
<<Client Name>>
<<Street Address>>
<<City, State Zip Code>>

Dear <<Client Name>>,

As a valued customer of our agency, we are pleased to let you know that we provide a new benefit… at no cost to you... a FREE Life Insurance Needs Analysis. It can be self-completed or, if you prefer, we can work together on its completion.

One goal of this analysis is for you to be able to determine for yourself how much life insurance you really need and for how long it is needed. You can complete this analysis on your own time schedule, thus providing enough time to think. Once completed, we can review and discuss any next steps you wish to take.

<<(Option the agency selects for processing here.) As examples:>>

<<Simply return the completed Cash Needs Analysis in the envelope provided.>>

<<Simply return the postage-paid card and we will send you a FREE Cash Needs Analysis form.>>

Safeguarding your loved ones’ financial future from financial hardship is one of the more important things you can do. Now, you have the opportunity to carefully create your own plan… one that can accomplish what you want it to accomplish.

Because we want our customers to feel at ease, we have selected a well-known experienced and trustworthy insurance carrier to financially support your life insurance needs.

If you have any questions about the FREE Life Insurance Needs Analysis, please call <<000-000-0000>> and our office will be happy to assist you.


<<Agent Name>>

<<Agent Title>>