Customer and Account Service Tool (CAST) 4.22

Currently, two versions of CAST are available.

·  CAST for gateway version 4.22 is available on a production environment.

·  CAST for gateway version 4.26 is available on a stage environment.

This CAST Help is for version 4.22. CAST Help for 4.26|topic=Customer and Account Service Tool (CAST)

This Help system details the components and concepts of CAST web-based software and provides procedures for completing various tasks within CAST.

New to CAST?

Start here: Getting Started.

Common Tasks

·  Adding a new CAST user

·  Creating an account

·  Enabling a trader as an Order Handler

·  Removing traders

·  Setting up an omnibus account


·  Account types and working with accounts

·  Gateway|topic=CQG Hosted Exchange Gateway

·  Omnibus Trading|topic=Omnibus Trading

·  Risk management

·  Security controls

·  Trader billing

·  Trader Private Labels and their relationship to Trader Enablements

CAST Menu Pages

Customer Service:

·  Current Order Details

·  Old Order Details

·  Power Search

·  Positions

·  Account Summary

·  Open Positions

·  New External Position

·  New External Order

·  Cancel All Orders

·  Group Account Positions


·  Customer Info

·  New Customer

·  Messenger Sessions

·  Removed Customer Info


·  Account Info

·  Group Account Info

·  Account Authorization

·  New Account

·  New Group Account

·  Balances

·  Risk Settings

·  Risk Parameters

·  Removed Account Info

·  New Template Account

·  New Omnibus Account

·  Power Search

·  Market Limits


·  Trader Info

·  Trader Authorization

·  New Trader

·  Enablements

·  Billing Configuration

·  Removed Trader Info

·  Trader Account Mapping

·  Risk Parameters

·  FCM/Sales Series Authorization

·  Allowable Markets


·  BackOffice Config

·  Min FCM Risk Params

·  Default Account Risk Params

·  Trading Features

·  FCM Margins

Sales Series:

·  Sales Series Info

·  New Sales Series

·  Removed Sales Series Info

CAST Users:

·  CAST User Info

·  CAST Permissions

·  New CAST User

·  Event Notification

·  Removed CAST User Info


·  Active Traders

·  Trader History

·  Reporting Tool


·  Risk Settings

·  Exec Sys Targets

CAST 4.22 User Guide in Japanese

Note: Images are examples only and are meant to illustrate and expose system behavior. They do not represent actual situations. Images may be different from your version of CAST, as you may not have the same enablements. Procedures assume that you have successfully completed a search. That is, the first step in procedures is the step after finding the account, trader, customer, etc. that you’ll work with.

last updated on September 8, 2015, software version 4.22

What’s New in Version 4.22

Features and enhancements in CAST software version 4.22.

Margin Multipliers

The Margin Multiplier parameter was added to the Market Limits page (Accounts menu) and Allowable Markets page (Traders menu).

The FCM Margins page (FCMs menu) allows to configure margin values. For derivative instruments, margin is calculated by currency.

For cash spot and equities instruments, which have been added to the commodity list, margin is specified in percent (%).

0.1 = 10%

1 = 100%

Getting Started

You may want to begin by:

·  learning how to use the CAST window

·  understanding the CAST set up workflow

·  exploring CAST concepts

For assistance, contact:

FCM Support Desk / 1-312-939-1590
Trade Routing Support / 1-800-525-1872
Software Support / 1-800-525-1085
Account Management / 1-800-525-7082

Logging On to CAST

This procedure assumes you have a CAST user name and password.

To log on

1.  Go to: for CAST in English for CAST in Russian for CAST in Japanese

2.  Type your user name and password. You may be asked to change your password the first time you log on.

3.  If applicable, select a language for CAST.

Currently, English and Russian are available. If a particular page is not translated into Russian, then its name is not translated in the CAST navigation menu.

4.  Click Submit. CAST opens in a separate browser window. The original browser window remains open and must remain open until you log off.

