2015 Resume
2015 Resume
NAME: Peter E. Wright
CELL PHONE: 585-314-5314
HOME ADDRESS: 112 Walnut Street, Auburn NY 13021
HOME PHONE: 315-282-7025
CITZENSHIP: United States of America
Year Degree Institution
1978 M.Eng. Agricultural Engineering Cornell University Ithaca NY 14853
1977 B.S. Agricultural Engineering Cornell University Ithaca NY 14853
1973 High School Regents Diploma Homer Central Homer NY 13077
AREAS OF EXPERTISE: Anaerobic Digestion, Alternative Energy, Engineering Design, Manure Management, Agricultural Environmental Management, Erosion Control, Construction, Stream Restoration, Engineering Management, Conservation Practices, Environmental Management Systems, Program Management.
Year Experience
9/2015 - Present Agricultural Engineer for PRO-DAIRY, Cornell University Cooperative Extension, Ithaca NY. Applied research in Anaerobic Digestion and Agricultural Environmental Management. Adult education and outreach to promote environmental progress on farms. (20 hours per week)
6/2015 – Present Agricultural Engineer for Agricultural Engineering Service PLLC (AES). 7413 County House Road Auburn, NY 13021. Planning, Design, Construction Oversight, and Documentation of Agricultural Practices and Facilities. (10-20 hours per week)
10/2004 – 5/2015 State Conservation Engineer. Responsible for all aspects of the engineering program for the Natural Resources Conservation Service in New York State. This includes: Emergency Watershed Program manager for recovery and floodplain easements, Dam Rehabilitation Program manager, supervising and equipping engineering personnel, creating program policies and implementing engineering procedures for Environmental Quality Improvement Program and other Farm Bill Programs, Conservation Innovative Grant management, determining hydric conditions for Food Security Agency, coordinating with state and federal agencies on conservation programs including Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations and State cost share funding. (40-60 hours per week)
5/1994 – 9/2004 Senior Extension Associate. Cornell Cooperative Extension Roberts Hall Ithaca NY 14853 Application, performance and management of grants. Responsible for implementing a statewide extension and applied research program in all aspects of animal waste management. Produced over 125 publications (50-80 hours per week)
7/1983 – 4/1994 Area Engineer. Responsible for the engineering planning and application work of 15 SCS and SWCD offices, 3 RC&D Offices, and Flood Control Project work in the 15 counties of Western New York. Projects involved all aspects of soil and water engineering, including: irrigation, drainage, erosion control, and water quality control. (40-50 hours per week)
8/1980 – 7/1983 Project Engineer. Responsible for the construction of floodwater retarding dams and channels within the Oak Orchard, Flint Creek and Conewango Watersheds in Western New York. Constructed two earth dams and two channel systems. (40-50 hours per week)
6/1978 – 8/1980 Agricultural Engineer. Assisted in the engineering work in a 12-county area in northern Virginia. This consisted of project work as well as erosion control and water quantity and quality management. (40-50 hours per week)
Library Trustee Phillips Free Library
Chair of Board of Deacon Homer Congregational United Church of Christ
General Synod Delegate and NY Conference Delegate UCC
President, Winning Way Investment Club
Dairy Farming
2014 Rating Based Individual Cash Award
2010 Rating Based Individual Cash Award
2009 Rating Based Individual Cash Award
2008 Rating Based Individual Cash Award
2007 Based on Contribution and Performance Cash Award
Individual Spot Cash Award
2006 Awarded Fellow in the Soil and Water Conservation Society
ASABE Superior Paper Award for "Heat Transfer Model for Plug-Flow Anaerobic Digesters" Transactions of the ASAE
2002 ASAE Blue Ribbon Award for the Educational Aid “Livestock and Poultry Environmental Stewardship (LPES) Curriculum”
2000 Flying V Award from USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service
Special Achievement Award from Empire Chapter of the Soil and Water Conservation Society
Professional Engineer licensed in New York State
American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers
Soil and Water Conservation Society
Dairy Practices Council
American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers:
Land Application of Waste
Agricultural Waste Management
Closure of Waste Storage Facilities
Previously on Technical Paper Awards Committee
Previously on the Editorial Advisory Board
Dairy Practices Council.
Task Force I Farm Buildings and Equipment
Soil and Water Conservation Society
President Elect
Past President of Empire Chapter
Past advisor Cornell Student Chapter
National Fellow
Planning Committee for: Dairy Environmental Systems and Climate Adaptation Conference and Tours. 8/24-26/2015
Held a two-day training and update session 1/14-15/14 with the NYS LICA contractors focusing on manure storage and VTA as well as an on farm tour of conservation practices and NRCS program policies.
