(CV p.1:van den Berg)
Christopher S. van den Berg
Department of Classics, AC# 2257, Amherst College
P.O. Box 5000, Amherst, MA 01002-5000
Phone: 413-542-8126 (office); 603-727-2122 (cell)
Education and Employment
2010-Present Assistant Professor, Classics, Amherst College.
2008-2010 Assistant Professor, Classics, University of Arizona.
2007-2008 Lecturer, Classics, Dartmouth College.
2006-2007 American Philological Association (APA)/NEH Post-Doctoral Fellow at the Thesaurus
Linguae Latinae (TLL), Bavarian Academy of Sciences, Munich, Germany.
2006 Yale University, Joint Program in Classics and Comparative Literature, PhD.
Dissertation: “The Social Aesthetics of Tacitus’ Dialogus de Oratoribus.”
Directed by S. Braund, C. Kraus, and D. Quint.
1996-1999 Senior Programmer/Analyst and System Administrator, University of California at
Berkeley, Communication and Network Services.
1996 University of California at Berkeley, Comparative Literature, B.A.
Awards, Fellowships, and Grants
2006-2007 NEH/APA Postdoctoral Fellowship at the Thesaurus Linguae Latinae, Munich.
2000-2005 Richard J. Franke Interdisciplinary Fellowship in the Humanities, Yale University.
2004-2005 Robert M. Leylan Dissertation Fellowship.
2004-2005 Yale French Department Fellowship for Research and Study at the École Normale
Supérieure, Paris.
2001-2002 Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD), Freie Universität Berlin.
1993-1994 UC Berkeley Education Abroad Fellowship, Mexico City, Mexico.
Single-Term and Summer:
Summer 2014 Miner D. Crary Research Fellowship (research in Munich and Berlin)
Summer 2011 DAAD Research Re-invitation Grant, Munich, Germany.
Summer 2009 University of Arizona Research and Travel Grant (Study of Italian in Orvieto).
Summer/Fall 2008 Marion and Jasper Whiting Fellowship (Research and Teaching Development).
Fall 2004 Yale Classics Travel Grant (Roman Monuments and Topography).
Summer 2004 Beinecke Manuscript Library Fellowship (Editions of Tacitus’ Opera Minora).
Summer 2003 Enders Travel and Research Grant (Dissertation Research in Paris).
Summer 2001 Enders Collaborative Research Grant (August Boeckh Archives in Berlin).
Summer 2000 Classics Travel Grant (Greco-Roman Antiquities in 19th Century Berlin).
* Indicates refereed scholarship; ± Indicates Invited Scholarship; *± Indicates Invited and Refereed
Under Contract
Empire of Eloquence: Roman Rhetoric from the Death of Cicero to Late Antiquity (Johns Hopkins
University Press, under contract).
Forthcoming and Accepted
*History and Literary History in Cicero’s Brutus (in Classical Philology).
*±“The Rhetoric of Decline and the Rhetoric for Declamation in Seneca the Elder.” In Dinter, M.,
Guérin, C., and Martinho, M. (eds.) Seneca the Elder. Oxford University Press (expected 2016).
±“Program and Composition in Pseudo-Quintilian’s 13th Major Declamation.” In Poignault, R. and
Schneider, C. (eds.) Fabrique de la Déclamation. Maison de l’Orient et de la Méditerranée
(expected 2016).
±Review of: Stefan Feddern. Die Suasorien des älteren Seneca: Einleitung, Text und Kommentar. De Gruyter, 2013. Gnomon (expected 2016).
*±”Theory and Water: A Co-taught Undergraduate Course (“Political Rhetoric”).” Classical World 108
(2015): 243-254.
*The World of Tacitus’ Dialogus de Oratoribus: Aesthetics and Empire in Ancient Rome. Cambridge
University Press. xiii + 344pp. ISBN-13: 978-1107020900. ISBN-10: 1107020905.
Reviewed in:
Bryn Mawr Classical Review: http://bmcr.brynmawr.edu/2015/2015-05-43.html
Classical World: https://muse.jhu.edu/journals/classical_world/v108/108.4.rutledge.html
*“Intratext, Declamation and Dramatic Argument in Tacitus’ Dialogus de Oratoribus.” Classical
Quarterly 64 (2014): 298-315.
