Chapter 25 – Part II Q’s

Churches Confront the Urban Challenge

1) How were Robber Barons tied to the churches?

2) Describe the liberal Protestants.

3) What was the largest denomination in America by 1900? Why?

4) What was the Salvation Army?

5) Describe Christian Science.

6) What was the YMCA and the YWCA?

Darwin Disrupts the Churches

7) What were Darwin’s theories as described in On the Origin of Species?

8) What did Darwin’s theories reject?

9) How did clergymen and theologians respond to Darwin’s theory?

Lust for Learning

11) What new trends came about in the field of education?

12) What were Chautauquas?

Booker T. Washington and Education for Black People

13) Who was Booker T. Washington (background)?

· What was his accomplishment?

· Why was he labeled an “accommodationist?”

· Why did he avoid the issue of social equality?

· What was the ticket to black political and civil rights?

14) Who was George Washington Carver? What was his accomplishment?

15) What were W.E.B. Du Bois’ views on Booker T. Washington?

16) What did W.E.B. Du Bois demand? What was the NAACP?

17) Why were W.E.B. Du Bois and Booker T. Washington so different?

Hallowed Halls of Ivy

18) What were some of the popular colleges? Who could attend?

19) How did the Morrill Act of 1862 contribute to education? Hatch Act of 1887?

21) Why was Johns Hopkins University so significant?

The March of the Mind

22) How did the curriculum in the colleges change?

23) What was William James’ Pragmatism about?

24) Who was John Dewey?

The Appeal of the Press

25) How did newspaper content change?

26) Who was Joseph Pulitzer? William Randolph Hearst?

27) What is yellow journalism?

Apostles of Reform

28) Describe the New York Nation.

29) What was Henry George’s Progress and Poverty about?

30) What was Edward Bellamy’s Looking Backward about?