Planned and participated in a drainage conference with Miner Institute in 10/24/13.
Set up a drainage management review with Miner Institute, Cornell University, and Vermont NRCS as well as a silage leachate VTA symposium with the same parties 11/6-9/12.
Organized the USDA Air Quality Task Force 2012 tour of NY to a variety of sites involving a variety of partners.
Got Manure? Enhancing Environmental and Economic Sustainability, Conference, March 27-29, 2012 in conjunction with AgSTAR, NYSERDA and PRO-Dairy.
Dairy Manure Management: Treatment, Handling, and Community Relations Conference, Syracuse NY in conjunction with NRAES, March 15 -17, 2005.
Department of Environmental Conservation Agricultural Inspectors Training, Auburn, NY In Conjunction with the AEM Committee and the CAFO Work Group, October 15 and 16, 2004.
AES: Farm facilities and Agricultural Practices
American Farm Bureau: Costs of CAFO regulations to dairy farms
Gustavus Adolphus College: Odor control and environmental protection for a dairy farm
National Milk Producers Federation: Member of Scientific Panel on Dairy Issues
Fair Oaks Dairy: Odor control and manure treatment processes
Michigan Cooperative Extension: Manure management and treatment education.
South African dairy farms: Manure management
Sunrise Dairy Farm: Manure management
Mexico: Manure Management
Poland: Anaerobic Digestion
China: Biofuels
Monsanto: Dairy production
Both farm and popular press continue to obtain expert opinions and information about Emergency Watershed Program project management, watershed planning, manure handling, storage, management, and treatment as well as the environmental impact of agriculture.
Wright, P. Jessica Rennells, Art DeGaetano, Curt Gooch “Impacts of Climate Change on Manure Management” Presented at the Dairy Environmental Systems and Climate Adaptation Conference, Cornell University, Statler Hotel Ithaca NY July 29-31 2015
Peter Wright, Chris Henry, James Malone, Tyler Desiderio, John Patrick Hock, Kimberly Junkins, John Marrs, Michael Martin, Nicholas Rugnetta, “The Impact of Auxiliary Spillway Flows from Irene and Lee on NRCS Flood Control Dams in NY” presented at the 2013 ASABE Annual International Meeting in Kansas City, Missouri July 21 – 24, 2013 Paper No. 131595640 ASABE 2950 Niles Road St. Joseph, MI 49085-9659
Peter Wright, Jessica Rennells, Art DeGaetano, Curt Gooch, Impacts of Changing Climate in the Northeast on Manure Storage 4/3/2013 http://www.extension.org/pages/67643/impacts-of-changing-climate-in-the-northeast-on-manure-storage
Peter E. Wright, Kimberly Junkins, John Patrick Hock, Michael Martin, William Merkel, Quan D. Quan, Helen Fox Moody, “Evaluating Runoff Predictions from Rainfall
Tables and Generalized Distribution Curves for EFH-2 and WinTR-20 in New York State” presented at the 2012 ASABE Annual International Meeting in Dallas, Texas
July 29 – August 1, 2012, 2012 Paper No. 121338007 ASABE 2950 Niles Road St. Joseph, MI 49085-9659
Wright, P., “Standards for Manure Management Systems” Got Manure? Enhancing Environmental and Economic Sustainability, Conference, March 27-29, 2012 Dairy Management Proceedings 272 Morrison Hall Ithaca NY 14853-4801Peter E. Black, David R. Hanny, Amy K. Kendall, Kristopher Perritt, Andrew Sansone, Peter Wright, 9/21/11. “Current Issues in Storm Water Regulations”, Lorman Education Services P.O. Box 509 Eau Claire, WI 54702.
Peter Wright, “Don’t Cry Over Spilt Manure; Fix the Problem” August 2011, Eastern DairyBusiness 6437 Collamer Rd. East Syracuse, NY 13057.
