COURSE NAME/NUMBER: Professional Development

CREDITS: 2 Credits

CLASS LOCATION/TIMES: Location: Building B, Room




COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course emphasizes the creation of different styles of resumes and interview techniques. Cover letters, thank you letters and job search protocol are covered. Students also participate in mock interviews. The extern experience, career planning and workplace etiquette are also explored. A review of test taking strategies and previously covered topics are also covered in this course in preparation for the Certification Medical Assistant Exam.



Office Hours: 7:30-8:00 a.m.; 2:30-3:00 p.m.

(By appointment)

Office Location: Building B, Room

Phone: (425) 235-2352 Ext.


COURES OBJECTIVES (Course Competencies): Upon successful completion of this course the student will be able to:

1.  Identity three factors that positively impact recognition as a health care professional.

2.  List eight health care jobs that are important and require professionalism.

3.  Explain the importance of a systems perspective.

4.  Identify five factors that demonstrate a strong work ethic.

5.  Differentiate between the term accountable, reliable, and diligent.

6.  Describe the attitudinal differences between optimists and pessimists.

7.  Define corporate compliance, conflict of interest, and whistle blower.

8.  Discuss the importance of confidentiality and HIPPA.

9.  Identify how competence and scope of practice impact quality of care.

10.  Define corrective action and list five behaviors that could result in job dismissal.

11.  Explain the purpose of performance evaluations and list three ways to prepare for one.

12.  Differentiate between objective and subjective evaluation criteria.

13.  Define character and personal values and explain how these affect your reputation as a professional.

14.  List four examples of lack of character in the workplace.

15.  List four examples of positive values in the work place.

16.  Explain how character, personal values, and priorities define who you are as a person and how you conduct your life.

17.  List three important questions to ask yourself when making difficult ethical decisions.

18.  Discuss the importance of your word being as “good as gold.”

19.  Give three examples of dishonest behaviors and describe the impact of dishonesty in the workplace.

20.  Define ethics and morals and discuss how they impact decision-making and behavior.

21.  Define fraud and give three examples.

22.  Define reputation and list three factors that influence a person’s reputation.

23.  Describe the concept of interdependence and list three techniques to strengthen teamwork and interpersonal relationships.

24.  Explain why coworkers should be treated as customers.

25.  Discuss two ways to demonstrate loyalty to your coworkers and your employer.

26.  Identify four types of workplace teams and explain how they differ.

27.  Discuss how personality differences can cause conflicts in the workplace.

28.  Define diversity, list five examples of cultural differences, and explain why it’s important to have a diverse health care workforce.

29.  Explain the role of respect, good manners, and courtesy in the workplace.

30.  Describe why communication skills are the basic for effective relationships.

31.  List three problems that may occur when communicating electronically and describe three ways to prevent them from happening.

32.  Define conflict resolution and explain its importance.

33.  List the four styles of communication, identify which is most effective in conflict resolution, and describe the potential impact of each style.

34.  List four types of customers found in health care settings and give five examples of good customer service.

35.  Describe five ways to provide good customer service for hospitalized patients and their family members.

36.  Define personal skills and explain how they affect your success as a health care worker.

37.  Define personal image and describe how your personal image affects the patients you serve.

38.  List five appearances and grooming factors that result in a professional image.

39.  Discuss stereotypes and how they impact first impression.

40.  List three examples of annoying and troublesome personal habits.

41.  Describe how grammar and vocabulary impact your professional image.

42.  Discuss the importance of maintaining professionalism after hours.

43.  Define personal management skills and give three examples.

44.  Explain the importance of good time management skills and list five techniques to improve them.

45.  Explain the importance of good personal financial management skills and list five techniques to improve them.

46.  Explain the importance of good stress management skills and list five techniques to improve them.

47.  Describe the importance of critical thinking and problem solving skills and list the steps involved in problem solving.

48.  Identify one challenge unique to your profession and describe how information in this text can help you tackle that challenge.

49.  Define adaptive skills and explain why the ability to manage change is so important in health care today.

50.  Identify the purpose of a practicum.

51.  List three benefits of a practicum experience.

52.  Describe three ways to prepare for a practicum.

53.  Discuss four examples of proper etiquette while on a practicum.

54.  Describe three ways to ensure success during a practicum.

55.  Explain the importance of patient confidentiality during a practicum.

56.  Discuss the value of keeping a journal during a practicum.

57.  Explain the importance of putting the practicum site first.

58.  Describe the connection between a practicum and employment after graduation.

59.  Identify four general policies, procedures, and issues related to a successful practicum experience.

60.  Explain the difference between a stagnant career and a dynamic career.

61.  List five questions to ask yourself in career planning and identify three helpful resources.

62.  Describe personal assessments and what can you learn from them.

63.  List four ways to explore employment opportunities where you live.

64.  Define goals, short-term goals, long term goals, and realistic goals and explain why goals are important.

65.  Describe role models and mentors and explain their value.

66.  Identify the importance of computer skills in career advancement.

67.  Explain the importance of job application forms and identify four factors in completing them appropriately.

68.  Describe the role of pre-employment assessments.

69.  List five important factors in participating in a job interview.

70.  Describe why continuing education is important for health care workers and list two ways to obtain continuing education.

ATTENDANCE AND MAKE-UP POLICY: Throughout the Medical Assistant Program, an outstanding work ethic is emphasized and encouraged. Participation and professionalism are essential to your success as a student and as a Medical Assistant. Ten percent of your grade involves participation and professionalism. Professionalism points will be deducted at a total of 1 point per 60 minutes of class time missed for each subject. Point deductions will be broken down in 15 minute increments. For example: 0-15 minutes = 0.25 points, 16 -30 minutes = 0.50 minutes, etc.

