Responsible for: Performs duties of the Vice President and/or President in his/her absence
-Shall account for all building keys
-Liaison between parents and the board
-Shall have a vote on all issues the board is voting on
-Pays referees fee with money distributed by treasurer
-Advises parents if they have outstanding balances
-Arranges announcer for all home games
Responsible for: Shall arrange, date, time and location of meetings
-Shall record all board meeting minutes and forward to Webpage member
-Shall review all athlete, coach and board members paperwork for completion- and will notify Vice President and President of findings.
-Shall manage, maintain and update all rosters of athletes
-Shall provide each coach with proper player registration and emergency medical forms
-Responsible for all one-calls
-Responsible to have hard copies of all mandatory forms completed from each athlete
-Orders all end of the year awards
-Liaison with Greenon HS affiliate in advertising and collection Scholarship recipients
-Presents scholarship winner to GHS/ ceremony/ guidance counselor
-Coordinates and plans parents day at the field
-Shall have a vote on all issues that the board is voting on
-Will directly report to the Vice President and President
Responsible for: performing duties of the secretary in his/her absence
-Shall receive and be held accountable for all monies paid to EPF
-Shall seek president’s approval for any non-operational check that must be written over the amount of $100.00.
-Shall maintain accurate records of payments, debits, bills, and credits
-Shall oversee all the handling of all 50/50 money, and any other fundraiser held by EPF, including the spirit shop and concession stand
-Will distribute all referee payment/money to General Manager to pay referees
-Shall have a vote on all issues being voted on by the board
-Shall check the PO Box as needed
-Shall file taxes for the State in January and June, and file IRS taxes by April 15th
-Arranges for delivery of Port O Johns, and ice machines- needed July 1- November 1
-Pays all bills on time-PO Box bill, security ox, cheer competition dues, football league dues, referees dues, health department permit license and annual fee, insurance fee, web site fee, any and all supplies needed by any board member with receipts, and issue signed checks to the concession stand manager for food purchases.
-Creates beginning and end of season spreadsheet and budgets
-Will directly report to the Vice President and President
Field Manager:
Responsible for: Maintaining all EPF fields and property
-Shall have a vote on all issues that the board is voting on
-Prepares EPF field for game days- mowing, painting lines, upkeep on flower beds
-On home games prepares field markers, pads on goal posts, first down markers
-Performs all maintenance on EPF equipment and bleachers
-Seasons all equipment at the end of season and after the final use
- Directly reports to Vice President and President
Equipment Manager
Responsible for: issuing, accounting for/tracking, maintaining and organizing all football equipment belonging to EPF.
-Arranges for proper water access for teams/athletes at all games- can authorize a parent to fulfill this task
-Transports medical kit, and extra football gear, including football helmet repair kit
-Will assess and report needed items, expired items, unusable items, and purchase of items to the entire board
-Shall have a vote on all issues that the board is voting on
-Will collect all equipment at the end of season and is responsible for holding parents accountable to return borrowed items
-Will report directly to the Vice President and President
Head Of Cheer:
Responsible for: Overseeing all cheer coaches, cheer teams and competition teams
-Maintains all hard copies of all mandatory paperwork for cheerleaders
-Properly sizes and orders necessary clothing, and equipment needed for the cheerleaders
-Is responsible for coordinating cheer competition when it is being held with EPF as the lead.
-Arranges cheer camp, and registers the teams for competition
-Obtains coaches and coaches assistants
-Selects end of the season awards and trophies and delegates to the secretary the purchasing of these items.
