Name: KEY
Hour: ____ Date: ___________
Chemistry: Articles on the Metric System (SI System)
Yes, America Needs to Be Metrified
1. About how many years ago did Canada switch to the metric system? 21 years ago
2. What did the company do to the meter sticks to ensure that the side with inches would NOT be used?
They painted over the inches side of meter stick.
3. In the Imperial (or American, or British) System, how many types of “miles” are there?
4. How is trade between the U.S. and other countries affected by the fact that the U.S. is still using the Imperial System? Trading became confusing as US and other countries had different systems for measurement. Conversions needed to be carried out before trade occurred.
5. According to the author, are industries in the U.S. now using the Imperial or the metric system?
Industries in the US now use the metric system.
6. Who in America is still clinging to the old system of measurement?
The general public
7. What number is used when converting the various units of the metric system?
The number “10” is used when converting various units of the metric system
8. In the author’s opinion, is the metric system a better system of measurement?
No, Let’s Keep America American
1. What does the author suggest you need if you can’t multiply or divide by any number other than 10?
He suggests you need a remedial course in arithmetic.
2. What is the metric system a product of?
The metric system is a product of the French Revolution.
3. What happened to many French scientists during the French Revolution?
Many scientists had their heads cut off by peasants, because they were part of the aristocracy.
4. The meter is 1/10,000,000 of what distance?
The distance between the North pole and the equator along the Greenwich meridian.
5. What 2 metric ideas have been dropped?
The metric time system and the metric clock.
6. Has life in “metric countries” radically improved since switching?
7. What European manufacturer uses the American system and why do they use it?
The Airbus Industry uses the American system because it is more accurate.
(Really, it is used for airplanes, because most airplanes are manufactured in America using the English system)
8. Does the author give any evidence as to why the American system is more accurate? __________ Should we automatically believe his assertion?
No, he offers no evidence to support or back-up his claim. Therefore, we should not believe it.
9. What does the author suggest you do if you want to use the metric system?
The author suggest that if you want to use the metric system you should move to a country where it is used. That would mean any other country of the world other than the United States of America!
Written Response: What do you think? Should the U.S. “go metric?” Explain, in complete sentences.
Answers may vary. You need to give support for your opinion.