College Leadership Team


January 09, 2013

Present – Larry Daniel, Marsha Lupi, Karen Patterson, Linda Sciarratta, Jeff Cornett, John Kemppainen, Jennifer Kane, John Ouyang, Guests: Nick Eastham, Mary Rose, Judy Miller

Call to order – The meeting was called to order at 9:30am.

Minutes – The minutes were approved as submitted.

Announcements –

The Winter 2013 “UNF Journal” features Tom and Betty Petway, standing in front of the newly dedicated COEHS building – now known as Petway Hall.

Lois Dellar has the possibility of having FWS students; she will be helping departments with this if needed. In conversations with Human Resources, a staff rotational system is not preferred. Dr. Lupi spoke with Dr. Waldrup about the possibility of a part time person to be a cluster floater. While the dean’s office is waiting to hear from Academic Affairs, think about Lois’ offer for FWS student to help in your offices.

In regards to the COEHS spring scholar convocation, Dr. Lupi will start the process after January 15. Start deciding which students will receive awards. Spring convocation is traditionally the night before commencement.

Dr. Lupi asked the CLT how they felt about having a faculty research poster session before the end of the term. Inviting faculty, students and the UNF community – this would be a nice opportunity to showcase faculty research.

Dr. Ouyang recommended the funding of glass cabinets, one in each department, to showcase faculty research. Linda Sciarratta will note this on the non-recurring budget wish list.

Dr. Ouyang – The three international students from Shaanxi Normal will arrive on January 17. Dr. Ouyang asked their instructors to help them catch up during their first week in class; they will be taking four courses. We will also have two international visiting scholars this semester. Dr. Yulia Zbarasheushaya from Minsk State Linguistic University, Belarus and Dr. Jisook Paik from Soongsil Univerisy, Seoul, Korea. Dr. Zbarasheushaya has arrived at UNF and Dr. Paik will be here on Jan. 14. Dr. Paik graduated from Illinois State University. Dr. Lupi suggested the possibility of these international scholars holding an open lecture inviting ESOL teachers from the district and the community. Email Dr. Ouyang for scholars’ contact information. Also, contact Dr. White to invite these folks to a Faculty Assembly meeting.

Dr. Kemppainen has been communicating with Dr. Cynthia Thompson from the University of Belize. We have a 5-year memorandum of agreement with the University of Belize. Dr. Thompson is interested in secondary education as well as early childhood and special education. The University of Belize president has signed a 5-year MOU and Dr. Thompson was asked to spearhead this. More to come on this topic.

Drs. Cornett, Johnson, and Poppell will be going to St. Johns County about leadership to see if a cohort can be generated or if they can help with strategic planning. Similar meetings are planned with Clay, Nassau and Duval.

Teacher Ed Student Involvements in DCPS Common Core Work Groups – Mary Rose

Daniela Simic, Chief of Strategic Planning, will start developing curriculum writing teams. The teams will consist of teachers, and others who will be recruited to align the existing learning guides with the common core standards. Revise the learning guides teachers will use in the classroom. Daniela wants to involve teacher education students on the team because it will give great hands on experience for new teachers to work on revising the learning guides and implement the guides in the schools next year. Teachers will be given a stipend for the time they spend on the writing teams. Daniela also hopes we can provide credit, or some kind of incentive, to students for being a part of these teams.

Below are questions for Mary Rose to bring back to Daniela Simic.

· Master level students may be more prepared to participate.

· Faculty involvement.

· Curriculum planning and development; systems thinking.

· Clarify what the value might be for the teacher ed. students.

· What are the expectations?

· Recommend the most mature and knowledgeable students.

· Which piece are they implementing?

· COEHS has curriculum subject area expertise.

Strategic Planning Community Conversations – Mary shared information from a meeting which Dr. Vitti discussed new positions he is creating in the district. ESOL and ESE are two areas Dr. Vitti talked about strengthening in the district. The district is putting an emphasis on their public face and also improving their customer service.

