ü Words, phrases, or clauses used as a series have parallel structure.

ü Sentences lengths are varied.

ü Sentences are concise without wordiness or empty expressions.


ü All sentences are complete. There are no fragments.

ü There are no run-on sentences.

ü Subjects and verbs agree in number.

ü Verb tenses are correct and consistent. Tenses shift to show sequence of events.

ü All pronouns agree with their antecedents in number and gender.

ü All pronouns are used consistently, maintaining proper case, person, and number.

ü All pronouns clearly refer to their antecedents.


ü Irregular verbs are used in the correct form.

ü Frequently confused words (such as affect and effect) are used correctly.

ü Standard English is used; slang is avoided.

ü There is no use of a double negative.


ü Every sentence ends with an appropriate punctuation mark.

ü Commas are correctly used in compound sentences.

ü Commas are correctly used with non-essential elements.

ü Commas are correctly used in series.

ü Commas are correctly used with coordinate adjectives that precede nouns.

ü Semi-colons are used correctly when they separate main clauses.

ü Quotation marks enclose direct quotations.

ü Quotation marks are correctly used with titles and unusual expressions.

ü Quotation marks are correctly used with other marks of punctuation.

ü Titles are correctly noted with underlining or italics.

ü Apostrophes are correctly used in possessive nouns and in contractions.

ü All proper nouns and proper adjectives are correctly capitalized.

ü The first word of every sentence is correctly capitalized.


ü All words are spelled correctly, and unfamiliar words have been checked in a dictionary.

ü Root words have been changed correctly before suffixes are added.

ü The spellings of proper nouns have been checked.


ü Times New Roman Font

ü 12 pt. Font Size

ü MLA Heading – Left hand side of the paper, Name, Date, Period, Assignment Name

ü Double Spaced