Children & Families Managers Meeting
Held on Tuesday 17 July 2012,
At 10:00AM, in Committee Room 1, Kilmory
Louise Long / Head of Children and Families (Chair)
Mark Lines / Service Manager – Operations
Alison MacKenzie / Principal Officer Early Years
Janice Frank / Area Manager – OLI
Joy Daniels / Area Manager – Helensburgh & Lomond
Billy Moore / Children’s Placement Manager
Brian Reid / Independent Reviewing Officer
Liz Strang / Lead Officer Child Protection & GIRFEC
Liling Payne / Children’s Manager – Children With Disabilities
Hayley MacLean / Admin Officer (Minutes)
In Attendance: -
John Duncan / EEI Coordinator
Alex Taylor / Service Manager – Resources
Jon Belton / Service Manager – Criminal Justice
Lorraine Prentice / Area Manager – B&C
Donna Carvill / Area Manager – MAKI
Anne Paterson / QIM – Early Years
Gary Stopford / Independent Reviewing Officer
Jon Belton / Service Manager – Criminal Justice
Item No / Item / By Whom / Date
1. / Minutes of Previous Meeting
Copy of Minute from meeting held on Friday 1 June 2012 was circulated for accuracy and matters arising.
LL reported that Children and Families have one of the highest sickness figures in the Council and one of the lowest completion of return to work interviews. Managers are to ensure that staff telephone the absence line on the first day of sickness and when they return. HM to separate the HR spread sheets into the four different services and distribute to Service Managers.
Managers were asked to also be clear with staff that if they hit the trigger for three absences an absence review will take place. LL stated that this helps duty of care to staff and to manage absence.
According to the monthly spread sheets sent by HR Operations have the poorest figures for completed PDRs. SMs will receive a list of due PDRs along with absence figures for their respective service. Managers are asked to check the details and if they find that PDRs have been done.
ML advised that a session with Julie Hallett is scheduled in the next couple of weeks where they will look at HR policies.
CP – Framework of Competencies
LS advised there are 93 competencies in the new competencies framework which includes competencies for the wider workforce and specialist staff. It was advised that this figure should be decreased once the consultation is complete. The timeline was queried for completion and it was advised that the consultation would take place in September.
Discussion around allocation and leadership suggested we ask team leaders at to be tabled subjects at the next Team Leader’s meeting which is to be held on 31 July 2012.
After discussion at the last CFMT it was agreed that LL/AT/ML would produce a discussion paper to look at potential new structure for a future meeting. LL asked that an Area Manager also be included – JF and BM both volunteered for this. LL advised that comparative authorities such as Highland, Borders and Dumfries & Galloway, would be looked at terms of their Children and Families structure.
Governance & Structures of Future Meetings
ML circulated a paper which outlines proposals to restructure the current arrangements for the approval of funding for packages.
ML talked through the proposals within the paper: -
(i) Joint Adult & Children with a Disability Resource Group (DRG) – Liling was concerned re this proposal because it also includes adult care packages therefore the volume needs to be discussed. Also LL stated that she felt that the requests considered at this group should be in excess of £20K and not the £5K indicated in the paper. All agreed that a plan should be put in place for transitions immediately. ML to share paper with Adult Care, Team Leaders and Jim Robb Head of Adult Services.
(ii) Children’s Resource Panel (CRP) – People’s general view was that the current CRP worked for basic packages but not for the more complex. It is proposed that an Area Manager should be delegated to chair the CRP and should be fixed. Reasons for this were noted: -
· Governance
· Consistency
· Level of peer challenge
· Creates culture of managing budgets
Some concerns were highlighted in terms of budget monitoring. It was confirmed that Sandra McLindon from Finance would be in attendance. LL stated that a representative from Health and Education should also be on this group. Health have confirmed they would attend the CRP.
BM commented that at present the group circles around budgeting and suggested that it could be instead used for care planning. LL agreed and stressed that it was important that social work are linked in and hear challenges, it should not only be about budgets.
LL agreed to take this forward with Education and Health.
(iii) Joint Resource Group (JRG) – ML explained that this group is more about the large, complex interagency packages and would be over the CRP budget limit. BM confirmed that he is a member of this group.
It was agreed that this paper be shared with the other members of the group for their comments.
(iv) Joint Service Management Group (JSMG) – ML advised that this was the strategic group and would review appeals of any decisions made at the JRG which would shorten the agenda of the JSMG.
LL explained to the group what the JSMG currently does. LL would like to see more detailed discussions about children and young people. A paper to go out for consultation to Team Leaders and reps from Health and Education.
Scheme of Delegation
Currently being revisited by Finance. It was reported that the reason for the delay is that it includes Adult Care as well as Children and Families.
Fatal Accident Inquiry
LL provided an update on the FAI advising that she had requested a copy of the Erskine Bridge Inquiry (EBI) report from the Care Inspectorate however was advised that this was not possible to release at the moment. When SCSWIS changed to the Care Inspectorate the responsibility under regulation 6 for the death of a looked after child was not transferred to the Care Inspectorate. The Scottish Government and Care inspectorate are in the process of resolving the issue.
LL advised that David Cumming, Care Inspectorate attended the last CPC where he did a presentation on the EBI report.
No actions/decisions can be made until the report is received.