If you are inactive for 30 minutes, the system automatically logs you off CAST.

Local Dates and Numbers

You are able to localize the date and number format in CAST, which means that dates and numbers are displayed according to your local standards. CAST uses default settings specific to the selected language:

Date / Separator
English / M/d/yyyy / .
Russian / d.M.yyyy / ,

To change regional setting

1.  Close CAST and the browser window.

2.  Go to Start > Control Panel > Regional and Language Options > Customize > Customize Regional Options.

3.  After saving the updated setting, log on to CAST.

The window displays a message indicating that CAST wants to install an add-on. (Assumes that Internet Explorerä security setting for downloading signed ActiveX controls is set to Prompt or Enabled.)

4.  Click the warning, and then click Install ActiveX Control. The add-on installation begins.

5.  When prompted, click Install.

Once this add-on has been installed, CAST is able to read the date and number values set on your PC.

These pages reflect the localization:

Menu group / Menu item / Menu group / Menu item /
Accounts / Account Info / Customer Service / Power Search
Accounts / Balances / FCMs / Default Account Risk Params
Accounts / New Omnibus Account / FCMs / Min FCM Risk Params
Accounts / Position Limits / FCMs / New FCM
Accounts / Removed Account Info / Reports / Active Traders
Accounts / Risk Parameters / Reports / Route Activity
Customer Service / Account Summary / Reports / SS History
Customer Service / Current Order Details / Reports / Trader History
Customer Service / New External Order / Reports / Billing Configuration
Customer Service / New External Position / Reports / Enablements
Customer Service / Old Order Details / Reports / Removed Trader Info
Customer Service / Open Positions / Reports / Trader Info
Customer Service / Positions / Reports / Billing Configuration

CAST Window Workflow

The CAST window contains three interdependent panes: navigation (CAST page menu), search, and data (CAST page). When CAST is opened, the search and data panes are empty.

1. Select a page on the CAST page menu

The navigation pane provides links to the pages and associated tools available in CAST. Pages are displayed in the data pane. Data is selected on the search pane.

1.  Click the heading text to expand a section.

2.  Click the page you want to see.

For example, Accounts > Account Info. The search pane is updated to include account search categories, and the data pane is updated with the empty page.

2. Enter search criteria on the search pane

The search pane is associated with the selection you have made in the navigation pane. To hide the search pane, click Search at the top of the window.

1.  Select the search by type from the dropdown menu.

2.  Type a search term.

3.  Click Search.

Search results are displayed in a table on the search pane.

4.  If there is more than one option in the results, click the record to display in the data pane.

Click the Export to Excel button to save search results in an Excel file.

These pages are independent of the search pane:

·  Power Search

·  New Customer

·  New Trader

·  New Sales Series

·  New CAST User

·  Active Traders

3. View and modify data on the CAST page

The data pane displays the CAST page with data from the search results. Pages also include links and buttons used while working with the page.

At the bottom of the page are:

·  Status Message: located directly above the Refresh button, it provides information relating to the current state of the system, such as when a page lock will expire or that you have saved the page successfully.

·  Refresh button: clears all unsaved changes and returns the display to its last saved state.

·  Remove button: renders the record inactive, but does not delete the information.

·  Save button: keeps the changes you have made.

Specific pages have context-dependent buttons, such as Clone on the accounts page.

For tools independent of search, this pane displays entry pages, such as New Customer and Active Traders.

To resize the panes, hover the mouse cursor over the pane border until the cursor turns into a double-sided arrow. Then, click and drag the border.

CAST Set Up Workflow

FCM and Customer Relationship Set Up

CAST set up is based on relationships, the relationships between you and customers and customers and traders. Customers are organized within sales series and traders are associated with accounts.

An FCM must have at least one sales series.

A sales series is an FCM-defined grouping of accounts. For example, a sales series may be defined by geographic region, Northeast or Connecticut.

