Chapter 2 Elementary Programming

1. Valid identifiers: x, X, apps, main, count, radius

Invalid identifiers: $4, a++, --a, 4#R, #44, int (a keyword, not identifier)

($4 is illegal in ANSI, but fine in Visual C++)

Keywords: int

2. double miles = 100;

final double MILE_TO_KILOMETER = 1.609;

double kilometer = MILE_TO_KILOMETER * miles;

cout << kilometer << endl;

The value of kilometer is 160.9.

3. There are three benefits of using constants: (1) you don’t have to repeatedly type the same value; (2) the value can be changed in a single location, if necessary; (3) the program is easy to read.

const int SIZE = 20;

#define SIZE 20

#include <iostream>

#define PI 3.14159;

using namespace std;

int main()


double temp = PI * 5;

cout << temp << endl;

return 0;


Wrong in line 2. No semicolon!

double temp = PI * 5;

would be precompiled to

double temp = 3.14159; * 5;


a = 46 / 9; => a = 5

a = 46 % 9 + 4 * 4 - 2; => a = 1 + 16 – 2 = 15

a = 45 + 43 % 5 * (23 * 3 % 2); => a = 45 + 3 * (1) = 48

a %= 3 / a + 3; => a %= 3 + 3; a % = 6 => a = a % 6 = 1;

d = 4 + d * d + 4; => 4 + 1.0 + 4 = 9.0

d += 1.5 * 3 + (++a); => d += 4.5 + 2; d += 6.5; => d = 7.5

d -= 1.5 * 3 + a++; => d -= 4.5 + 1; => d = 1 – 5.5 = -4.5








6. (2 + 100) % 7 = 4. So it is Thursday.

7. You can use the sizeof function to find the size of these types on your machine.

8. 25/4= 6. If you want the quotient to be a floating-point number, rewrite it as 25.0/4.0.

9. Yes, the statements are correct. The printout is

25 / 4 is 6

25 / 4.0 is 6.25

3 * 2 / 4 is 1

3.0 * 2 / 4 is 2.5

10. a. 4.0 / (3.0 * (r + 34)) – 9 * (a + b * c) + (3.0 + d * (2 + a)) / (a + b * d)

b. 5.5 * pow(r + 2.5, 2.5 + t)

11. a, b and c are true.

12. All, but the last one 40D


Line 4: Main should be main.

Line 6: k is not defined.

Line 9: i is redefined.

14. Yes. Different types of numeric values can be used in the same computation through automatic numeric conversions.

15. The fractional part is truncated. Casting does not change the variable being cast.


f is 12.5

i is 12


cout << (int)'1' << endl;

cout << (int)'A' << endl;

cout << (int)'B' << endl;

cout << (int)'a' << endl;

cout << (int)'b' << endl;

cout << (char)40 << endl;

cout << (char)59 << endl;

cout << (char)79 << endl;

cout << (char)85 << endl;

cout << (char)90 << endl;

cout << (char)0X40 << endl;

cout << (char)0X5A << endl;

cout << (char)0X71 << endl;

cout << (char)0X72 << endl;

cout << (char)0X7A << endl;

18. They are all correct.

19. '\\' and '\”'


i becomes 49, since the ASCII code of '1' is 49;

j become 99 since the code for '1' is 49 and the code for '2' is 50;

k becomes 97 since the ASCII code of 'a' is 97;

c becomes 90;

21. All allowed.




long totalSeconds = time(0) returns the seconds since Jan 1, 1970. totalMills % (60 * 60) returns the current minute.

24. Use // to denote a comment line, and use /* paragraph */ to denote a comment paragraph.

25. Class names: Capitalize the first letter in each name.

Variables and function names: Lowercase the first word, capitalize the first letter in all subsequent words.

Constants: Capitalize all letters.


#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()


cout << "2 % 3 = " << 2 % 3 << endl;

return 0;


27. Compilation errors are detected by compilers. Runtime errors occur during execution of the program. Logic errors results in incorrect results.