Compliance Review Checklist

The following checklist must be completed, copied and submitted along with all supporting documentation. Each selection below must be marked (Yes, No or N/A) accordingly. If the answer is yes, documentation must be submitted for that selection. All documentation provided must be identified as an “EXHIBIT” (A, B, etc.) on the checklist, as well as, on each document.

Failure to cooperate and comply with the Equal Opportunity Division’s requests during the review process, will result in a non-compliance determination and may result in the denial of the company’s Certificate of Compliance with the State of Ohio.

Included / Supporting Document Checklist To determine if your company has complied with the State of Ohio's affirmative action program the following good faith efforts must be copied, labeled as an exhibit and submitted to contracting agency.
□Yes / □No / □N/A / If union contractor, provide local union numbers for each union. EXHIBIT:
□Yes / □No / □N/A / If union, provide a signed Certification of Union Labor Non-Discrimination or other documentation from each labor union the company utilizes for job referrals stating the labor organization does not discriminate. EXHIBIT:
□Yes / □No / □N/A / If union and unable to secure a signed Certification of Union Labor Non-Discrimination form, provide copies of documentation demonstrating efforts made to obtain Certification of Labor Union Non-Discrimination from each labor union the company utilizes for job referrals. EXHIBIT:
□Yes / □No / □N/A / Documentation demonstrating the company maintains an acceptable list of recruitment sources serving the recruitment areas for the company’s construction projects. EXHIBIT:
□Yes / □No / □N/A / Documentation demonstrating the company maintains "ongoing" documentation to minority and female recruitment sources, community and/or union organizations requesting minorities and women field employees when hiring opportunities were available. EXHIBIT:
□Yes / □No / □N/A / Copies of a walk-in applicant logs, applications maintained in the past 12 months.
□Yes / □No / □N/A / Copies of documentation of any employee training program(s) offered to field employees within the past 12 months. EXHIBIT:
□Yes / □No / □N/A / Copies of notifications from the company to minority and female recruitment sources when unions, apprenticeships, or training organizations were accepting new apprentices within the past 12 months.
□Yes / □No / □N/A / Documentation related to any claims the union has impeded the company’s efforts to comply with its EEO obligations. EXHIBIT:
□Yes / □No / □N/A / Documentation of any on-the-job training opportunities offered by the company or participated in training programs which includes minorities and women. EXHIBIT:
□Yes / □No / □N/A / Records of employees’ participation in construction related training programs for promotional opportunities. EXHIBIT:
□Yes / □No / □N/A / Documentation of any contributions of cash, equipment or personnel provided in support of training or apprenticeship programs. EXHIBIT:
Included / Supporting Document Checklist To determine if your company has complied with the State of Ohio's affirmative action program the following good faith efforts must be copied, labeled as an exhibit and submitted to EOD.
□Yes / □No / □N/A / Documentation demonstrating the company notifies recruitment sources to include minority/women of training and apprenticeship opportunities. EXHIBIT:
□Yes / □No / □N/A / If the company does not adopt the State of Ohio's Affirmative Action Program, provide an approved affirmative action plan. EXHIBIT:
□Yes / □No / □N/A / If company has been reviewed within the past 12 months by a governmental agency, provide copy of the agency's review results. EXHIBIT:
□Yes / □No / □N/A / Documentation demonstrating the company's maintains a formal procedure to handled complaints of discrimination, harassment and/or intimidation. EXHIBIT:
□Yes / □No / □N/A / If discrimination complaints have been filed against the company in the past 5 years, provide the following: filing date, filing agency (Ohio Civil Rights Commission, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission), status of complaint, complaint results (probable cause, dismissed, etc.), copy of agency's report and complaint results. EXHIBIT:
□Yes / □No / □N/A / An acceptable written Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) policy statement on company's letterhead which includes a contact person and phone number to whom workers may submit complaint(s). EXHIBIT:
□Yes / □No / □N/A / An acceptable written Sexual Harassment policy statement on company's letterhead which includes definition, complaint resolution, methodology, company’s responsibilities under policy, and the name of contact person and phone number to whom workers may submit complaint(s). EXHIBIT:
□Yes / □No / □N/A / Documentation demonstrating company annually disseminates the company's EEO and harassment policy statement to each employee. EXHIBIT:
□Yes / □No / □N/A / Documentation demonstrating EEO and Sexual Harassment policy statements and federal posters are posted at business location and job sites. EXHIBIT:
□Yes / □No / □N/A / Documentation (meeting minutes, agenda, etc.) demonstrating the company conducts an annual review of the company's EEO policies and affirmative action obligations with all employees having any responsibility for hiring, assignment, layoff, termination or other employment decisions. EXHIBIT:
□Yes / □No / □N/A / Documentation demonstrating the company’s EEO policies and affirmative action obligations are reviewed prior to the start of each construction project with job site supervisory personnel (superintendents, foremen, etc.) Documents (meeting agendas, agendas, etc.) should include time, place, attendees and subject matter. EXHIBIT:
□Yes / □No / □N/A / Documentation demonstrating the company notifies unions and training organizations of the contractor’s EEO policies and affirmative action obligations and requests assistance in meeting those obligations. EXHIBIT:
□Yes / □No / □N/A / Documentation of company's EEO Officer's monitoring efforts to ensure a working environment free of harassment, intimidation, and coercion on all job sites and all facilities in which employees are assigned to work. EXHIBIT:
□Yes / □No / □N/A / Documentation of any EEO/harassment awareness training provided to supervisors and/or employees. EXHIBIT:
□Yes / □No / □N/A / Documentation demonstrating the company’s EEO policies and affirmative action obligations are included in manuals, collective bargaining agreements, newsletters, annual reports, etc. EXHIBIT:
Included / Supporting Document Checklist To determine if your company has complied with the State of Ohio's affirmative action program the following good faith efforts must be copied, labeled as an exhibit and submitted to EOD.
□Yes / □No / □N/A / Documentation demonstrating the company has formal evaluation process for all field employees. Provide copies of evaluations for minority and women field employees. EXHIBIT:
□Yes / □No / □N/A / Documentation demonstrating the company encourages minorities and women field employees to seek or prepare for promotional opportunities through appropriate training. EXHIBIT:
□Yes / □No / □N/A / If company employs or have employed a minority and/or woman superintendent or foreman in the past 12 months, provide the following: name of employee, trade name, and job assignment(s). EXHIBIT:
□Yes / □No / □N/A / Documentation demonstrating EEO tagline is included on the company's external documents such as, letterhead, business cards, website, advertising/media, purchase orders and/or invoices. EXHIBIT:
□Yes / □No / □N/A / If the company subcontracts work, provide documentation demonstrating the company includes or attaches to its subcontractor’s agreement(s) or other subcontract documents, the company's EEO policies and affirmative action obligations (Non discrimination clauses, I-29 -reporting responsibilities, etc.). EXHIBIT:
□Yes / □No / □N/A / Documentation demonstrating the company’s subcontractors’ submittal of the Ohio Construction Contract Information Reports (I-29) to the State of Ohio, Equal Opportunity while performing on state or state assisted construction contracts. EXHIBIT:
□Yes / □No / □N/A / *Company's payroll records for field employees for the month of: EXHIBIT:
□Yes / □No / □N/A / *List of minorities and women field employees to include name, trade and hourly rate for the month/year: EXHIBIT:
□Yes / □No / □N/A / *List of all field employees for the past 12 months. Employee list must be submitted on employee excel spreadsheet provided by EOD. EXHIBIT:
□Yes / □No / □N/A / *Company's Ohio Department of Job & Family Services (ODJFS) Employer’s Report of Wages - Supplemental reports for the most recent 4 quarters. For each quarter, identify each minority construction worker with the letter “M”, and each woman construction worker with the letter “W”. EXHIBIT:
□Yes / □No / □N/A / *List of all public contracts for the past 12 months. Project data must be submitted on project list excel spreadsheet provided by EOD. EXHIBIT:
□Yes / □No / □N/A / Documentation demonstrating solicitations of offers to/from minority and women owned contractors and suppliers. EXHIBIT:
□Yes / □No / □N/A / List of MBE/WBE/EDGE utilized in the past 12 months to include: name of business, federal tax identification number, name of project utilized, type of service (subcontractor or supplier), start/completion dates and contract dollar amount. Data must be submitted on MBE/WBE/EDGE spreadsheet. EXHIBIT:
□Yes / □No / □N/A / Supporting documentation for MBE/WBE/EDGE participation for each business listed on MBE/WBE/EDGE spreadsheet (purchases orders, subcontract agreements, invoices, etc). EXHIBIT:
□Yes / □No / □N/A / Current certification for each of the MBE/WBE/EDGE businesses included on the MBE/WBE/EDGE spreadsheet. EXHIBIT:
Preparer Name: