CTC-ONS 2017 Board and Committee Meeting August 3, 2017


Attendees: Carol Amfahr, Debbie Heim, Sue Partusch, Brenda Burns, Gigi Robison, Sharon Sanker, Arleen Wuestefeld, Vicki Estridge, Kim Blanton, Nancy Murrin, Amy Voris, Kim Warman, Donna Andrews, Michelle Ottersbach, Joanne Worthington

Call to Order: By President Kim Blanton

Topic / Information / Action / Target Dates, F/U
President’s Report- Kim Blanton / -Job Descriptions: Deb Heim had electronically; each person look at individual role and compare to national role job description. Changes/edits go to Kim.
-Should we assemble an orientation binder for new board members with mission/vision/resources/past minutes? Section under Leadership-documents to refer to if asking members to be board member. Also include ‘fun facts’ for Chapter like Anniversary event in November. Ask Joanne if we could add these items under leadership.
-CEs provided for Leadership Weekend and Regional meeting. Sept 6-7 is ONS Capital Hill Days in Washington DC. Sue Faulkner was interested and has been ill. How is she and we should send a GET WELL Card.
-2018 Congress is in Washington DC.
-Students can join ONS Free (non-licensed only); should promote this with liaisons at school of nursing’s.
-Each person should talk up board positions. There is a ‘New Board Leadership’ course from ONS; new board should do and will receive 4.5 CEUs. Will be required in future.
-ONS has listing of free CEUs associated with ILNA topics.
-New Treasurer Elect is Kim Warman; checking dates to see if she can attend Regional meeting in Cleveland
- Shall we teleconference every other board meeting? Yes if speakers will identify themselves when talking. Will have stationary station at BN for those who want to be ‘in person’ / Logo on Job Descriptions
-Get Well Card to Sue Faulkner
Promote free membership at SONs
Kim W. to go to Regional mtg?
Secretary- Vicki Estridge / No report
Treasurer report-
Sue Partusch
Treasurer elect-Kim Warman / Checking $14,921.13
Saving $46,373.56
-Sue reports no movement of money from checking into savings.
-$100 voucher at each monthly meeting (8) to be raffled and used for education, books, CEs, membership. Will be good for one year and only can win once yearly. Professional Development Voucher will be formulated by Gigi and will need receipt submission to treasurer to be reimbursed.
-Other ideas: vote in national election, get name in extra raffle or use guest pass-extra raffle. Could do $50 each / -Announce Professional Development Voucher raffle at September meeting.
Director At Large- Joanne Worthington / -No report; Joanne on vacation.
Kim Warman’s contact:
513-206-4381 (cell/text-preferred) or 513-429-3912 home / Joanne to announce on website that Kim W. is treasurer
Newsletter- Donna Andrews and Michelle Ottersbach / -Donna and Michelle will continue to co-edit newsletter. Have material for newsletter and should have out by August 12th. Historically, CTC-ONS put out an average of 2-3 newsletters annually; for 2016, there was one.
-Highlight criteria for newsletter articles in newsletter: evidence based, tips for other oncology nurses, kudos to someone. Also could put ideas at top of first page to stimulate topics for future articles. / -Newsletter coming; put tips and future ideas for articles in.
Sharon Sanker / -Program meeting held 7/24; review of Learning Needs and top 18 identified. 8 chosen and others combined. Next meeting via phone 8/15
-ONS will end being a CE approving unit. Will use ONS for Sept., ONA Oct-Dec and switch to local chapter as approving unit for Jan. 2018 (cost for ONA=$500/yr. vs. chapter= $300/yr.). Deb Heim to send out appropriate paperwork.
-Marriott Kingsgate will be site for Products Fair / -Flyer for Programs for the year by Brenda Burns
-CE paperwork to be sent by Deb Heim
Nominating- / -Brenda, Kim and Gigi held phone meeting. Judy Houchins interested in Secretary; need President Elect. Gigi created timeline for when positions needed by year-VERY NICE! / -Announce at September meeting-need candidates for positions
Amy Voris (absent) / -Received 257 labels of members names/addresses
-Discussed ‘what pulls millennials in?’ Suggested topics for programs: resume writing, interview skills, texting etiquette.
-Courtney Howard to take over for Arleen on Community Outreach committee
-Text millennials ‘what would get you to a meeting?’
Gigi Robison / -Gigi is requesting pictures from membership to use in Anniversary celebration. / -Announce at Sept. meeting: Need PICTURES to Gigi.
-Members to send pictures in
Outreach Ohio-
Nancy Murrin (absent) / -Reach out to Nancy Murrin
Community Outreach- Arleen Wuestefeld / -Strike Out Cancer August 23rd; 50 tickets worth 2 person entry
-Do we want to have Booth that night? Need volunteers
-4 VIP tickets for next season to be given away at Anniversary event
-Deb Heidrich still hosts first Friday of month get together.
-Carol is arranging for another Matthew 25 volunteer evening; last one was 4/26
-Ronald McDonald event; we donate money ($400), and food is bought, delivered, then we (volunteers) cook/eat with the (75) guests. Use up to 12 volunteers and will donate toiletries as well. Courtney Howard sorting this out.
-Speakers for non-business meetings: 10/18, 1/23/18, 5/9/18. LLS for October, other possibilities: Homeless Home/Judy Frye, Immerman Angels, Casting for Recovery / -Strike Out Cancer; request for volunteers
-Matthew 25 volunteer event this fall
-Ronald McDonald volunteer event
Anniversary Celebration / -Carol reported location, entertainment/catering, deposit paid. $1950 due 3 days prior to A Catered Affair. Beer/wine served.
-Gigi will work on new disc with pictures submitted to music.
-Mock program; send to board and ask Ruth G. and Deb H. to assist; check for deceased members
-Volunteers needed-bartender, greeters. Since SOs/spouses not invited, could invite them to volunteer.
-Carol’s husband’s company, Vya, to print invitations.
-Take home will be special cookie wrapped in cellophane.
-Cost to attend-should charge something so people committed to attend ($20-$25?). Will register via Eventbrite and pay also.
-Date is November 11 at Centennial Barn / -Continue planning of Anniversary Event
-Need volunteers
Board meeting dates for 2017 / Next meeting 11/2/17.

This meeting was adjourned at: 8:35 pm

Submitted by Vicki Estridge, secretary