Faculty Webpages and COEHS Website- Nick Eastham

(Two concerns – faculty lists and faculty webpages)

The department faculty lists are all good. The human resources generated main faculty list needs to be more standardized. Nick will provide the chairs with a list of variations so faculty can come to a consensus on divisions.

Academic Learning Compacts-Judy Miller

(Hand-outs provided)

The updated academic learning contracts are due in TRAC DAT on March 1, 2013. The contracts due on 3/1 can cover calendar year 2012 or academic year 2011/2012. The SACS interim report is due in March of 2015. Your ALC’s will feed directly into that interim report as a PDF file. SACS cares most about continuous improvement. In TRAC DAT continuous improvement is documented in the action taken area. You must report on the DOE indicators; you may want to list them as your ALC learning outcomes making your ALC tasks easier. Judy is happy to work with the chairs individually to configure TRAC DAT areas. Judy is also happy to assist with the I Web Folio system.

HB 1355 Vulnerable Persons Act (Draft Policy attached)

Universities are responsible for reporting anything that seems to be abuse. There are two categories of vulnerable people – Minors coming to campus for sanctioned activities and students admitted to the university under the age of 18. There are close to 100 students admitted to UNF that are under the age of 18. There is a burden of reporting requirement and a burden of the amount of clearance an individual would need to work with these populations. This law went into effect last spring in the legislative session. The BOG did not approve its regulations until this past October. Dr. Campbell will initiate some training. The university has drafted a policy regarding these requirements for university sponsored summer camps for minors. Please address any concerns about the policy to Dr. Newton Jackson. The reporting piece of this needs clarification. Dr. Campbell and counsel are working on internal communication. Dr. Daniel would like Dr. O’Farrell to look at the draft policy and possibly contact Dr. Campbell since most of COEHS faculties are cleared by one or more of the school districts.

Enrollment Targets

From the latest report COEHS has reached 99% of upper target for the year and 103% of grad 2 for the year. In Dr. Waldrup’s discussion at the Deans meeting the university will be 200 FTE short of its target by the time the numbers for this semester sit still. This is approx. $500,000 short in revenue for the university. President Delaney will pull in some reserve funds, “ borrow from next year” in order to maintain commitments through to the end of the fiscal year. Linda Sciarratta received the summer budget numbers from Anne Hoover, and the only cut will be $2000.00 in summer A. Summer budget has never been funded as a line item; it has been always funded from a sweep up throughout the year. Dr. Daniel suggested budgeting for the summer at the beginning of the year as a planned expense. During a discussion at the deans meeting, Dr. Waldrup would like colleges to beef up summer enrollment. Dr. Waldrup said if there are large program areas that can offer more courses we would maximize summer enrollment. One idea was to fund more faculty time for doctoral students to work on doctoral dissertation research. Dr. Daniel asked the CLT to identify unit ideas and send your emails to him. Dr. Daniel would like COEHS to be pro-active if monies become available.

DCPS Strategic Planning/One by One Project

Dr. Daniel told the CLT that the Saturday, January 5, JPEF Community Convention was one of the best community events devoted to education he has attended in Jacksonville. Four educational priorities were decided upon. (Dr. Daniel sent them in an email) Dr. Vitti indicated this was one of the prime vehicles he was using to support public voice as the district is developing their strategic plan. The priorities they selected are in harmony with the work we do in COEHS. The priorities are great teachers and leaders, education policy, parental involvement, and climate/culture. Next week will be a meeting for the Schultz Center strategic plan. Drs. Daniel and Fountain put together a draft of an idea and Deb Gianoulis is seeking funding. This possibly could lead into a full time position to help coordinate work with the Schultz Center.

Daniela Simic and Dr. Daniel are going to meet to discuss an idea Dr. Vitti has called “A Teacher Academy”. Dr. Daniel will see where Dr. Vitti stands with this program and the prospect of community funders. The meeting is Thursday, January 17 @ 1:00. Dr. Daniel, Dr. Lupi and Pat Hanford will attend.

Meeting adjourned at 11:45.