Review of Rex Winsbury. Pliny the Younger: A Life in Roman Letters. London: Bloomsbury Academic,
2014. (Co-authored with David Dickinson, Karl Greenblatt, Andrew Kaake, Paul McClean,
Noelle Niu, and Sophie Padelford). New England Classical Journal 44 (2014): 343-345.
*Special Volume of the American Journal of Philology (co-edited with Yelena Baraz), “Intertextuality and
Its Discontents,” AJP 134. 148 Pp.
*“Introduction” in Intertextuality and its Discontents, American Journal of Philology 134 (2013): 1-8.
Review of: Alessandro Garcea. Caesar's De analogia. Edition, Translation, and Commentary. OUP, 2012.
New England Classical Journal 43 (2013): 226-228.
*±“Imperial Satire and Rhetoric.” In Braund, S., and Osgood, J. (eds.) A Companion to Persius and
Juvenal. Pp. 262-282. Blackwell. 2012.
*±“Deliberative Rhetoric in the Dialogus and Annales.” In Pagan, V. (ed.) A Companion to Tacitus. Pp.
189-211. Blackwell. 2012.
Review of: Stroup, S.C. Catullus, Cicero, and a Society of Patrons: The Generation of the Text. CUP.
Review of: J. Wisse, E. Fantham, and M. Winterbottom, M. Tullius Cicero: De oratore libri III: A
Commentary on Book III, 96-230. Winter. Classical Review 58 (2010): 114-116.
Review of: E. Migliario, Retorica e Storia: Una lettura delle Suasoriae di Seneca Padre. Edipuglia.
Gymnasium 117 (2010): 281-2 (in German).
±Articles in Historisches Wörterbuch der Rhetorik Vol. 9: utile, Zweck/Zweckmäßigkeit (co-authored with
Carlos Spoerhase, in German).
Articles in Thesaurus Linguae Latinae X.2.17: pulvinal, pulvinar, pulvinaris, pulvinus, pulvinerolentus,
putreo, putresco (in Latin).
Review of: G. Manuwald, Cicero: Philippics 3-9. Text, Translation, Commentary. 2 vols. De Gruyter.
Classical Review 59 (2009): 126-128.
*“The Pulvinar in Roman Culture” Transactions of the American Philological Association 138 (2008):
*±“Malignitas and Aesthetic Rivalry.” In Rosen, R. and Sluiter, I. (eds.) Kakos: Badness and Anti-
Value in Classical Antiquity. Pp. 399-431. Brill. 2008.
Articles in Thesaurus Linguae Latinae X.2.16: puerper, puerpera, pugio, pugnax, pugnaciter (in Latin).
Review of: A. Laird, Oxford Readings in Ancient Literary Criticism. OUP. Classical Review 58 (2008):
Review of: W. Dominik and J. Hall (eds.), A Companion to Roman Rhetoric. Blackwell.
Review of: W. Stroh, Cicero: Redner, Staatsmann, Philosoph. Beck (Classical Journal Online
±“The Imitation of Some Structural Techniques in Cicero, Tacitus, and Minucius Felix” Schedae
(The University of Caen, France), 2007, prépublication n° 1, (fascicule n° 1, p. 1-14).
Review of: S. Cerutti, Cicero. Pro Archia Poeta Oratio. Introduction, Text, Vocabulary, and Commentary.
Second edition. Bolchazy-Carducci http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/bmcr/2007/2007-02-12.html
Review of: G. Krapinger, Pseudo-Quintilian: Declamationes Maiores XIII, apes pauperis, “Die Bienen
des armen Mannes.” http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/bmcr/2006/2006-10-08.html
*±Contributor, “Twenty-First Century Persius.” Arion 9 (2002): 65-80.
Scholarship In Progress or Under Consideration:
Critical Turns: Criticism, History, and Theory of Literature at Rome (book proposal, under consideration).
“Pliny on brevity, in brief (Epistles 1.20)” (with C. Whitton, October 2015 projected completion).
Rhetorical Theory and Literary Theory Ancient and Modern. For Oxford Handbook of Ancient Literary Theory and Criticism, eds. J. Connolly and N. Worman (10K words, in progress, projected 2017)
Ars and Artistry in Quintilian’s Institutio Oratoria (in progress).