If you must be absent, make arrangements beforehand to have a fellow student obtain any handouts and reading assignments you miss. You are also responsible for getting assignments from a fellow student by phone or email when you are absent in order to complete an assignment on time. Students missing three (3) or more consecutive class days due to illness are required to submit a note from their healthcare provider certifying they are physically able to return to the classroom. The full attendance policy is outlined in your medical assistant packet.

NATURE OF THE COURSE: To accommodate a wide variety of learning and personal styles many different instructional approaches may be used including: lecture, group discussion, demonstrations, interactive exercises, role playing, video programs, computer based training, student research, self directed learning projects and collaborative teaching with Program Instructors.

COURSE OUTLINE: See attached document

GRADING: Grades are based on the following weighted categories and assigned the corresponding decimal grade:

Professionalism/Participation 10%

Homework 15%

Quizzes 20%

Professional Portfolio 25%

Mock Interview 30%

TEXT: Makely, Sherry. Professionalism in Health Care: A Primer for Success, Fourth Edition. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2011.


Pens: Blue or black ink; no erasable or gel pens


Calendar for assignments

USB Drive to store work



Accompanying text CD

EMERGENCY INSTRUCTIONS FOR INCLEMENT WEATHER: In case of weather closure of the RTC Campus, class will be cancelled. Call the school at (425) 235-2352 and choose option 9 for weather closure information. Information will also be available on the website ( and local television and radio stations.


Renton Technical College recognizes and values diversity between students on campus, including cultural diversity, diversity of age, life style, race, religion, and financial backgrounds. Students are expected to listen respectfully to others and conduct themselves professionally in the classroom, at clinical sites, and at all campus related activities.

Certain behaviors will not be tolerated. Students engaging in those behaviors will be asked to leave the classroom and appropriate disciplinary steps will be taken. Certain behaviors will not be tolerated. Students engaging in those behaviors will be asked to leave the classroom and appropriate disciplinary steps will be taken. Students will also lose all their professionalism points for the day. Examples are:

·  Unprofessional or disruptive behavior

·  Sleeping in class

·  Inappropriate attire

·  Foul language

·  Sexual harassment

Cheating and Plagiarism: As outlined in the Allied Health Department Handbook, Renton Technical College has a zero tolerance policy towards cheating and plagiarism. On a paper or presentation, if wording is taken directly from any source without giving credit to the source, the student will receive a zero (0) on that paper or presentation. When there is doubt, the instructor will make the final judgment on whether plagiarism has occurred.

Disciplinary action includes, but is not limited to, the student receiving a zero (0) on a test, paper or presentation up to and including immediate expulsion from the program.

Reading Assignments: The student is responsible for reading all assigned material prior to the lecture. Much more can be gained from the classroom discussion if there is some basic familiarity with the content.

Questions: If you do not understand something during a lecture and do not want to ask a question in front of the entire class, talk to your instructor or other students when there is free time within the classroom. (There will be frequent opportunities at the end of class sessions to get clarification) Asking classmates questions while other classroom information is taking place is disruptive to the entire class and the instructor. It also causes students to miss what is currently being discussed.

Quizzes: There will be quizzes given approximately once a week. A Pop Quiz could be given at any point when the instructor needs to evaluate how much information is being assimilated by the students. Pop Quizzes cannot be made up. If you are absent on the day of a scheduled quiz, you must make up the quiz the day you return to school to receive credit. In addition, if you are more than 10 minutes late for a quiz you will need to make it up by arrangement with the instructor. The highest possible grade for a make-up quiz is 90%.

NOTE: If your class is a hybrid quizzes will be administered on line. These quizzes will be timed and available on specified days as noted in the course outline. Quizzes not taken during the available time frame can only be made up at the discretion of the instructor. DO NOT wait until the last minute to take your quizzes.

Mid Term and Final: There will be a mid-term given after which the student and instructor will meet and discuss progress as necessary. A final exam will be given during the last week of the quarter. You will lose one letter grade for every day the final examination is not taken from the date it is offered to the rest of the class. The mid-term and cumulative final will be proctored and may be administered in any form (written, oral, online, etc.).

Homework: is due on the assigned date and must be complete to earn homework points. Incomplete homework must be submitted within one school day of the due date to receive points. If a student is absent on the day homework is due the homework is considered late and must be submitted the day the student returns to earn points. Points are earned as follows:

Submitted on time and complete 10 points

Submitted late and complete 5 points

Note: Information contained in this syllabus is subject to change.

Allied Health Grading Scale 2011

Decimal Grade / Grade Percent / Letter Grade Equivalent
4.0 / 100 / A
3.9 / 99
3.8 / 98 / A-
3.7 / 97
3.6 / 96
3.5 / 95
3.4 / 94 / B+
3.3 / 93
3.2 / 92
3.1 / 91 / B
3.0 / 90
2.9 / 89
2.8 / 88 / B-
2.7 / 87
2.6 / 86
2.5 / 85
2.4 / 84 / C+
2.3 / 83
2.2 / 82
2.1 / 81 / C
2.0 / 80
1.9 / 79 / C-
1.8 / 78
1.7 / 77
1.6 / 76
1.5 / 75
1.4 / 74 / D+
1.3 / 73
1.2 / 72
1.1 / 71 / D
1.0 / 70
0.9 / 69 / D-
0.8 / 68
0.7 / 67
0.0 / 66 or less / F

Note: Students must earn at least a grade or 2.0 (80%) in each course to continue in the Medical Assistant Program.


Professional Development

MEDA 132

Revised March 2012