PROJECT BUDGET: $2,159.00 Includes tax and S & H GRANT #______

(To be completed by Foundation Coordinator)

PROJECT TITLE: The Path to Literacy: Sing, Spell, Read, and Write______


In the space provided answer the following: The goal of this project is…

To transform the struggling readers and ELL students in both the Reading Intervention Program and the Resource______
Program into fluent independent grade-level readers by providing them with a sequenced, systematic, and explicit phonics

instructional research-based program designed to meet the needs of all these diverse learners.______



1. Objectives

State objectives and specific activities that will achieve your objectives. How will they promote State Standards, enhance

existing programs, facilitate collaboration, and provide innovation in education?

Students will become competent in the essential components of reading—phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary,____

fluency, and text comprehension, by participating in playing games, singing songs, and other multisensory activities_____

(i.e., look, listen, point, echo routines, and gross and fine motor skills activities). This program conforms to the ELA and

ELL Standards, and provides the additional support and alternative methods necessary to promote these students’______

academic success. Any and all struggling readers and ELL students in grades 1 through 5 can use this program, as it____

reaches every child by using multimodal teaching strategies, provides a nonthreatening environment, and makes learning_

to read fun.______


2. Benefits

Who is impacted? What subject areas/skills are affected? When will project be implemented and what is its expected

longevity? Note: Consumable supplies will not be considered.

Every student who uses this program must respond individually to each program step designed to promote growth in ____

reading and higher-level thinking skills in all subject areas. In addition, teachers will learn to use multimodal teaching___

strategies that reflect the latest research findings on how the brain acquires knowledge. This program will be______

implemented upon receipt of program materials and can be used year after year, as it is long lasting and durable.______


3. Potential

How might the project impact families, the community, and other schools? Is it easily replicated? Can materials be shared (checked out of the library or other accessible location)?

The “Home-School Connection” activities will keep families involved with their student’s learning and progress. Good__ parent-school communication strengthens the school community and the general community.______

Both the Reading Intervention and the Resource Programs will use this reading program, as it has an abundance______

of materials that can be easily shared at any time.______


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