Cicero’s Aper: de Oratore and Dialogus in dialogue (in progress).
Why aren’t we in festival garb (cur non sumus praetextati)?: A Note on praetextatus in Cicero’s
Philippics 2.111 and Roman religious dress (in progress).
Some Problems in the Meanings of Malignitas (in progress).
Selected Public Talks and Refereed or Invited Lectures
“Imperial Perspectives.” Fragments of the Roman Republican Orators, Glasgow, April 2016.
“Seeing the Whole in Cicero’s Brutus.” Society for Classical Studies (SCS), January 2016.
“The Historiography of Delation.” Smith College. December 2015.
“Defending Declamation at Rome.” University of Pennsylvania. November 2015.
“How Lawyers Became Villains: Delation from Cicero to Tacitus.” Middlebury College. October 2015.
“Cicero, Literary History, and the Culture Appropriation Wars of the Late Republic.” 20th Biennial
Conference of the International Society for the History of Rhetoric. Tübingen. July 2015.
“Pliny Epistle 1.10 as a model for literary and cultural interactions.” Literary Interactions under Nerva,
Trajan and Hadrian III, Boston University. June 2015.
“Roman Literary History as Literature and as History.” Bucknell University. February 2015.
“Introduction.” Panel “The Reception of Varro.” Society for Classical Studies (SCS). January 2015.
“Surface, Depth, and Sensualism in Minucius Felix’s Octavius.” International Society for Late Antique
Literary Studies (ISLALS) Annual Conference, Boston University, November 14–15, 2014
“Modeling Cultural Exchange among Flavio-Antonine Authors.” Literary Interactions under Nerva,
Trajan and Hadrian II, Rostock. June 2014.
“Models of Cultural Appropriation in Cicero’s Brutus.” Cargo Culture Conference, Stanford, March 2014.
“Ars and Artistry in Quintilian’s Institutio Oratoria.” International Society for the History of Rhetoric,
Chicago. July 2013.
“Rhetorical Continuities among Flavio-Antonine orators (Quintilian, Pliny, Tacitus, Fronto).” Literary
Interactions under Nerva, Trajan and Hadrian I, St. Andrews. June 2013.
“Using Team-Teaching to Make Theory Central to the Undergraduate Curriculum.” APA, January 2013.
“The Rhetoric of Decline and the Rhetoric for declamatio.” Reading Roman Declamation: Seneca the
Elder. Montpellier. November 2013.
“The Literary Devices of Declamation in Pseudo-Quintilian XIII.” Centre d'Analyse des Rhétoriques
Religieuses de l'Antiquité (CARRA, Strasbourg). May 2012.
“Imperial Speakers and Public Speech in Tacitus.” New England Ancient History Colloquium. October
“Theoretical Approaches to Roman Dialogue as a Literary Tradition.” Conference on Historical Poetics,
University of Chicago. May 2011.
“Argumentative Dynamics and Rhetorical Dialogues.” 5-College Seminar in Classics. March 2011.
“Time, Eloquentia, and the afterlife of Cicero’s Brutus.” UCLA. May 2010.
“Roman Literary Dialogue.” Yale University, Amherst College. February 2010.
“Literary Theory, Allusion, and Intertext.” Classics Graduate Proseminar, University of Arizona.
December 2009.
“Ancient Rhetorics and Ancient Dialogues.” Graduate Seminar on Ancient Rhetorics,
Department of English, University of Arizona. November 2009.
“Time for Eloquentia? Temporal Schemes in Roman Literary History.” UT Austin. February 2009.
Introduction and Moderation (in German) of paper by Ralph Rosen on “Juvenal and Roman Satire.”
Petronian Society Munich Section. July 2009.
“Introduction to the Thesaurus Linguae Latinae.” Classics Graduate Proseminar, University of Arizona.
October 2008.
“The Material and Literary Cultures of the Pulvinar.” Amherst, Arizona, Cornell, Stanford,
February 2008.
“Some Problems in the Meanings of Malignitas.” APA, January 2008.
“La réception de la théorie de la connaissance: Le dialogue du savoir entre Platon, Ciceron, Tacite,
et Minucius Felix.” (in French). Héritages et Traditions Encyclopédiques dans l’Antiquité Tardive.
