Title of Document

Channel Lineup for Digital & Analog TVs

NASA Headquarters

September 2014

NASA HQ Cable TV service is provided by Washington Cable. The channel lineups below do not apply to other providers, such as the provider you may use at home.

Channel numbers differ for digital (newer) TVs and analog (older) TVs. Most TV’s at NASA HQ are digital. If you cannot get the Cable News Network (CNN), you may have an analog TV. Refer to the respective tables below.

Channel Lineup for Digital (newer) TVs

·  The number you input to locate a channel on any given TV at HQ may be different than the number shown below. Your best bet on a digital (newer) TV is to use the Guide feature.

·  In the new digital system, channels may have “sub-channels,” which may be high definition (HD) or standard definition (SD).

·  NASA has a new digital channel - Channel 70. Its 4 sub-channels are detailed below.

Channel / Call Letters / Station Name (Affiliation) / Multicast Sub-Channels
4 / WRC-DT / WRC (NBC) / 1 HD + 2 SD
5 / WTTG-DT / WTTG (Fox) / 1 HD
7 / WJLA-DT / WJLA (ABC) / 1 HD + 2 SD
9 / WUSA-DT / WUSA (CBS) / 1 HD + 2 SD
20 / WDCA-DT / WDCA / 1 HD + 1 SD
22 / WMPT-DT / Maryland Public TV (PBS) / 1 HD + 2 SD
26 / WETA-DT / WETA (PBS) / 1 HD + 2 SD
30.1 + 30.10 / MHz-DT / MHz / 10 SD
32.1, 32.2 / WHUT-DT / Howard University (PBS) / 1 HD + 1 SD
45.13 / WTTG-DT / WTTG (Fox) / 1 HD
45.3, 45.4 / WRC-DT / WRC (NBC) / 1 HD + 1 SD
46.1 - 46.3 / WJLA-DT / WJLA (ABC) / 1 HD + 2 SD
46.11 - 46.13 / WUSA-DT / WUSA (CBS) / 1 HD + 2 SD
47.1 - 47.4 / WETA-DT / WETA (PBS) & / 1 HD + 3 SD
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Channel Lineup for Digital & Analog TVs

47.11 - 47.13 / WMPT-DT / Maryland Public TV (PBS) / 1 HD + 2 SD
48.1, 48.2 / WHUT-DT / Howard University (PBS) / 1 HD + 1 SD
48.11 - 48.13 / ION / ION Television / 1 HD + 2 SD
49.1 – 49.3 / WDCA-DT / WDCA / 1 HD + 2 SD
49.11 - 49.13 / WDCW-DT / WDCW / 1 HD + 2 SD
50.1 - 50.3 / WDCW-DT / WDCW / 1 HD + 2 SD
57.1 / CNN / Cable News Network / SD
57.2 / HLN / Headline News Network / SD
57.3 / FNC / Fox News Channel / SD
57.4 / MSNBC / News Channel / SD
57.5 / CNBC / Consumer News & Business / SD
57.6 / C-SPAN / U.S. House & Public Affairs / SD
57.7 / C-SPAN II / U.S. Senate & Public Affairs / SD
57.8 / C-SPAN III / U.S. Senate & Public Affairs / SD
70.101 / NASA TV / NASA TV Public Channel / SD
70.102 / NASA TV / NASA TV Education Channel / SD
70.103 / NASA TV / NASA TV Media Channel / SD
76 / NASA TV / NASA TV Special Content / SD

Channel Lineup for Analog TVs

Channel / Call Letters / Station Name (Affiliation)
14 / WRC / WRC (NBC)
15 / WTTG / WTTG (Fox)
16 / WETA / WETA (PBS)
17 / WJLA / WJLA (ABC)
18 / WMPT / Maryland Public TV (PBS)
20 / WUSA / WUSA (CBS)
21 / WHUT / Howard University (PBS)
22 / WDCA / Washington
25 / CNN / Cable News Network
28 / C-SPAN / U.S. House & Public Affairs
31 / CNN-HN / Headline News
32 / DSC / The Discovery Channel
33 / CNBC / Consumer News & Business
34 / HIST / The History Channel
35 / C-SPAN II / U.S. Senate & Public Affairs
41 / Telefutura / Telefutura (Spanish Language)
42 / Univision / Univision (Spanish Language)
50 / TWC / The Weather Channel
53 / MSNBC / News Channel
54 / FNC / Fox News Channel
55 / C-SPAN III / U.S. Senate & Public Affairs
61 / NASA TV / NASA TV Public Channel
75 / NASA HQ / NASA Bulletin Board
76 / NASA HQ / HQ Internal Channel
77 / NASA TV / NASA TV Public Channel
78 / NASA TV / NASA TV Educational Channel
79 / NASA TV / NASA TV Media Channel
80 / NASA TV / NASA TV Public/Special Content
81 / NASA TV / Quad Split of NASA Channels
For assistance, contact the Enterprise Service Desk (ESD): Submit a ticket online at esd.nasa.gov, or call 358-HELP (4357) or 1-866-4NASAHQ (462-7247).

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