Karl Czymmek, Larry Geohring, Jacqueline Lendrum, Peter Wright, Greg Albrecht, Bob Brower, and Quirine Ketterings, “Manure Management Guidelines for Limestone Bedrock/Karst Areas of Genesee County, New York: Practices for Risk Reduction” Cornell University Field Crops Nutrient Guidelines, Animal Science Publication Series No. 240, Cornell University Cooperative Extension Nutrient Management Spear Program http://nmsp.cals.cornell.edu/publications/extension/Karst_2_15_2011.pdf
Peter E. Wright, Art DeGaetano, William Merkel, Lynn Metcalf, Quan Quan, Dan Zarrow, “Updating Rainfall Intensity Duration Curves in the Northeast for Runoff Prediction” presented at the 2010 ASABE Annual International Meeting June 20 – June 23, 2010 Paper No. 1008577 ASABE 2950 Niles Road St. Joseph, MI 49085-9659
Peter E. Wright, Curt Gooch, Andrew Wedel, Larry Geohring, “Procedures for Evaluating Undesigned Manure Transfer Systems in New York State” presented at the 2010 ASABE Annual International Meeting June 20 – June 23, 2010 Paper No. 1008579 ASABE 2950 Niles Road St. Joseph, MI 49085-9659
Peter E. Wright, Chapter 20 - On Farm Processing of Dairy Manure, in “Manure Pathogens: Manure Management, Regulations, and Water Quality Protection” 2009 Dwight D. Bowman Editor, Water Environment Federation 601 Wythe Street Alexandria, VA 22314-1994
Peter Wright, Paula Bagley, Somphone Ly, and Michael Clifford, “Case Study: 2007 Emergency Watershed Protection in Delaware County, New York” presented at the 2008 ASABE Annual International Meeting June 29 – July 2, 2008 Paper No. 085130 ASABE 2950 Niles Road St. Joseph, MI 49085-9659
David Walowsky Jr., Peter Wright, and Chris Henry “Jet Test to Evaluate the Head Cutting of Glacial Till in Auxiliary Spillways in New York State” presented at the 2008 ASABE Annual International Meeting June 29 – July 2, 2008 Paper No. 085132 ASABE 2950 Niles Road St. Joseph, MI 49085-9659
Patty Ristow, Quirine Ketterings, Dale Dewing, Peter Wright, Karl Czymmek, “Manure Sampling, Analysis & Interpretation” Agronomy Fact Sheet Series Fact Sheet 38, 2008 Cornell University Cooperative Extension Nutrient Management Spear Program http://nmsp.css.cornell.edu
Peter Wright, Bill Reck, Larry Geohring, Susan Stehman, " An Evaluation of the New York NRCS Pathogen Management Interim Standard" Presented at the 2007 ASABE Annual International Meeting June 17-20, Paper No. 072276 ASABE 2950 Niles Road St. Joseph, MI 49085-9659
Peter Wright, “What gets on your neighbors’ nerves?” Ag Nutrient Management May 2007 Vol.3 No.3 Pages 6 and 7, P.O. Box 585, Jerome, ID 83338 www.ag-wast.com
Peter Wright, “The Farm’s Response to Environmental Issues” Ag Nutrient Management January 2007 Vol.3 No.1 Pages 6-10 P.O. Box 585, Jerome, ID 83338 www.ag-wast.com
Peter Wright, “Potential for biodrying manure” Ag Nutrient Management September/October 2006 Vol.2 No.5 P.O. Box 585, Jerome, ID 83338 www.ag-wast.com
Peter Wright, Curt Gooch, Ron Young and David Sullivan, "Procedures for Evaluating Un-designed Earthen Manure Storage Facilities in New York State" Presented at the 2006 ASAE Annual International Meeting July 9-12, Paper No. 06-4170 ASAE 2950 Niles Road St. Joseph, MI 49085-9659
Curt Gooch, Scott Inglis, and P. Wright, "Anaerobic Digester System Monitoring Projects in New York Sate – an Update" Presented at the 2006 ASAE Annual International Meeting July 9-12, Paper No. 06-4201 ASAE 2950 Niles Road St. Joseph, MI 49085-9659
Chris Henry, Clyde Giaquinto, Peter Wright and Jon Fripp, "Breach Analysis of PL-566 Dams in NY" Presented at the 2006 ASAE Annual International Meeting July 9-12, Paper No. 06-2170 ASAE 2950 Niles Road St. Joseph, MI 49085-9659
Richard Gullick, Richard, Brown, Peter Wright, C. Gooch, B.W. Auvermann, L. Marsh, T. Harter, and V. Johnson, “Strategies for Minimizing AFO Waste Impacts on Drinking Water Sources” Presented at the 2006 ASAE Annual International Meeting July 9-12 2006, Paper No. 06-2158 ASAE 2950 Niles Road St. Joseph, MI 49085-9659
Bossard, Shawn, Peter Wright, “Draghose Application Systems for Manure” Ag Nutrient Management Vol. 2 No. 3 May/June 2006 P.O. Box 585, Jerome, ID 83338
Gooch, Curt and Peter Wright, "Do you have an undesigned manure storage?" 2005, Northeast DairyBusiness 7(10):34-35.