Colloquium organized by the Sorbonne and the University of Caen, February 2007.
“The Social and Aesthetic Contexts of Malignitas.” Penn-Leiden Colloquium on Ancient Values.
KAKOS: Badness and Anti-Values in Classical Antiquity, June 2006.
“Seneca’s Letters” Guest Lecture, Survey of Latin Literature, Yale, March 2006.
“Poetry into Rhetoric: Horace in Tacitus’ Dialogus.” APA, January 2006.
“The Urban Landscape of Rhetoric in Cicero and Tacitus.” Johns Hopkins, October 2005.
“Rethinking statio: The stations in the interpretation of a word.” APA, January 2005.
“Imperial Oratory.” Guest Lecture, Survey of Latin Literature, Yale, April 2004.
“Der Mangel an Konsens in Tacitus’ Dialogus.” Humboldt Universität, Colloquium on Ideas of
Consensus, Berlin, April 2004.
“The Aesthetics of Freedom in Tacitus.” Free Speech in Classical Antiquity, Princeton, March 2004.
“New Historicism.” Guest Lecture, Introduction to Literary Theory, Yale, April 2003.
“Libertas eloquentiae/eloquentia libertatis in Tacitus’ Dialogus.” Yale, March 2003.
“Hölderlin’s Elegiac Reconstruction of Antiquity.” Yale British Arts Center, January 2003.
“Representations of Roman Suicide.” Guest Lecture, Roman Scandals, Yale, November 2002.
Conferences and Colloquia Organized
Primary Liaison and Co-organizer, AALAC (Association for the Advancement of Liberal Arts Colleges) Workshop: New Directions in Gender and Sexuality in Classical Antiquity. Co-organizers: Kate
Gilhuly (Wellesley), Rick Griffiths (Amherst), Nigel Nicholson (Reed), Nancy Shumate (Smith),
Chris Trinacty (Oberlin). Refereed Workshop funded by AALAC institutions ($19,500). Amherst
College, March 27-28, 2015.
Varro, De lingua Latina, and Intellectual Culture in the Late Republic (sponsored by APA/TLL
Committee), Refereed Seminar for the 2014 Annual Meeting of the APA (co-organizer: Tony
Corbeill [University of Kansas]).
Performance in Quintilian’s Institutio Oratoria. Refereed Panel for the 2013 Biennial Conference of the
International Society for the History of Rhetoric.
Intertextuality and its Discontents. Organizer-Refereed Panel for the 2012 Annual Meeting of the APA
(co-organizer: Yelena Baraz [Princeton], respondent: Stephen Hinds [University of Washington]).
Co-organizer (with Melissa Mueller, UMass), 5-College Seminar in Classics, Spring 2012-Present.
Co-founder and Organizer of the Dean’s Colloquium on Classics and Theory: Approaches to History,
Literature, and Reception Studies, Yale University, 2005-2006.
The Use and Abuse of the Past in Classical Antiquity, Yale University, April 11-12, 2003.
Courses Taught
Fall 2015 Roman History: Empire (30 Students); Seneca the Younger (3 Students)
Spring 2015 Roman Political Thought (3 students); The Augustan Age: Loving Ovid (7 Students).
Fall 2014 Roman Civilization (21 students); Beginning Latin (11 students).
Special Topics Seminar: Poetry of Lucretius (1 student).
Spring 2014 Intermediate Latin: Imperial Vices (5 students); Politics, Power, & Pliny’s Epistles (6 students).
Fall 2013 Catullus and The Lyric Spirit (5 students); Roman Civilization (12 Students).
Spring 2012 Cicero’s Dialogues and Letters (5 students); The Augustan Age: Horace (5 students).
Fall 2011 Political Rhetoric (44 students); Beginning Latin (7 students).
Spring 2010 Virgil: Aeneid (8 students); The Augustan Age: Livy (3 students).
Special Topics Seminar: Roman Retrospectives (2 students).
Fall 2010 Catullus and The Lyric Spirit (5 students); Roman Civilization (21 Students).
Fall 2009 Undergraduate/Graduate Seminar: Persuasion and Representation in Greek Aesthetic Texts (21 students); Intermediate Greek (7 students).
Summer 2009 Advanced Latin: Roman Satire and Roman Landscape (3 students).