The SSSC has been in contact with LL requesting a report on what actions we have taken with staff involved in the FAI. It was confirmed that the decision lies with the Chief Executive however no action, if any, will be taken until the EBI report is received. Following discussion it was agreed to e-mail the staff involved in the first instance before wider circulation once the council had considered the EBI report.
JD queried the current position in regard to the FAI Desktop Review by Anne Paterson and Allen Stevenson. LL confirmed that the findings are available however will not be circulated until the EBI report is received.
Policies and Procedures
LL confirmed she had received a substantial amount of policies and procedures and that the next stage is to prioritise these. With the amount received LL stated that staff would be inundated.
A list to be compiled and sent to JD for discussion at the next Team Leaders meeting.
JF referred to receiving a pack previously which included all procedures, this was found to be helpful however this is now outdated.
In addition to this JF highlighted the new policy on TOIL. She advised it was causing problems in terms of workers requesting authorisation to work out of hours. Workers need to be instructed that the TOIL policy remains largely the same for our service however there has to be some consistency, AMs responsible for this.
Risk Assessment
Was concluded and guidance has been circulated. Actions to be taken forward are: -
· Champions in each team to take forward. CABD to be included.
· Need to formally launch and review it.
JF advised that a session had been held in Oban recently to discuss risk assessment. These sessions would continue to be held every 6-8 weeks and the Area Manager will attend some of these. Further details of this will be discussed at item 12.
Being tested on CareFirst this week and will be distributed to Team Leaders at the meeting on 31/07/12 for immediate implementation.
LL asked that she is kept updated of any looked after children being excluded in order that she can raise these with other partners/officers.
One incident was reported in respect of a child on home supervision who refused to go on a transitions trip.
In addition to this there was discussion about CAMHS and it was advised that there is an issue accessing the service. It was noted that there are time delays with assessments from Joe McNee (JMcN).
LL advised that she recently met with Derek Bannon from Common Threads and they discussed CAMHS. Concern is Argyll and Bute will be unable to use Dumfires and Galloway placement if the issues is not resolved. LL will pick up issue with health . / All
Area Managers
2. / Early Years Service Plan 2012
A copy of the Early Years Service Plan was circulated and AMK provided an overview of it. It was noted that one of the main challenges is meeting 600 hours of free pre school education and care provision for all 3 and 4 olds and vulnerable 2 year olds. Cost and how we commission services will have to be explored.
It was agreed that Early Years would deliver a presentation at the October CFMT when the inspectors are in attendance. / AP
3. / Exclusions
Discussed at matters arising.
4. / Early and Effective Intervention (EEI)
John Duncan, EEI Coordinator circulated a briefing paper on the EEI process.
Phase 2 – the multi screening of referrals is scheduled to go live in September 2012.
The importance of this process must be reinforced - Managers were requested to inform workers in their respective area teams and John advised that he would be attending the team leaders meeting. All staff in social work and partner agencies need to be urged for a quick turnaround. Timescales are currently not being hit however it was noted that no agency is. John is following this up with Health.
John to arrange for a briefing paper to go out to nurseries and will be in contact with AMK prior to this.
A screening group is required and it was advised that Health and Education need to provide a staff to support the screening group.
John advised that he is happy to attend team meetings as required. Area Managers to discuss with John direct. / All
Area Manager
5. / Consultation on a Proposed Children & Young People Bill
A copy of the consultation and covering letter were circulated.
LL highlighted the main proposals from the Bill: -
· The proposal that the role for Scotland’s Commissioner for C&YP should be extended to undertake investigations on behalf of individual children and young people.
· Increasing annual provision from 475 hours pre-school education for 3 and 4 year olds to a minimum annual provision of 600 hours early learning and childcare for 3 and 4 year olds and looked after 2 year olds.
· Consistent and full implementation of the GIRFEC approach.
· The right of young people leaving care to ask for help from a local authority is raised from the age of 21 to 25.
The response to the Bill has to be submitted by 25 September and LL advised she would be involved in the response but stated she would like some assistance with it. Liling volunteered and potentially LS or Anne Paterson.
The summary of the Bill to be taken to the Team Leaders meeting.
6. / Care Planning to Permanence Event
Item to be carried forward. / HM
7. / Integration of Health & Social Care in Scotland – Consultation Response
An update on the consultation was given. Managers were asked to ensure that staff are aware of this consultation.
The impact for children and families was highlighted and advised that it is uncertain where the service would sit.
LP to send related papers she has to LL. / All
8. / Community Services Procurement & Commissioning Training
An e-mail from Anne MacColl-Smith re the above training was circulated.
It was advised that the new Commissioning Strategy is out in the autumn. All staff need to understand commissioning before the new strategy is in place.
Area Managers, LP and Team Leaders to attend training on 29 August 2012. / All
9. / IT System
LL advised that this was highlighted at DMT where Heads of Service were asked if there were information from IT that their service does not have. Some issues noted were: -
· Viewpoint – laptops were given back to IT because they were not being used at the time. These are now required again to improve the timing of Viewpoints. It was added that there is licensing issues as the laptop has to be licenced to a specific individual and not to an office. ML or AT to pick up the issue with Viewpoint direct.
· Children’s Units – issue with having to use staff log-ins and also still not on Lync.
· No wireless facility at the Mid Argyll Hospital. / ML/AT
10. / Kinship Care/Support
There was some discussion around where Kinship Care sits within the Children and Families service. After discussion it was stated that there are two parts to it: -
· Maintenance and support
· Assessment
Community Services