National Dairy Environmental Stewardship Council (member) "Cost-effective and Environmentally Beneficial Dairy Manure Management Practices" 2005 Sustainable Conservation 121 Second Street, 6th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105
Kifle Gebremedhin, Binxin Wu, Curt Gooch, Peter Wright, Scott Inglis, "Heat Transfer Model for Plug-Flow Anaerobic Digesters" Transactions of the ASAE 2005 Vol. 48(2): pages 777-785 ASAE 2950 Niles Road St. Joseph, MI 49085-9659
Geohring, Larry, Susie Lee, Peter E. Wright, T. S. Steenhuis, M. F. Walter, "Drainage Water Quality Response to Liquid Manure Application" Presented at the 2005 ASAE Annual International Meeting July 17 - 20, Paper No. 05-2065 ASAE 2950 Niles Road St. Joseph, MI 49085-9659
Peter Wright "Animal Agriculture's Impact on the Environment" Clearwaters, Spring 2005, Vol.35, No.1 New York Water Environment Association, Inc., 126 N. Salina St., Suite 200, Syracuse, NY 13202-1021
Peter Wright, “Barnyard/Feedlot Runoff Management” Phosphorous Best Management Practices, Southern Extension Research Activity-Information Exchange Group-17 http://sera17.ext.vt.edu/
Peter E. Wright, L.D. Geohring, and S. F. Inglis, "Effectiveness of Low Flow Collection of Silage Leachate and Vegetative Areas for CAFO Farms" April 2005, Final Report: EPA Grants and Contracts Management Branch USEPA, Region 2, 290 Broadway NY, NY 10007-1866
Wright, Peter "The Farm's Response to Environmental Issues." Proceedings of Dairy Manure Management: Treatment, Handling, and Community Relations Conference, March 15 -17, 2005. NRAES-176 Natural Resource, Agricultural, and Engineering Service (NRAES). Cooperative Extension, PO Box 4557, Ithaca, New York 14852-4557
Czymmek, Karl, Geohring, Larry, Ketterings, Quirine, Wright, Peter, and Eaton, Angus "Supplemental Manure Spreading Guidelines to Reduce Water Contamination Risk During Adverse Weather Conditions" What's Cropping Up? Cornell Cooperative Extension Vol. 15, No. 3, 2005
Marsha Campbell Mathews, Glenn Carpenter, Leslie Cooperband, W. Art Darling, Nathan DeBoom, Allen Dusalt, Suzy Friedman, Rick Koelsch, Joseph Harner III, J. Mark Powell, Kelly Shenk, John Sweeten, Ann Wilkie, and Peter Wright., “Cost Effective and Environmentally Beneficial Manure Management Practices and Strategies for Increasing Implementation and Fostering Innovation” National Dairy Environmental Stewardship Council, Sustainable Conservation http://www.suscon.org/dairies/ndesc.asp
Peter Wright, Barnyard/Feedlot Runoff Management, Phosphorous Best Management Practices, Southern Extension Research Activity-Information Exchange Group-17 http://sera17.ext.vt.edu/
Wright P., “Overview of US Experiences with Farm Scale Biogas Plants” Agricultural Waste and Manure Management: The Anaerobic Perspective, Workshop I Anaerobic Digestion 2004, 10th World Congress 8/30/2004 Montreal, Canada
Gebremedhin, K.G., B. Wu, C. Gooch, and P. Wright, "Simulation of Heat Transfer for Maximum Biogas Production" Presented at the 2004 ASAE Annual International Meeting August 1-4, Paper No. 04-4165 ASAE 2950 Niles Road St. Joseph, MI 49085-9659
Wright, Peter E., S. Inglis, J. Ma, C. Gooch, B. Aldrich, and N. Scott "Preliminary Comparison of Five Anaerobic Digestion Systems on Dairy Farms in New York State" Presented at the 2004 ASAE Annual International Meeting August 1-4, Paper No. 04-4032 ASAE 2950 Niles Road St. Joseph, MI 49085-9659
Wright, Peter E., S. Inglis, and L. Geohring "Effectiveness of Silage Leachate Treatment with Vegetative Filter Areas" Presented at the 2004 ASAE Annual International Meeting August 1-4, Paper No. 04-2178 ASAE 2950 Niles Road St. Joseph, MI 49085-9659