Spring 2009 Survey of Latin Literature (49 Students, 1 TA).
The Scandals, Deaths, and Afterlives of Rome (402 Students, 5 TA’s).
Fall 2008 Elementary Latin (21 students); Advanced Latin: Cicero and Sallust (17 students).
Spring 2008 Horace (15 students).
Winter 2008 Intermediate Latin (20 students); Ovid’s Fasti (10 students).
Fall 2007 Terence (11 students); Catullus and Nepos (7 students).
2005-2006 Comparative Literature Senior Thesis Coordinator.
Fall 2005 Writing Mentor: Narrative in Literature.
Fall 2005 Greek Grammar.
Spring 2004 Continuing Latin Grammar (Caesar, Catullus).
Fall 2003 Latin Prose (Cicero).
Spring 2003 Introduction to the Theory of Literature.
Fall 2002 Roman Scandals: Representations and Receptions of Rome.
Fall 2002 Greek Grammar.
M.A. and B.A. Honors Thesis Committees Directed or Served
Alexander Vega, Cicero’s Academic Skepticism (2016—chair)
Karl Greenblatt, Making Lucretian Readers (2015—chair)
Tim Clark, Cicero’s De Domo Sua (2012—chair).
Charles Sheng, The Pro Roscio and Cicero’s Political Career (2011—chair).
Rob Bullard, Roman Law in the Satires of Juvenal (2009).
Laura Provance, Augustus, Dido, and Imperial Ideology (2009—chair).
Richard Zaleski, Ovidian Allusions in Christian Authors (2009).
Yi Chen, Labor Improbus and Artistry in Vergil (2008).
Insitutional, Community, and Professional Service and Awards
APA Committee of the Thesaurus Linguae Latinae, 2011-2014.
Referee (articles in English and French) The Classical Journal, Classical World, Phoenix.
Lecture Committee, Amherst College, 2011-2012
Orientation Committee, Amherst College, 2013-2015
Website Redesign Committee, Amherst College 2014-2015
University of Arizona Learning Technologies Showcase Presentation: Classics Instructional Technology
Tools: Instructional Technology Greek, Latin, and GenEd Courses (200-1000+ students).
Latin Placement Committee, Dartmouth College, 2007-2008.
Classics Awards Committtee (Chair), University of Arizona, 2009-2010.
Classics Curriculum Committee, University of Arizona, 2008-2009.
Participant in the Amherst College Faculty Seminar on the Teaching of Writing, Fall 2010.
Faculty Advisor to Eta Sigma Phi, University of Arizona (Latin and Greek Honor Society), 2008-2010.
Faculty Advisor and Coach, Amherst College Club Water Polo Team, 2010-Present.
Collegiate Water Polo Association North-Atlantic Region Coach of the Year, 2010, 2011, 2013.
Assistant Coach (volunteer), Bucknell University Water Polo (Division-I Varsity), 2012-2013.
Faculty Advisor and Coach Club Water Polo (Dartmouth, 2007-2008, University of Arizona, 2008-2010).
Collegiate Water Polo Association Southwest Region Coach of the Year, 2009.
Ancient Greek and Latin; fluency in French, German, and Spanish; serviceable Italian.
Professional Associations
American Philological Association (APA)
International Society for the History of Rhetoric (ISHR)
Susanna M. Braund Professor of Classics, University of British Columbia
CNERS, UBC, Buchanan C330, 1866 Main Mall
Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z1, Canada
Tel.: +1-604-827-4240.
Sander Goldberg Distinguished Research Professor of Classics, University of California Los Angeles
PO Box 951417, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1417
Tel.: +1-310-825-8873.
Christina S. Kraus Professor of Classics, Yale University
344 College Street, P.O. Box 208266, New Haven, CT 06520-8266
Tel.: +1-203-432-0979.
David Quint Professor of Comparative Literature, Yale University
Comparative Literature, P.O. Box 208299, New Haven, CT 06520-8299
Tel.: +1-203-432-4750.
Marilyn Skinner Professor Emerita, University of Arizona, Department of Classics
Learning Services Building 204, 1512 E. First St. PO Box 210105
Tucson, AZ 85721-0105 Tel.: +1-520-621-1689.
(Updated: October 2015)