All customers must be associated with at least one sales series and will have at least one account.

Traders are associated with one or more accounts. Multiple traders can be associated with a single account. A customer can also be a trader.

1. Set FCM parameters

You may want to begin by defining FCM parameters, trading features, and margins, as these settings impact accounts and traders.

Fixed Income FCMs

2. Create a sales series

You cannot add customers until you have set up a sales series, as all customers must be associated with at least one sales series.

3. Add new Customers, Accounts, Traders

This rest of the workflow is based on relationships between customers, accounts, and traders and depends on whether you follow the system-guided set up when you create a customer.

Once you have saved a new customer, the systems asks if you want to set this customer up as a trader. If you confirm that action, the system walks you through the trader and account set up process.

You can also create entities individually: sales series, customer, account, trader and then go back to create the relationships between them. For example, authorizing a trader on an account.

The system has other prompts. Create a new account, and the system opens the Account Authorization page where you choose traders for the account. Create a new trader, and the system opens the Trader Authorization page where you choose accounts for the trader.

3. Set Account parameters

Once accounts have been created, you’ll need to authorize traders on the account, set balances, select risk settings, set risk parameters, and set market limits.

4. Set Trader parameters

Once traders have been created, you’ll need to authorize accounts for traders, select enablements, configure billing, set risk parameters, set allowable markets, and map accounts.

FCM and CAST User Set Up

The other part of setting up is CAST is determining which members of your organization will be CAST users and creating user accounts for them.

While working with CAST, you’ll come across similar terms: permissions, authorizations, and enablements. Permissions apply to the pages CAST users are allowed to view and the tasks they are allowed to perform. Authorizations are used to associate traders with particular accounts and FCMs/sales series. Enablements allow access to particular trading products, features, and markets. Enablements are set at the FCM level and by trader.

Fixed Income FCMs

Fixed income firms are entered in CAST in much the same way as derivative firms.

First, CQG creates a fixed income FCM.

While sales series are not applicable to fixed income FCMs, a sales series must be created next. The sales series information need only include the name, number, and office name.

Then, a customer, which is the firm, is created using the firm user ID.

After creating the customer, you are prompted to complete the workflow using a wizard. Whether you use this guided set up or not, the next step is to add a trader followed by an account. Each account has one trader associated with it.

Repeat this process for additional traders and accounts.

There’s an additional step for fixed income firms only: every customer has to have an associated session, which is a login name and password. A customer can have more than one session.

Assigning Fixed Income Sessions

1.  From the Customers menu, click Fixed Income Sessions.

2.  On the Fixed Income Sessions page, enter the login name and password for the customer.

3.  Click Add New Session.

Click the Remove check box to delete a session.

View, Modify, Remove, and Restore Records

Account, CAST user, customer, sales series, and trader records can be viewed, modified, and removed. Removed records can be then viewed and restored.

Follow the same procedure in each case:

·  To view, go to the associated Info page.

·  To remove, click the Remove button on the associated Info page.

·  To view removed, go to the associated Removed Info page.

·  To restore removed, click the Restore button on the associated

·  To modify, go to the associated Info page and make changes. Don’t forget to save the page. For specifics about fields and components, go to the associated New page Help topics:

·  New Account

·  New CAST User

·  New Customer

·  New Sales Series

·  New Trader

Note about removing traders

CQG has to remove traders that are linked to more than one FCM (top reason that FCMs call)

Notes about removing accounts

Only accounts without active traders can be removed. Accounts cannot be added or removed if a migration request is in progress.

If you receive a message stating that there are active orders on the account, change the account statement setting to either Generate complete daily statement or Zero positions at the end of day. Orders are removed overnight, and you can remove the account the following day.

If you receive a message stating that there are open positions on the account, remove the open position and then remove the account.

If you remove an omnibus account, it is removed from the Omnibus Account column options (Account Info).