CHC2P1: Life in Trenches

Creative Writing Assignment

Date Assigned:______

Due Date:______

Instructions: Your task is to pretend that you are one of the soldiers in the picture above and write a letter home explaining what it is like to live in the trenches. Your letter is to be approximately 500 words in length.

In addition to a brief introduction and conclusion, your letter must include the following components:

1.  A Physical Description of the Trenches: In other words, what did a trench system look like? Remember you are pretending to be a soldier who must explain what he sees to his family back home!)

2.  A Description of the Living Conditions: Mud, rats, disease: These are just a few words which describe the horrible living conditions faced while stationed in a trench. In your letter, you will want to let your family know what horrible conditions you were forced to live in each day.

3.  An Explanation of your Daily Routine: While soldiers did take part in active combat, there were often days without fighting. If you were a soldier fighting in the trenches, what daily tasks would you have to accomplish in order to maintain the trench you lived in?

4.  Proper Spelling, Grammar, and Sentence Structure: Your letter will be evaluated according to proper spelling, grammar, and sentence structure.

5.  Effort and Creativity: Your letter will also be evaluated on how much effort and creativity you put into its presentation. For example you may wish to teas stain your letter, enclose your letter in a stamped/addressed envelope, tie your letter with a ribbon or seal it with wax, carefully burn the edges of the letter.

* Your letter MUST BE IN YOUR OWN WORDS. Plagiarism will result in a mark of zero.

CHC2P1: Life in Trenches

Creative Writing Assignment Rubric

Category/Mark / Level One
(50-59%) / Level Two
(60-69%) / Level Three
(70-79%) / Level Four
K/U: Physical Description of the Trenches
/10 / Demonstrates limited understanding of the physical description of trenches. / Demonstrates some understanding of the physical description of trenches. / Demonstrates considerable understanding of the physical description of trenches. / Demonstrates a thorough understanding of the physical description of trenches.
K/U: Living Conditions in the Trenches
/10 / Demonstrates limited understanding of soldier’s living conditions in the trenches. / Demonstrates some understanding of soldier’s living conditions in the trenches. / Demonstrates considerable understanding of soldier’s living conditions in the trenches. / Demonstrates a thorough understanding of soldier’s living conditions in the trenches.
T/I: Explanation of Your Daily Routine
/20 / Presents a limited explanation of your daily routine. / Presents a fair explanation of your daily routine. / Presents a considerable explanation of your daily routine. / Presents a thorough explanation of your daily routine.
C: Spelling, Grammar, Sentence/
Paragraph Structure
/20 / Demonstrates limited evidence of editing/proofreading. Communicates information and ideas with limited clarity. / Demonstrates some evidence of editing/
proofreading. Communicates information and ideas with some clarity. / Demonstrates considerable evidence of editing/
proofreading. Communicates information and ideas with considerable clarity. / Demonstrates thorough evidence of editing/
proofreading. Communicates information and ideas with a high degree of clarity.
App: Creative Presentation of Letter
/20 / Demonstrates limited ability to present information in a creative manner. / Demonstrates some ability to present information in a creative manner / Demonstrates considerable ability to present information in a creative manner / Demonstrates a thorough ability to present information in a creative manner.

Total: /80


CHC2P1: Life in Trenches

Creative Writing Assignment- Rough Copy


Dear ______Date:______















Love, ______