MID-YEAR REPORT: 2009-2010

SCHOOL: __Acworth Intermediate School______AREA______5____

Evidence of Change—Mid Year

In your school strategic plan, you identified the means to monitor the implementation of strategies. List below your monitoring plan and any evidence you have of change in your building for each student achievement and school performance goal. Evidence should be based on the monitoring plan specified in your plan.

Student Achievement Goal 1: Students will be able to solve math problems at or above grade level.
Monitoring Plan / Evidence of Change
IMI analysis sheets, / Teachers are seeing growth on formative assessments.
Teachers are beginning to focus on strategies to use with specific students who are at risk of failing the CRCT.
Assessments are being used to drive instruction and identify students who are at risk of failing the CRCT.
Benchmark analysis sheets,
Teacher created formative
Assessments, Data Team / Fast math reports have shown progress of students solving basic computation problems.
Student Achievement Goal 2: Students will read and comprehend at or above grade level.
Monitoring Plan / Evidence of Change
Reporting of DRA2 / DRA2 data wall leveled by Fountas and Pinnell has shown student growth from Fall to winter as more cards have moved out of the lower levels.
ELA benchmark data shows improvement.
Independent level, Reading
Recovery profiles, ELA
Benchmarks / Classroom profiles show growth in guided reading levels.
School Performance Goal: Teachers will maximize their capacity for teaching and learning through professional learning communities.
Monitoring Plan / Evidence of Change
Grade level Team Meeting / Collaborative planning has occurred, on average, twice monthly. Teams have become more efficient at developing common assessments based on identified student weaknesses. Teachers have become more aware of the content standards and weights so as to focus instruction on needed skills and concepts. Teacher leaders have done several sessions of professional learning during early release days and professional learning days.
minutes, Collaborative
Planning Agendas,
Professional Learning / RTI process has become more pervasive and consistent across all grade levels.
meeting agendas.

Mid-Year Adjustment

Based on the evidence of change occurring in your building, list any mid-year adjustments that the school will make for second semester.

Area of Change (Student Achievement or School Performance) / Changes that will be made
Student Achievement / Mid-year in-school tutoring in reading will be implemented by a Reading Recovery trained teacher and other certified teachers.
Student Achievement / Mid-year in-school tutoring in math will be implemented by certified teachers.
Student Achievement / Attendance at a Singapore math conference in Atlanta was deleted due to lack of funding.
Student Achievement / Having students practice Fast Math and Go Solve! in the computer labs every morning.
Student Achievement / Deborah Chester teaching Paragraph framing to all students in 3rd and 5th grades.
Student Achievement / County Title I Lit. Coach coaching teachers on the use of Guided Reading.
Student Achievement / The use of interactive bulletin boards in the subject area of math.


Principal Date Submitted

Post to your school website and then email the report to your Area Assistant Superintendent and Judi Jones by February 26th.

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