Christian Woman interrupts Hillary Clinton campaign speech in SC :

"In the Name of Jesus, Get Out !" (of our State)

Saturday, July 28, 2007, at the College Democrats of America annual convention held at the University of South Carolina in Columbia, SC; holding a hand-made sign

over her head, Marti Comyns approached the stage where Hillary Clinton was at the podium: "Get out !" "Get out !" she said, "In the Name of Jesus, Get out !"


Hillary's heckler

Sen. Hillary Clinton gets heckled by a demonstrator during a speech

in front of college Democrats in South Carolina.

Source: CNN

Added On July 28, 2007

(CNN video - 0:47)


Protester disrupts Clinton's speech

By Yvonne Wenger (Contact)

The Post and Courier, Charleston, SC

Sunday, July 29, 2007

'She's a liar,' sign-toting woman shouts as she is led out of ballroom by guard



Martha Comyns, who described herself as a Republican and a Christian,

said she never had been involved in a political protest before, but said she

was motivated by a book she read that left her with the impression that

Hillary Clinton is cold, calculating and power hungry.

[emphasis added]

COLUMBIA - Students gathered here for a national Democratic convention got a little taste of

Hillary Clinton's world Saturday when a protester interrupted the presidential candidate's rally.

Martha Comyns of Columbia was quickly escorted out of a ballroom on the University

of South Carolina campus after running toward the stage with a sign reading,

"She doesn't care. All she wants is the power."

The students reacted quickly, booing Comyns and waving Clinton's campaign signs.

Their extended applause drowned out Comyns' shouting repeatedly, "She's a liar"

as a guard pushed her out the door.

"One of the things I love about politics: You never know what the day will bring," Clinton responded.

Comyns said she's a Republican, but said that her party affiliation is more aptly described

as Christian. She said Saturday's political protest was her first, and clearly shaken afterward,

said she was motivated to do so after reading a book by George Stephanopoulos that left her

with the impression that Clinton is cold, calculating and power hungry .

"These kids don't know and she's counting on that," Comyns said.

Still, on the final day of the College Democrats of America convention, many of the

500 student delegates remained in Clinton's corner.

Other presidential hopefuls, Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., and former Sen. John Edwards, D-N.C., also addressed the students. Rep. Dennis Kucinich, D-Ohio, and former Sen. Mike Gravel,

D-Alaska, were also scheduled to attend but canceled at the last minute.

In addition to the candidates' visits, the convention featured seminars for the students on how to

organize campaigns and energize political movements.

Mason Freeman, 21, of Moncks Corner said Clinton is the only Democrat who will be able to hit

the ground running on day one. Freeman, a political science major at Furman University, said all

the years in the national spotlight also make Clinton adept at deflecting the heat from events such

as Comyns' protest.

Kevin Chambliss, 24, a political science major from Northern Illinois University, said Clinton's

speech, delivered to a crowd of mostly college students, was "almost flawless." One point

Chambliss said he especially admired was Clinton's telling the group that she was once a

Republican as a college student until her political beliefs evolved, as Chambliss put it.

"Her speech was personable," Chambliss said.

Shamil Rodriguez, 20, a government and political science major at St. John's University in

New York, wasn't persuaded by Clinton's speech, remaining stalwart in his support for

New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson.

Still, Rodriguez and his friends, who are supporting Obama, said Clinton did well.

"She seems like she was more natural," said Rodriguez, chairman of the College Democrats

Hispanic Caucus at St. John's. "People say she's mechanical and rehearsed. Even with her

rock-star status, it didn't seem like that at all."

Reach Yvonne M. Wenger at or 803-799-9051.

Copyright ? 1997 - 2007 the Evening Post Publishing Co.



‘A new citizenship’

Clinton would call on young people to serve others, she tells students


The State, Columbia, SC

Posted on Sun, Jul. 29, 2007

[excerpts, emphasis added]

Clinton’s speech was interrupted by a protester who entered the Russell House ballroom at

USC and walked up the center aisle to within 30 feet of the former first lady holding a placard

above her head. It read, “She doesn’t care. All she wants is power.”

The young Democrats shouted the woman down. She was removed from the hall by the

College Democrats’ staff.

“One of the things I love about politics is, you never know what another day will bring,”

Clinton told the students.

Later, en route to a Democratic fundraiser in Beaufort, Clinton said she did not think the

incident had required any Secret Service agents to respond. She said it appeared to be

someone who had gotten past the College Democrats’ staff.



Clinton speaks in SC on energy, health care, education

July 28, 2007 06:06 PM EDT


One thing Clinton was not expecting to happen - in the middle of her speech a woman caring a sign

walked up the center isle and started yelling at Clinton. Supporters booed the woman, who was

quickly removed from the auditorium.



Hillary (Jezebel) Clinton: "It is God's law to kill babies"

Excerpts from article in Life Advocate, March 1993, "Washington Week" p. 12

"A word for (from) the Clintons", by Lurleen Stackhouse

HILLARY's (Jezebel) first SC visit as US presidential candidate

Hillary (Jezebel) comes to Columbia, Florence, and Charleston (SC)

on President's Day, February 19 for her first SC presidential campaign tour

word for (from

Hillary (Jezebel) Clinton: "It is God's law to kill babies."

Testimony of Mrs. Lurleen Stackhouse, reporting this statement made to her face by Mrs.Clinton,

after confronting her in the AMEC Church at President Bill Clinton's Inauguration Day prayer service

on January 21, 1993 in Washington, D.C. (reported in LIFE ADVOCATE, March 1993) (.doc file)


Hillary (Jezebel) Clinton: "It is God's law to kill babies."

Testimony of Mrs. Lurleen Stackhouse, reporting this statement made to her face by Mrs.Clinton,

after confronting her in the AMEC Church at President Bill Clinton's Inauguration Day prayer service

on January 21, 1993 in Washington, D.C. (reported in LIFE ADVOCATE, March 1993) (.pdf file)


Influential SC black pastor defends his Hillary (Jezebel) support
Darrell Jackson - Pastor / SC State Senator / President Consulting firm:

SC State Senator Jackson endorsed pro-abort, Jezebel, Hillary Clinton for US President,

and his firm signed a Clinton campaign contract worth up to $200,000


"... I will build My church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." Matt. 16:18

Y'shua Messiah

Steve Lefemine, pro-life missionary

dir., Columbia Christians for Life

PO Box 50358

Columbia, SC

(803) 765-0916

July 29, 2007 / Revised August 23, 2007