Conestoga Public Schools

Murray, NE

January 2008


Conestoga Public Schools

Murray, NE

This plan represents only some of the many safety challenges faced by Conestoga Public School Administrators and Staff and should in no way be construed as a complete survey of emergencies. Crisis management decisions shall be made with recognition of the unique nature of each situation as it arises.

January 2008

Table of Contents

School Contact Information / 4
Emergency Contact List
Crisis Team Calling Tree
Maintenance/Custodial Staff Contacts / 5
Utilities & Building Map - Elementary / 6-8
Utilities & Building Map – Jr./Sr. High / 9-11
Abduction / 12
Aircraft Impact / 14
Bomb Threat / 16
Bus Accident / 18
Crime Scene Management / 20
Earthquake / 22
Epidemic / Poison / 24
Evacuation - Alternate Site / 26
Evacuation - Fire or other immediate / 28
Fire Exit Map – Elementary / 29-30
Fire Exit Map – Jr./Sr. High / 31
Hazardous Materials – Indoors / 33
Hazardous Materials – Outdoors / 35
Lockdown – No Response – Intruder / 37-40
Lockdown – Response / 41
Lockdown – Exterior Doors / 43
Media Procedures / 45
Tornado Warning / Severe Weather / 47
Tornado Shelter Plan – Elementary / 48
Tornado Shelter Plan – Jr./Sr. High / 49
Utility Failure / 51
Recovery Procedures / 53
Resources / 55
Incident Notes – Extra Copies / 56-65

Conestoga Public Schools

Contact Information

Facility: Conestoga Elementary School

Conestoga District Offices

Address: 104 E High Street, Murray NE 68409

Location: 4 blocks north of Hwy 1 on Latta Street in Murray, NE

Telephone: 402-235-2341 – Elementary Office

402-235-2992 – District Office

Facility: Conestoga Junior/Senior High School

Address: 8404 42nd Street, Murray NE 68409

Location: 2 miles west of Murray, NE on Hwy 1 at the 42nd street intersection

Telephone: 402-235-2271 – High School Office

Emergency Contact List

Position / Name / School Office / Cell Phone / Home Phone
Superintendent / Mark Sievering / 235-2992 / 297-1507 / 235-3689
H.S. Principal / Angela Leifeld / 235-2271 / 651-4208 / 235-3347
Asst. Principal / Robin Frost / 235-2271 / 297-2200 / 235-3038
Elem. Principal / Eric Dennis / 235-2341 / 297-1889 / 235-3451
School Nurse / Dawnelle Martin / 235-2271
235-2341 / 297-6923 / 235-2330

Crisis Team Calling Tree

Deb Leffler
Home 235-3191
Cell 297-8729
Mark Sievering
Home 235-3689
Cell 297-1507 / Angela Leifeld
Home 235-3347
Cell 651-4208 / Eric Dennis
Home 235-3451
Cell 297-1889
Dawnelle Martin
Home 235-2330
Cell 297-6923 / Robin Frost
Home 235-3038
Cell 297-2200 / Rosanne Burg
Cell 238-8936
Tracy Morton
Home 227-2008
Cell 297-8345 / Kelli Urton
Home 235-2233
Cell 297-6661 / Brett Webster
Cell 308-380-1150

Maintenance/Custodial Staff Contacts

Head of Maintenance/Custodial / Timothy (Tadd) Holliman / Home 235- 3232
Cell 297-2740
MS Custodial-Maintenance / Howard Houle / Home 297-1966
Cell 297-1966
H.S. Custodian / Elizabeth McDonnel / Home 235-2735
H.S. Custodian / William Taylor / Home 235-2831
K-6 Custodian / Robert Vollman / Home 227-2835
Custodial / Veronica Williams / Home 235-3903

Crisis Response Plan

Conestoga Public Schools


Emergency Utility Information

Elementary Building

Facility: Conestoga Elementary School

Conestoga District Office

Address: 104 E High Street, Murray NE 68409

Location: 4 blocks north of Hwy 1 on Latta Street in Murray, NE

Telephone: 402-235-2341 – Elementary Office

402-235-2992 – District Office

Utility / Company / Emergency Telephone / Primary Shutoff Location / Secondary Shutoff Location
Electric / NPPD / 877-275-6773 / 1st floor - West mechanical room
North wall – properly marked / 2nd floor – Mechanical room
North wall – properly marked
Natural Gas / Aquila / 800-303-0357 / Outside in the alley on the southwest corner of building / School kitchen – west of stove
(Water valves REMAIN OPEN during fire / Village of Murray / 402-235-2119
Al Konfrst / School kitchen west wall by the door / 1st floor – North mechanical room on the wall properly marked
Air Conditioning / Siemens / 800-711-8125 / 1st floor north mechanical room on the south wall / 2nd floor – mechanical room south wall unit
Boiler (small) / 1st floor north mechanical room in the middle of the room
Cass Co. Emergency Mgmt. / 402-267-6765
William Cover
Sheriff / 911
Cass Co. Health Dept. / 800-645-0134

