
Kognitio Console Scripting and Macros

Version 7.9.3
March 2013


This document contains proprietary information that should not be reproduced in whole or in part, nor released to third parties nor used for purposes other than those for which it has been expressly provided without the prior written agreement of Kognitio Limited.

Kognitio Limited tries to ensure that the information in this document is correct and fairly stated, but does not accept liability for any error or omission.

Kognitio Console Macro Guide, October 2012
Kognitio Technology Centre
© Kognitio Limited, 2002-2012
3A Waterside Park, Cookham Road
United Kingdom


Console Macro Guide vii

About this Manual

This manual is part of a series that describes how WX2 can enhance the productivity of your interactive database applications.

The manual assumes that the reader is familiar with relational concepts and SQL.

The Kognitio Console Macro system is built on XML and Lua (, it assumes that the reader is familiar with these.

Kognitio Scripts (‘Kog’ Scripts) are an extension of Lua 5.2 which make it easier to use for the purpose of SQL access of a database.

Console Macro Guide vii


About this Manual iii

Contents v

1 Kog Scripting xv

1.1 Getting Started xv

1.2 Naked SQL xvi

Global Variables xvii

SQL statements returning a table xix

Using $ substitution within SQL statements xx

1.3 KogScript command line tool xxi

1.4 Using require in Kog scripts xxii

Package Path xxiii


Standard Library Location xxiv

1.5 What Happens “under the hood” xxv

1.6 Other Kognitio Extensions xxvi

Shell xxvi

Table __toString() xxvi

Mixed Lua and Kog scripts xxvi

Lua Lanes xxvi

1.7 Compatibility with SQL Script xxvii

Whenever xxvii

Loops xxvii

Jump to error exit xxviii

Move large chunks of code into functions xxix

Use functions with parameters for similar SQL xxix

2 Kog Script Libarary 31

2.1 Lua builtin library functions 31

_G 31


assert 32

collectgarbage 32

dofile 33

error 33

getmetatable 34

ipairs 34

load 35

loadfile 36

next 36

pairs 37

pcall 38

print 38

rawequal 38

rawget 39

rawlen 39

rawset 39

require 40

selectfrom 40

select 41

setmetatable 41

shell 42

sql 42

tonumber 43

tostring 43

type 44

xpcall 44 44

bit32.lshift 44

bit32.bxor 44

bit32.extract 45

bit32.lrotate 45

bit32.arshift 45

bit32.rshift 45

bit32.rrotate 45

bit32.bnot 45

bit32.replace 45

bit32.bor 45

bit32.btest 46

debug.getinfo 46

debug.traceback 46

debug.getupvalue 46

debug.getuservalue 46

debug.getlocal 46

debug.debug 46

debug.upvaluejoin 46

debug.upvalueid 47

debug.gethook 47

debug.getregistry 47

debug.getmetatable 47

debug.setmetatable 47

debug.setlocal 47

debug.sethook 47

debug.setupvalue 47

debug.setuservalue 48

os.time 48

os.exit 48

os.getenv 48

os.difftime 48

os.setlocale 48

os.remove 48

os.rename 48

os.tmpname 49

os.execute 49

os.clock 49 49

math.modf 49

math.asin 49

math.tan 49

math.exp 49

math.atan 50

math.acos 50

math.max 50

math.min 50

math.deg 50

math.randomseed 50

math.pow 50

math.ceil 50

math.floor 51

math.abs 51

math.cosh 51

math.sin 51

math.frexp 51

math.random 51

math.sinh 51

math.tanh 51

math.ldexp 52

math.cos 52

math.log 52

math.atan2 52

math.fmod 52

math.sqrt 52

math.rad 52

io.flush 52

io.lines 53

io.popen 53

io.stderr 53 53

io.input 53

io.stdout 53

io.stdin 53

io.output 53

io.close 54 54

io.tmpfile 54

io.type 54

io.write 54

string.format 54

string.byte 54

string.gmatch 54

string.char 55

string.lower 55

string.upper 55

string.len 55

string.sub 55

string.dump 55

string.reverse 55

string.rep 55

string.match 56

string.gsub 56

string.find 56

table.insert 56

table.__tostring 56

table.concat 56

table.pack 56

table.sort 56

table.remove 57

table.unpack 57

coroutine.status 57

coroutine.resume 57

coroutine.yield 57

coroutine.running 57

coroutine.wrap 57

package.config 57

package.cpath 58

package.loaded 58

package.loadlib 58

package.path 58

package.preload 58

package.searchers 58

package.searchpath 58

2.2 Kog Script std library 59

string.format 59

2.3 std.base 59

std.assert 59

std.bind 60

std.collect 60

std.compose 60

std.concat 61

std.curry 61

std.die 62

std.eval 62

std.filter 62

std.fold 63 63

std.ileaves 63

std.inodes 64

std.leaves 64 64

std.memoize 65

std.metamethod 65

std.nodes 65

std.op 66

std.pack 66

std.pickle 66

std.prettytostring 67

std.render 67

std.ripairs 68

std.tostring 68

std.totable 69

std.warn 69

std.class 70

std.list 71

2.4 std.strbuf 71

__concat 71

__tostring 71

2.5 std.string 71

.. 72

[ ] 72

caps 72

chomp 72

escapePattern 72

escapeShell 73

find_as_list 73

finds 73

gsubs 74

ltrim 74

numbertosi 74

ordinalSuffix 75

pad 75

rep 75

rtrim 75

trim 75

wrap 76

2.6 std.Table 76

clone 76

clone_rename 77

empty 77

indices 77

insert 78

invert 78

merge 78

pack 79

remove 79

sort 79

values 80

3 Data Definition 81

3.1 Data Items 81

Data Item 81

Column 83

Connectors 84

Connector 84

Domains 85

Domain 86

External Scripts 86

External Script 87

Plugins 88

Plugin 89

Privileges 89

Privilege 90

Queues 92

Queue 92

Schemas 93

Schema 94

Script Environments 94

Script Environment 95

SecClasses 96

SecClass 96

Sessions 97

Session 98

Tables 99

Table 100

Users 101

User 102

Views 103

View 103

4 Macro Elements 105

wx2macro 105

actiontext 107

beforeserverversion 107

chartformat 109

dockable 109

kogscript 110

menu 112

name 113

objects 114

object 116

properties 117

report 118

requiredserverversion 120

requiredtableaccess 121

scalemarks 121

script 122

sql 125

title 127

update 127

<widget> common 128

<widget type=“button”> 132

<widget type=“chart”> 132

<widget type=“checkbox”> 133

<widget type=“combobox”> 134

<widget type=“groupbox”> 137

<widget type=“grid”> 139

<widget type=“hbox”> 139

<widget type=“image”> 140

<widget type=“label”> 140

<widget type=“lineedit”> 141

<widget type=“meter”> 143

<widget type=“piechart”> 145

<widget type=“radiobutton”> 146

<widget type=“server”> 147

<widget type=“slider”> 148

<widget type=“stretch”> 149

<widget type=“table”> 150

<widget type=“username”> 152

<widget type=“vbox”> 153

5 Using KogScript In Macros 156

6 Using Old Style SQL Scripts In Macros 157

Variables 157

Assignment 158

Connect statement 158

Describe Command 158

Disconnect Statement 158

Edit Command 158

Errorcode Command 158

Errorcodenot Command 159

Export Command 159

Goto Command 159

Help Command 159

If Statement 159

Include Command 160

Results Command 160

Returncode Command 160

Set Statement 160

Setvar Command 161

Shell Command 161

Show Command 162

Whenever Statement 162

Quit Command 162

Script variables 163

Example 1: 164

7 Putting It All Together 166

How Macros Are Used 166

Macro Directories 169

Writing effective macros 170

QuickViz - Creating macros the easy way 170

A 172

Index 172

Console Macro Guide vii

1Kog Scripting

In this Chapter we describe the Kognitio Scripting language (shortened to Kog Script). It is based on Lua 5.2, but has a number of extensions

1.1  Getting Started

Kog scripting is turned off by default in Console. It may be turned on in the Configuration dialog.

Then the SQL Script button will create a Kog script. Now a Kog script may be entered and run with similar debugging facilities to the old SQL scripts.

Pure Lua scripts (i.e. without any Kognitio extensions) may be created by changing the “Script:” combo box to “Lua”.

1.2  Naked SQL

The main way that Kog scripts differ from Lua is that they may contain SQL statements, without having to be enclosed in quotation marks. This ‘Naked’ SQL may also include Lua variables and expressions.

SQL Statements return a Lua table holding the statement status and resultset from select statements. A few Lua global variables are also set, mainly for compatibility with old style SQL scripts. Let us start with a simple one line Kog script containing naked SQL.

select * from sys.ipe_user;

This performs the select statement and sets some global variables. Note that all naked SQL must end with a ‘;’, this is different from Lua where terminating statements with ‘;’ is optional. Unlike Lua statements, SQL statements are case-insensitive. So the above script could have been written:

SELECT * FROM sys.ipe_user;

As well as select the following SQL keywords may also start SQL statements in Kog scripts: alter, commit, connect, create, defrag, delete, diagnose, disconnect, drop, explain, export, grant, insert, import, lock, merge, picture, reclaim, redistribute, rename, repack, revoke, rollback, set, truncate, update and with.

Global Variables

When a naked SQL statement is executed the following global variables are set:

variable / value
cliver / String, client version e.g.“7.09.01-s121122”
sysver / String, system version e.g. “07.09.0002”
SQLState / “OK”, or error string
WCSerror / “OK” or error string
CompileTime / Integer, milli-seconds
ExecuteTime / Integer, milli-seconds
FirstRowTime / Integer, milli-seconds
TotalTime / Integer, milli-seconds
NumRows / Integer, number of rows returned
NumColumns / Integer, number of columns returned
QueryNumber / Integer, number of queries performed in this script run.
Col1 / String, Contents of row=1, column=1
Col2 / String, Contents of row=1, column=2
Col3 / String, Contents of row=1, column=3
Col4 / String, Contents of row=1, column=4
Col5 / String, Contents of row=1, column=5
Col6 / String, Contents of row=1, column=6
Col7 / String, Contents of row=1, column=7

There are also some global variables that are used to control how scripts are run, and what to do when errors are encountered.

