TED 100 Education Seminar
Teacher Education Department
Misericordia University

One of the requirements of TED 100 Education Seminar is to attend Virtus Training. Virtus Training is offered on-campus for your convenience, and also at various sites and dates throughout the year. If you attend Virtus Training at an off-campus location, please submit this document to Dr. Steve to certify that you have attended the Virtus Training and completed this requirement. (If you attend Virtus on-campus, attendance will be taken, and use of this form is unnecessary.)

Dear Dr. Steve Broskoske:

I, a Virtus trainer, certify that the below-named student of Misericordia University has attended and completed Virtus Training on the date and location as listed below.

Student Name:
Date of Virtus Training:
Location of Virtus Training:

Signature of Virtus Trainer Date