Elementary Building Map

1st Floor

Elementary Building Map

2nd Floor

Emergency Utility Information

Jr./Sr. High Building

Facility: Conestoga Junior/Senior High School

Address: 8404 42nd Street, Murray NE 68409

Location: 2 miles west of Murray, NE on Hwy 1 at the 42nd street intersection

Telephone: 402-235-2271 – High School Office

Utility / Company / Emergency Telephone / Primary Shutoff Location / Secondary Shutoff Location
Electric / OPPD / 234-2455
location #
Meter # 72853372 / 1st Electrical Panel in Boiler Rm. Go to far right. Main – pull handle up.
Propane / Midwest Farmers Coop / 227-2715 / Walk in boiler room. Ahead and slightly to the right approximately 8 ft high. A sign that reads Gas Shut off Valve. There is a wrench hanging by the sign. Valve is to left of sign as you are facing the sign. / Midwest Farmers Coop is who fills our tank. Should there be a more major issue contact either Rome on Randy’s cell 677-7767 or Siemens 1-800-711-8125.
(Water valves REMAIN OPEN during fire / Rural Water / Dennis Hoback Cell # 306-3358 or
office 235-3077 / Walk in boiler room. Walk straight ahead to far wall. Grey boxes on wall with red handles. There are two boxes. Pull handles down.
Heating and Air / Rome
Siemens / Rome
Randy’s cell 677-7767 or
1-800-711-8125 / In Boiler Rm 3rd Large Grey Electrical Panel, on the General Electric Motor Control Center.

Continued on next page

Emergency Utility Information Continued

Jr./Sr. High Building

Facility: Conestoga Junior/Senior High School

Address: 8404 42nd Street, Murray NE 68409

Location: 2 miles west of Murray, NE on Hwy 1 at the 42nd street intersection

Telephone: 402-235-2271 – High School Office

Utility / Company / Emergency Telephone / Primary Shutoff Location / Secondary Shutoff Location
Boilers / Rome
Siemens / Rome
Randy’s cell
677-7767 or
1-800-711-8125 / Walk inside boiler room. Turn around and face the door. Red button to the right just above the light switch.
Security / Sonitrol
Our acct # is
7115 / Pad is to the right of the back door on the wall.
Telephone / Windstream
1-800-598-4357 / Walk inside Boiler room. Immediately take a right. All of the panels on the wall to the right are for the phone.
Cass Co. Emergency Mgmt. / 402-267-6765
William Cover
Sheriff / 911
Cass Co. Health Dept. / 800-645-0134

Jr./Sr. High Building Map

Crisis Response Plan

Conestoga Public Schools



Immediate Actions / Time Completed / Initials / Item is N/A
Search the classroom including closets, under desks, etc.
Ask other children if they know where the child may be.
Report missing child or abduction to office immediately.
Administrator will confer with teacher to determine need to call law enforcement.
Ongoing Actions
Treat custody dispute problems as a possible abduction.
Account for all students and staff.
Office staff or crisis team plans how to inform families of students or staff of injuries or fatalities including:
Initial contact.
Statement preparation.
Identify a private location for parents/family of the injured.
Administrator will notify missing child’s parents of situation.
Communicate with law enforcement and receive updates.
Continuity of Operations
Keep parent custody information updated and document when students are picked-up by parents/caregivers.
Encourage affected individuals to receive psychological services.
Teacher or counselor submits report to principal on student needing follow-up as soon as possible after the incident
Crisis team will meet to determine needs of school if needed.


Comments/Notes by Incident Commander may include:
·  Who reported the emergency, nature and location of event, weapons, injuries, etc…
·  Directions from law enforcement or emergency personnel.
·  Action items or procedure modifications.
·  Staff or student issues for follow-up.
·  Contact names and #’s.
·  Other information as needed. / Date/Time
Completed / Initials


On School Grounds

Immediate Actions / Time Completed / Initials / Item is N/A
Office personnel call 911.
If needed evacuate all individuals away from danger to Alternate Site. See Evacuation - Alternate Site Procedure
Notify superintendent.
Gather information on any injured students/staff and manage their evacuation.
Establish entrance and exit security on school grounds and assign staff to monitor movement of individuals.
Document names of students that require transportation to
Create a triage area for emergency medical services.
Determine location and extent of impact area.
Determine existence or possibility of fire.
Account for all students, staff & visitors.
Determine if utilities need to be shut off or disconnected.
Ongoing Actions
Refer to fire evacuation procedures if needed.
Create a monitored accessibility point to the facility by emergency personnel. See Crime Scene Management procedures.
Treat impact area as a crime scene.
Assign member of staff with necessary keys to give emergency
personnel access to secure areas.
Office staff or crisis team plans how to inform families of students or staff of injuries or fatalities including:
Initial contact.
Statement preparation.
Identify a private location for parents/family of the injured.
Administrator will notify parents of situation.
Establish a non-injured student/parent reunification site.
Refer to media procedures to provide information to parents/public.
Document when students are picked-up by parents/caregivers.
Communicate with emergency personnel and receive updates of
Continuity of Operations
Encourage affected individuals to receive medical and psychological services.
Crisis team will meet to determine needs of school.
Staff submits report to principal on students needing follow-up as soon as possible after the incident.
Provide information on school re-opening.
Refer to recovery procedures.


