CfE Learning in Context
St Mary’s RC Primary / Teacher:
/ Class:Primary One / Term: April-June 2010
Context /Title The Farm / CfE focus: Social studies
People, place and environment
I explore and discover the interesting features of my local environment to develop an awareness of the world around me. SOC 0-07a
Planet Earth
I have observed living things in the environment over time and am becoming aware of how they depend on each other. SCN 0-01a
Key Questions/Goal
What do we already know?
·  Some of our food comes from farm animals
·  This food can be made into other things to eat
·  Farmers use tractors
·  Sheep give us wool
·  Some eggs have chicks
·  Some Farmers grow food / What do we want to learn?
·  What’s a daddy cow called?
·  What’s a baby pig called?
·  What does a farmer put in his fields
·  How does a farmer make hay bales?
·  What is a hay bale?
·  Why do some farms have ducks?
·  How do you make butter?
·  Can we go to a farm?
·  Can we make some animals for a picture? / Core Knowledge-the children will
·  identify and name common farm animals and their characteristics
·  know what foods come from a farm
·  name some machinery that is used on a farm and be able to identify its use
·  know why farmers grow crops in their fields
·  understand that farms are important to
us / Successful Learners
·  Enthusiasm and motivation for learning
·  Determination to reach high standards of achievement
·  Openness to new thinking and ideas
And able to:
·  Use literacy, communication and numeracy skills
·  Use technology and learning
·  Learn independently and as part of a group
·  Make reasoned evaluations
Link and apply different kinds of learning in new situations / Confident Individuals
·  Self-respect
·  A sense of physical, mental and emotional wellbeing
·  Secure values and beliefs
·  Ambition
And able to:
·  Develop and communicate their own
beliefs and view of the world
·  Live as independently as they can
·  Assess risk and make informed
·  Achieve success in different areas
of activity
How will we find out?
·  Look on the computer
·  Ask a farmer
·  Look in books
·  Go on a visit to a farm
·  Mrs McHugh Mrs Skeldon and
Mrs Culton will tell us / How will we share our learning?
·  Put notices on the window
·  Make a display
·  Bring our mums and dads in and show them what we’ve learned / Skills Development
·  Curiosity and problem solving skills
·  Collaborating, leading, showing initiative and interacting with others
·  Thinking and working independently
·  Interpreting and displaying information
·  Creativity and innovation
·  Using tools, equipment, software and materials
·  Making connections and applying learning
·  Evaluating products, systems and services
·  Presentation- oral, written, multi-media
·  Developing an awareness of self and others
·  Planning, assessing and reviewing
·  Critical thinking and questioning
·  Discussion and debate
·  Logical reasoning and justifying points of view / Responsible Citizens
·  Respect for others
·  Commitment to participate responsibly in political, economic, social and cultural life
And able to:
·  Develop knowledge and understanding of the world and Scotland’s place in it
·  Understand different beliefs and cultures
·  Make informed choices and decisions
·  Evaluate environmental, scientific and technological issues
·  Develop informed, ethical views of complex issues / Effective Contributors
·  An enterprising attitude
·  Resilience
·  Self-reliance
And able to:
·  Communicate in different ways and
in different settings
·  Work in partnership and in teams
·  Take the initiative and lead
·  Apply critical thinking in new
·  Create and develop
·  Solve problems
Opportunities for Achievement Invite Parents in for an Assembly and Afternoon Tea
Life-long Learning
Links to cross cutting themes: Enterprise Sustainability Creativity Learning Outdoors Citizenship
7 Principles: Challenge and Enjoyment Personalisation & Choice Breadth Coherence Progression Relevance Depth

CfE Links Experiences and Outcomes Activities


/ Information handling
I can collect objects and ask questions to gather information, organising and displaying my findings in different ways. MNU 0-20a
I can match objects, and sort using my own and others’ criteria, sharing my ideas with others. MNU 0-20b
I am developing my awareness of how money is used and can recognise and use a range of coins. MNU 0-09a
I have experimented with everyday items as units of measure to investigate and compare sizes and amounts in my environment, sharing my findings with others. MNU 0-11a /

Graph of favourite eggs for breakfast

Favourite farm animals
Farm Shop
Weighing fruit and veg from shop (non standard unit)
Eg How many cubes does a potato/carrot weigh etc


/ I listen or watch for useful or interesting information and I use this to make choices or learn new things .LIT 0-04a
I enjoy exploring events and characters in stories and other texts and I use what I learn to invent my own, sharing these with others in imaginative ways. LIT 0-09b / LIT 0-31a
I use signs, books or other texts to find useful or interesting information and I use this to plan, make choices or learn new things. LIT 0-14a /

Visit from Farmer-

Watch dvd
Using information books to find new facts (assembly)
Imaginative Writing-Scarecrow in the field/Imagined Personal Response
Functional Writing letter to Mr. Ritchie (Cameron’s Dad) asking to come to talk to class
Instructions-How to make butter

Expressive Arts

/ Art and Design
I have the freedom to discover and choose ways to create images and objects using a variety of materials. EXA 0-02a
I can create a range of visual information through observing and recording from my experiences across the curriculum.EXA 0-04a
I have opportunities to enjoy taking part in dance experiences. EXA 0-10a /

Old McDonald’s Farm Display

Learn a Barn Dance

Science /Technology

/ Technological developments in society
I enjoy playing with and exploring technologies to discover what they can do and how they can help us. TCH 0-01a
Throughout my learning, I share my thoughts with others to help further develop ideas and solve problems. TCH 0-11a
Planet Earth
I have helped to grow plants and can name their basic parts. I can talk about how they grow and what I need to do to look after them.
SCN 0-03a /

Making Scarecrows

Design and make shopping bags to carry a given weight (link to Farm Shop)
Plant Seeds

Social Subjects/RME

Religious and moral education

Catholic Christianity

I am aware of some Bible stories. RERC 0-11a /

The Lost Sheep

Health & Well Being

/ Food and health
I explore and discover where foods come from as I choose, prepare and taste different foods. HWB 0-35a
Together we enjoy handling, tasting, talking and learning about
different foods, discovering ways in which eating and drinking may help us to grow and keep healthy. HWB 0-30a /

Find out about the crops the farmer grows. Food we get from the farm

‘From Field to Plate’

Tasting session

Cereals/Eggs/ Cheese/Butter/Bread