AUGUST 12, 2013
Members Present: Alderpersons Bugni and Kassis, Brady Koss, Sam Hardin, Denise Wendt and Heather McCann (5:33 p.m.)
Members Absent: Alderperson D. Bauknecht
Others Present: Mark Desotell, Director of Administrative Services; Sarah Repp, Park, Recreation and Cemetery Supervisor; Tom Kubeny and Dean Noskowiak, Antigo Dugout Club; and Drew Kelly; WACD/WATK
This meeting of the Parks, Cemeteries, and Recreation Commission was called to order by Alderperson Kassis, on the above date at 5:30 pm in the Multipurpose Room, City Hall. Jaime Horswill, Clerical/Utility Assistant, recorded the minutes thereof.
1. Approval of Minutes from July 8, 2013 Meeting
Bugni moved, Koss seconded, to approve the minutes from the July 8, 2013 meeting. Carried 5-0, Absent 2.
2. Updates to Campground Ordinance
Sarah Repp, Park, Cemetery and Recreation Supervisor, submitted a memo showing recommended changes to the current campground ordinance. She wants to remove the general procedure language so she can more easily update it if hours or registration procedures need adjusting. Ms. Repp further noted that the City Attorney has reviewed the proposed changes.
Ms. Repp inadvertently left out one change. This proposed change is for (a) which currently reads: The city campground will be open May 1 to October 1. She would like this to read: The city campground will be open May 1 to October 1, or as weather conditions allow.
Upon inquiry by Alderperson Kassis, Ms. Repp advised that the section which states: “To claim first come, first served sites campers must place an appropriate camping unit on the site (i.e. camper, motor home or erected camping tent). Hunting blinds, children’s play tents, boats, coolers, chairs, tents in bags, etc. are not appropriate.” This means that you must have a camper or erected tent on the site, simply placing one of the above mentioned items is not acceptable to reserve a site, the site has to be set up.
Upon further inquiry by Alderperson Kassis, Ms. Repp noted that the campground has been very consistent and use of the dump station has been really good. There have been some long term campers with one family staying at the campground all summer.
Hardin moved, Bugni seconded, to upgrade the campground ordinance as proposed. Carried 5-0, Absent 2.
3. Request to Waive Shelter Rental Fee for CROP Walk
A Waiver Request Application from Faith United Church of Christ requesting the shelter rental reservation fee for Lake Park Concession be waived was included in the packet. The application indicates that the CROP Walk walkers will meet at the Hudson Street Shelter and walk on the City walk way returning to the Hudson Street area. Participants will receive non-alcoholic drinks and snacks.
The application further states that the walk is a community wide event sponsored by Church World Services, organized by Faith United Church of Christ. Local volunteers help raise funds to end hunger. A portion of the proceeds will be returned to the local food pantries.
Bugni moved, Koss seconded, to waive the shelter rental fee for the Lake Park Concession for CROP Walk on September 29, 2014. Carried 5-0, Absent 2.
4. Installation of New Scoreboard at Kretz Park
Tom Kubeny, Antigo Dugout Club, showed a picture of the proposed scoreboard that the Antigo Dugout Club would like to purchase and install at Kretz Park. The scoreboard would be maroon in color and would say Home of the Robins with a Robin logo on it. This would be in memory of his father, William Kubeny. The Dugout Club is looking for another major donor for advertising.
Mr. Kubeny noted the cost of this project will be approximately $20,000 including electrical and eye beams. The concrete and the majority of the labor will be donated. VanOoyen Electric will be the general contractor and will be doing all of the trenching and digging for the poles. The club would like to move the scoreboard to right field so it would be easier to see the sign.
Mr. Kubeny indicated that the club currently has approximately $13,000 and are holding off on ordering the board until they have the funding in full.
According to Mr. Kubeny, Charley Brinkmeier has stated he will locate the power lines for trenching purposes, Wisconsin Public Service has given their OK, the water and sewer utility will not be affected. However, Mr. Kubeny noted depending on placement of the board, one tree may be affected. The club would like to move the tree now before it matures, to which Ms. Repp indicated those trees should not get that tall.
Mr. Kubeny noted this scoreboard will be placed on City property. The Dugout Club needs the commissions blessing before they can continue. The club understands that Jerry Wilhelm, Inspector/Assessor, will need to review the plans before any work commences.
Mr. Kubeny stated the current scoreboard will be removed and donated to the Antigo High School for their baseball field and is a complete different project than the one at hand.
Upon inquiry by Alderperson Kassis, Ms. Repp advised that according to the agreement that is in place, the City of Antigo is renting Kretz Park to the baseball clubs for $1 a year. She noted any and all structures that are on that property technically belong to the City.
Upon review of an ariel photo, commission members were able to view where the current scoreboard is located. Mr. Kubeny showed two new placement options, one just north of the pole in right field and the other is between the poles in right field.
Ms. Repp indicated that VanOoyen Electrical should complete the location of power lines. She would also recommend that if any trees are lost or damaged, the replacement cost of the trees would come from the Antigo Dugout Club.