-Sets dates and times of cheer practices with the cheer coaches
-Reviews expectations will all cheer coaches, players and parents
-Cancels cheer practices and initiate all the one-call’s when pertaining to cheer affiliation
-Arranges cheer music, including any editing or mixing of the music
-Shall obtain board approval of all music that is to be played during games, or used for competition
-Makes spirit K for games and for competition
-Shall have a vote on issues that the board is voting on
-Directly reports to Vice President and President
Concession Stand Manager-
Responsible for: Overseeing and management of all concession stands needs, transactions, maintenance and purchases,
-Applies for and attends the mandatory- Safe to Serve class from CCCHD prior to season starting
-Arranges adult volunteers to assist in concession stand
-Shall order all food, supplies, and drinks and drink delivery- and will submit all reciepts to treasurer for treasurer to issue a signed check
-Chooses a assistant concession stand manager- whom will act as the concession stand manager in the event of his/her absence
-Shall do beginning and end of season cleanup and report findings to the board
-Shall prepare all food items weekly-prepare for home games 1 ½ hr -2 hrs prior to the start of the first game, and prepares cleanup at completion of last game
-Shall open concession stand during weekly practices
-Shall maintain accurate account of purchasing items throughout the season
-Shall have a vote on all board voting issues
-Works directly with the Treasurer on weekly accountability of all money, transactions, including start and end money for every home game, and keeps proper record of it.
-Prepares end of week till deposits for the treasurer
-Directly reports to Vice President and President
Spirit Shop Manager-
Responsible for: Manage and oversee all spirit booth operations
-Shall receive, maintain, and order any needed spirit items once approved by the board
-Directly works with the treasurer on any and all money transactions, and will maintain accurate record of it, including weekly sales.
-Is accountable for all stock and supplies and completing end of the year account of such recorded items
-Has a vote on issues when board is voting
-Directly reports to the Vice President and President
Web-Page/Fundraiser Coordinator:
Responsible for: Managing the EPF website, face-book page, and posts items once the board has approved.
-Upload meeting minutes that have been issued by the Secretary
-Has a vote on all board issues requiring a vote
-Arranges any fundraiser that has been board approved
-Works directly with the treasurer in regards to all money, transactions, and purchases for the fundraiser once it has been board approved.
-Arranges and initiates end of season yearbook to be presented at the end of season awards banquet
-Weekly checks the EPF g-mail and reports any findings to the board. If immediate attention is desired he/she will be responsible to notify both the Vice President and the President
-Responsible for sponsorship letters and forms
-Works closely with the treasurer on current list of sponsors
-Responsible to send thank you card to sponsors by the end of the season
-Organizes the announcement at home games to honor our sponsors. Including notifying those sponsors of the date and agenda for acknowledging their organization.
-Directly reports to the Vice President and President
Section IV- Rules for Secession
In the event an elected Board of Directors officer cannot fulfill his/her term of office, the vacant office shall be filled in the following manner:
A. The name of the candidate for vacant office shall be placed up for nomination at the next scheduled Board meeting of the Board of Directors.
B. Each member of the Board of Directors present shall vote for a new candidate: the candidate with the most votes is elected into that role once he/she accepts the position.
EXCEPTION: If the vacant position has no candidate for running elected, the Board of Directors will follow the chain of command as outlined:
Vice President will fulfill President role, General Manager will assume Vice President.
Dual Office: If any Board of Directors positions is vacant and no candidates elected, any current Board of Director’s may hold two titles, with the exception of the Secretary, Treasurer and President if voted into that role by the current Board of Directors.
Article V- Coaching Staff
All Head Coaches must be approved by the Board of Directors. All assistant coaches will be selected by the head coach and then once selected must be approved by the Board of Directors. An affirmative majority (2/3) vote of those members present is required for approval.
A. Head Coach Roles/Responsibility
-Must be an adult over the age of 18 yrs old, and a positive role model for children
--Must reside in Greenon Local School District or have an athlete who is open enrolled in the school district.
-Must be FBI background approved with proper paperwork given to EPF Secretary prior to any interaction with the youth. EPF President will oversee all completed paperwork. EPF will abide and follow The National Alliance for Youth Sports in reference to background checks of all personnel having direct contact with the youth in this organization: