JUNE 13, 2016 AT 5:00PM

The regular monthly meeting of the Newville Borough Council Community and Economic Development Committee was held on June 13, 2016 at 5:00PM in the Newville Borough Office, 4 West Street, Newville, Pennsylvania. The meeting was called to order at 5:00PM by Chairman Becky Barrick. On roll call, the following members were present: Glenn Harry, Dale Jumper and Becky Barrick. Also present was Mary Kuna, Manager of Business Attraction for CAEDC.

Minutes: The minutes of the May 9, 2016 meeting were reviewed and approved.

Old Business:

-Promotion of Community Events: Planning continues for the creation of a Facebook page that will promote activities and events in the Big Spring community. Ms. Barrick reported that she is working to recruit members for a committee to oversee this project. The Facebook page will require an administrator as well. Ms. Kuna offered assistance in helping to development the Facebook page.

-Ballot Question: Members discussed the possibility of having a ballot question prepared for the 2017 municipal election. The general consensus of the committee favored a ballot question: “should Newville remain a dry community”. Members agreed to focus on the correct wording of the question for the next meeting. Guidelines for the preparation and submission of a ballot question will be obtained from Penny Brown at the Cumberland County Election Bureau. Mary Kuna discussed various forms of licensing that may be available from the LCB to support economic development.

Members agreed to finalize the question at the July 11, 2016 meeting.

-CVRTC Trail Agreement: An agreement has been prepared for the construction of a pedestrian bridge to be placed across West Big Spring Avenue at Finley Street. Under the terms of this agreement, CVRTC shall be responsible for all maintenance of the structure, all liability for the structure shall be the responsibility of the CVRTC. The borough must be provided with a certificate of insurance on an annual basis, and must be named as a co-insured party. The bridge must be inspected annually according to PennDOT specifications for pedestrian bridges, and the borough must be provided with a copy of the report. The Borough Solicitor and the CVRTC Solicitor are working on the final details of this agreement.

-Parsonage Street Resurfacing: Prevailing wage rates for this project have been provided by the Cumberland County Redevelopment Authority. The project will be let for bid in July. The borough has received a $70,000 community development block grant for this project.

New Business:

-2017 CDBG Projects: Ms. Barrick announced the Redevelopment Authority will be accepting proposals for the 2017 CDBG program in August. Newville Borough has been awarded funding in the range of $50,000 to $70,000 for past projects. The committee decided to submit a request for street resurfacing. The Street Superintendent and Borough Manager were tasked to prepare a cost estimate for resurfacing of various streets and alleys for the July 11, 2016 meeting.

-2017 Homes Program: Members discussed the problem of home foreclosures within the borough. These properties eventually become a nuisance and a risk to public safety. The members favored establishing a program of acquiring and rehabilitating foreclosed properties for sale to first time home owners. The Borough Manager will obtain more information from the Redevelopment Authority regarding the guidelines for establishing this program. The committee favored making an application in the amount of $125,000 for 2017 HOMES funding.

-Traffic Signal Grant: Ms. Barrick announced that PennDOT has awarded the borough a grant in the amount of $38,976 for a new traffic signal at the intersection of Main Street and High Street. The committee discussed possible sources of matching funds. The committee agreed to send letters to Valley Quarries and the Cumberland County Landfill to request donations to provide matching funds for this project.

-Tri-County Planning Commission Regional Connection Grant: Members discussed a possible application for funding assistance, which is intended for multi-municipal planning projects, or projects that may have a regional benefit. The members favored making an application for funding to evaluate improvements at the intersection of Main Street and High Street for turning lanes, and off-street parking areas.

-Newville Ribbon Company: The committee was informed that Lawrence Schiff Silk Mills, Inc., owner of the Newville Ribbon Company at 15 Railroad Avenue has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. Mary Kuna requested more information regarding the closing of this factory.

Comments from the Floor: Ms. Barrick thanked everyone for a productive meeting.

Adjournment: There being no further business to come before the committee, the meeting was adjourned at 6:00PM. The next meeting of the Community and Economic Development Committee will be held on July 11, 2016 at 5:00PM in the Borough Office.




Borough Manager/Secretary

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