Comments/Notes by Incident Commander may include:
·  Who reported the emergency, nature and location of event, weapons, injuries, etc…
·  Directions from law enforcement or emergency personnel.
·  Action items or procedure modifications.
·  Staff or student issues for follow-up.
·  Contact names and #’s.
·  Other information as needed. / Date/Time
Completed / Initials


Immediate Actions / Time Completed / Initials / Item is N/A
Person receiving threat will use bomb threat checklist.
Alert another person if possible.
DO NOT HANG UP after the bomb threat call has ended in order to trace the call.
Principal or office personnel is notified of situation.
Administrator will determine response needed. See fire evacuation or evacuation to alternate site procedure.
If administrator determines threat is not imminent office personnel announces on intercom:
“This is a lockdown. Lock your doors. A situation requires us to limit movement in the building. Substitutes check your sub folder for procedures. Available staff report to the office.”
See Lockdown procedures.
A different office person calls 911 – stay on the line to give detailed information.
Call superintendent.
Account for students:
Substitutes will be called by the office .
Staff will email roll.
Office personnel do not accept incoming phone calls.
Ongoing Actions
Provide law enforcement with building map or blue prints.
Wait for law enforcement to advise regarding ongoing shelter in place, evacuation, parental notification, media statement, reunification, etc…
Refer to evacuation procedures if needed. See Evacuation - Alternate Site Procedure
Refer to media procedures.
Office staff or crisis team plans how to inform families of students or staff of injuries or fatalities including:
Initial contact.
Statement preparation.
Identify a private location for parents/family of the injured.
Continuity of Operations
Crisis team will meet to determine needs of school.
Staff submits report to principal on students needing follow-up as soon as possible after the incident.


Comments/Notes by Incident Commander may include:
·  Who reported the emergency, nature and location of event, weapons, injuries, etc…
·  Directions from law enforcement or emergency personnel.
·  Action items or procedure modifications.
·  Staff or student issues for follow-up.
·  Contact names and #’s.
·  Other information as needed. / Date/Time
Completed / Initials


Involving occupied school bus

Immediate Actions / Time Completed / Initials / Item is N/A
Bus driver will follow bus evacuation procedure.
Bussing manager will contact superintendent.
Superintendent will determine if crisis team is activated.
Upon activation crisis team will respond as needed.
Ongoing Actions
Bussing company will deploy a second bus to scene of accident.
Account for all students.
Document names of students that require transportation to
Second bus will provide shelter for students on location of incident.
Establish a student/parent reunification site.
Upon approval from law enforcement or school administration the second bus will transport students to the closest alternate reunification site.
·  Any Conestoga school building
·  Community fire department
Refer to media procedures to provide information to parents/public on situation and location of student pick-up.
Release students only after approval from law enforcement.
Document when students are picked-up by parents/caregivers.
Continuity of Operations
Encourage affected individuals to receive medical and psychological services.
Crisis team will meet to determine needs of school.
Staff submits report to Principal on students needing follow-up as soon as possible after the incident


Comments/Notes by Incident Commander may include:
·  Who reported the emergency, nature and location of event, weapons, injuries, etc…
·  Directions from law enforcement or emergency personnel.
·  Action items or procedure modifications.
·  Staff or student issues for follow-up.
·  Contact names and #’s.
·  Other information as needed. / Date/Time
Completed / Initials


Immediate Actions / Time Completed / Initials / Item is N/A
Notify law enforcement.
Notify superintendent.
Keep possible suspects isolated and under observation.
·  Do not allow them to leave, clean up, change clothes, etc.
·  Note comments they make in relation to the scene.
Remove everyone from the crime scene.
Identify students/staff with an association to the scene and keep
them separate, but monitored for law enforcement interview.
Identify possible witnesses but do not conduct an interview.
Document comments made by witnesses.
Designate at least one employee to monitor crime scene until the arrival of law enforcement with these procedures:
·  Do not allow anyone other than medical personnel or law enforcement to enter the crime scene.
·  Do not enter, touch, or move anything in the area.
Ongoing Actions
If necessary, create an area for law enforcement to temporarily
store items of evidence.
If requested by law enforcement, designate one employee as
evidence custodian responsible for temporary secure storage of
evidence with these procedures:
·  Allow only law enforcement into temporary storage area.
·  Help document what time each item was brought into temporary storage.
·  Do not handle items of evidence.
Continuity of Operations
When given approval by law enforcement, arrange for clean-up of the crime scene.
Notify law enforcement immediately if additional items of
possible interest are found.
Obtain list of items removed from the scene for future release.