Hardin moved, McCann seconded, to approve the concept for placement of a new scoreboard at Kretz Park pending full funding provided by the Antigo Dugout Club with final plan approval from the City Inspector/Assessor. The Commission further approves the potential donation of the existing scoreboard to the Unified School District of Antigo. If any trees are damaged or removed they will be replaced by the Antigo Dugout Club. Carried 6-0. Absent 1.
5. Use Expendable Trust Funds for Dog Pak
Ms. Repp advised that although the project has started later than anticipated, the fencing for the dog park went up smoothly and quickly. To allow for immediate use of the facility, the department needed to complete the gravel parking area. City crews were used (both Park and Street Departments) to construct and finish the main parking area and she is requesting funding for this work from the Expendable Trust Fund.
Upon inquiry by Alderperson Bugni, Ms. Repp explained that any donations that are received are placed in an Expendable Trust Fund for future use.
Ms. Repp noted the initial donation amount was $30,000, with additional funding for the fencing and parking area from the City.
Ms. Repp is requesting $1,655.00 from the Expendable Trust Fund to fund this component of the project.
Bugni moved, Hardin seconded, to approve the request of $1,655.00 from the Expendable Trust Fund for the dog park parking area construction. Carried 6-0. Absent 1.
6. Use Expendable Trust Funds for Bandstand Structural Report
Ms. Repp advised that it was brought to her attention, prior to the summer season, that there were some structural concerns with the bandstand. The Park’s Department contacted a structural engineer that determined the bandstand was structurally sound for the season, but it was recommended various concerns would need to be addressed in the fall before winter.
Ms. Repp is requesting use of Expendable Trust Funds to cover the cost of the report, which was $868.40.
Upon inquiry by Alderperson Bugni, Ms. Repp explained that when the renovation was done to the bandstand the railing was removed causing the pillars on the south to lean. The overall structural problems will need to be repaired in the near future.
Wendt moved, Hardin seconded, to approve the request of $868.40 from the Expendable Trust Fund for the Bandstand Structural Report. Carried 6-0. Absent 1.
7. Use Expendable Trust Funds for City Park West Updates
Ms. Repp provided a memo indicating that the Park, Cemetery and Recreation Staff have constructed a concession stand that is currently set-up in City Park West for Music in the Park. She is hoping to use it for popcorn during the Movie in the Park and next year she will be able to offer it to the City Park West reservation parties as an additional feature. In addition to the concession stand, they have increased electrical capabilities in City Park West to accommodate the variety of events that have been held. Without the additional electrical, some event coordinators would need to consider generators or different facilities.
Ms. Repp is requesting $2,277.13 from Expendable Trust Funds to cover the cost of building materials for the concession stand as well as electrical work.
Hardin moved, Bugni seconded, to approve the request of $2,277.13 from the Expendable Trust Fund to cover the cost of building materials for the concession stand as well as electrical work for City Park West updates. Carried 6-0. Absent 1.
8. Any Other Matters Authorized by Law to be Discussed
Ms. Repp provided a memo with some of the highlights from the summer season thus far.
She indicated that the water carnival just finished its third year. This free event was a collaborative effort between the Antigo Public Library, Boys & Girls Club of Langlade County and Park, Cemetery and Recreation Staff.
Ms. Repp further advised that the last baseball tournament was held in July. The campground was packed, the shelters were full and regular maintenance kept her staff very busy. The overtime required by her department was made possible through the Economic Development portion of the Hotel Motel funding.
Ms. Repp advised that each year her staff works toward improving the existing park facilities as well as tackling new projects which expand the current park system. Some of those projects included:
1. Signage installed at Little League Concession Facility, Springbrook Trail, Cemeteries and City Park West (pedestrian crossing, handicap and senior parking). The Street Department assisted with painting crosswalks.
2. The majority of Lake Park playground sand was removed and replaced with woodchips for compliance issues.
3. Elmwood and Antigo Cemetery flag lights on dust-to-dawn timers have been installed to show the proper respect for the American Flag, our country and veterans.
4. Blue recycle containers have been placed at each of the park shelters.
5. A camera and Wi-Fi has been installed and is currently operational at the Antigo Lake RV Campground.
Ms. Repp advised that the dog park is open for use and has been busy since its soft open of July. The Department of Natural Resources inspected and approved the final construction. Final details such as signage, trash bins, and seating are still being worked on.
Ms. Repp noted the park’s department has finished most of the spring and summer programming. The department is preparing for fall work and beginning preparations for the Flag Football season as well as getting equipment ready for winter.
Ms. Repp continued to note that the on-line software used for the recreation program registrations as well as facility rentals has been a huge asset to her department. Out of town campers, local families and community organizations have all taken advantage of the 24 hour 7 days a week service. The majority of the registrations have been on-line and the feedback has been good. She will continue to add to and improve this new service.
Sam Hardin recommended parking lines be marked around the park for Music in the Park patrons. Ms. Repp noted that bump in parking is in the plan as part of the overall park plan.
9. Adjournment
Bugni moved, Koss seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 6:13 p.m. Carried 6-0. Absent 1.
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Tim Kassis, Chairperson Date
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