Variable / Contents
error_mode / String, made up of three parts:
<onerror> [ ; <transaction> ] [ ; <exitcode> ]
<onerror> = “continue”, “stop”, debug” or “exit”, default=“continue”
<transaction> = “rollback”, “commit” or “none”, default=”none”
<exitcode> =”success”, “failure” or “failure=n”, default=”success”
On Console the <onerror> value is set to the contents of “On server error” combo box.
Set this to change the action when an SQL error is encountered.
e.g error_mode=’exit;rollback;failure=9’
script_error_mode / String, contents of “On script fail” combo box. Set this to “continue”, “debug”, “stop” to change the action when a script fails.
fail_mode / String. Set this to “continue”, “debug”, “stop” to change the action when an error is encountered during testing.
NOTE: for Kognitio testing purposes, may change in future releases.
history_mode / String, contents of the “History mode:” combo box.
history_group / String, contents of the “History group” text box. Controls the section in the query history following statements are placed in.
sqldebug / Integer: Controls output to Console logs pane:
nil => no output
0 => no output
1 => “OK”, or “error” + error string, rows affected
2 => + times
3 => + resultset

SQL statements returning a table

Naked SQL Statements may also return a Lua table containing data about the query.

t = select * from sys.ipe_user;

This table contains several values:

Table Variable / Value
numRows / Integer, Number of rows in the resultset.
numCols / Integer, Number of columns in the resultset.
status / Integer, 0=OK
colNames / Table
rows / Table

The colNames table contains an array of the column names, Lua uses tables indexed from 1 and so t.colnames[1] is the name of the first column.

The rows table contains an array of rows (which are tables), Lua uses tables indexed from 1 and so t.rows[1] is contents of the first row.

Each row is a Lua table which is indexed by the column names. So t.rows[1].id is the user id in the first row.

Here is a script to show all the output from a query:

t = select * from ipe_user;


for i,v in pairs(t) do

print(" ", i, v, " \n");


print("column names\n")

for i,v in pairs(t.colNames) do

print(" ", i, v, " \n");



for i,row in pairs(t.rows) do

print(" row "..i, " \n")

for j, k in pairs(row) do

print(" ", j, "=", k, " \n");




for i,v in pairs(_G) do

print(" ", i, v, " \n");


Using $ substitution within SQL statements

Kog scripts use ‘$’ to perform substitution with Lua variables and expressions within naked SQL.

$<variable>[ ( <some text> ) ] [ <space> | ' | $ | ;|, ]

Where: <space> ::= ', ' | '\t' | '\r' | '\n'

A variable or Lua function call may end with a space, a single or double quote or a $

More complex Lua expressions need to be enclosed in matching ( ) .

$( <expression> ) [ <any> ]

Example 1:

names = {'ipe_user', 'ipe_schema'}

for i,v in pairs(names) do

select * from sys.$v;


Example 2:

function name() return 'ipe_user' end

t = select * from sys.$name();

Example 3:

1.3  KogScript command line tool

This is installed by the Kognitio Console installer on Windows, and is found in

C:\Program Files (x86)\Kognitio Ltd\wx2clients32\kogscript.exe (32 bit)

C:\Program Files\Kognitio Ltd\wx2clients64\kogscript.exe (64 bit)

The usage is:

kogscript.exe [options] [script [args]]

Available options are:

-e stat execute string stat

-i enter interactive mode after executing stat

-l name require library name

-v show version information

-E ignore environment variables

-s server connect to server

-s { str } connect using the connection string str

-u user connect as user

-p password use password for connection

-- stop handling options

- stop handling options and execute stdin

On windows kogscript includes line editing and line history.

As for the Console version a variable called sqldebug controls the amount of info which is output after each SQL statement.

Kogscript may be exited by either ctrl-z or using os.exit().

Example 1:

>"C:\Program Files (x86)\Kognitio Ltd\wx2clients32\kogscript.exe"

Kog Scripting - version: 7.02.01-s120808-michaela1 (32 bit)

Lua 5.2.1 Copyright (C) 1994-2012, PUC-Rio

> connect to latest user sys using albatros;

> t = select * from

> ipe_user;

> for i,v in pairs(t.rows) do print( end









> ^Z

Example 2:

The following example runs the script listusers.kog:

print("Finding Users:")

connect to latest user sys using albatros;

t = select * from ipe_user;

for i,v in pairs(t.rows) do print( end

Using kogscript like this:

>"C:\Program Files (x86)\Kognitio Ltd\wx2clients32\kogscript.exe" –i listusers.kog

Kog Scripting - version: 7.02.01-s120808-michaela1 (32 bit)