1. Functional Requirements 2
2. Non-Functional Requirements 157
C-NOMIS Requirements.doc Page 180 of 180 Created on 10/06/2010, 09:51:51
1. Functional Requirements
Req Id / Hrchy / Name / Definition /FUNC323 / 1 / Prisoner Personal Details / Prisoner Personal Details
FUNC324 / 1.1 / Record Basic Personal Data / Offender Details - record basic personal data.
FUNC325 / 1.1.1 / Personal Details / Personal Details - record and maintain Surname, Forename(s), Initials, Title, Date of Birth, Gender, Sexual Orientation, Ethnicity, Nationalities, faith & belief, marital status, disability, whether a parent, [redacted], dietary requirements, National Identity (for census reporting), multiple addresses (to eGIF standard format), telephone number(s).
FUNC326 / / Search Parameters / Search Parameters - query the following data items OFFENDER SEARCH: Police National Computer number (PNC), Driving Licence number, CRO, National Insurance number, Legacy system number, Age, DOB, Alias Name, Alias DOB, Nationality, Ethnicity, [redacted].
FUNC327 / / Independent Numbers / Independent Numbers - provide the facility for mobile phone numbers and email addressed (but not other types of phone number) not to be tied to a specific address.
FUNC328 / / Mandatory Offender Search / Mandatory Offender Search - enforce a mandatory offender search before a user is allowed to create a new offender record.
FUNC329 / / No Fixed Address / No Fixed Address - indicate 'No Fixed Address' in place of entering an address for a person recorded in the system who is of no fixed abode, or whose address is unknown.
FUNC330 / / Dual Nationality / Dual Nationality - allow dual nationality to be input for an individual
FUNC331 / / Date of Birth / When creating an Offender the system must enforce the entry of a Date of Birth. When a Date of Birth is recorded, the system must automatically derive and display the Offenders Age. Age must always be derived from the Offenders Date of Birth, i.e. it cannot be entered by the user'
FUNC332 / / Gender and Ethnicity / Create offender, adding gender and ethnicity
FUNC333 / / Create Offender Intake Screen / Create offender - Intake screen changes
FUNC334 / / Employment Targets / Employment Targets
FUNC4335 / / Inclusion of Roma/Traveller data in C-NOMIS / A new requirement has been raised to include data on whether a prisoner belongs to the Roma/Treveller/Gypsy communities. This can be accommodated within the configuration of personal data in the application and does not involve any application development.
FUNC335 / 1.1.2 / Physical Description / Physical Description - record and maintain Height, Weight, Build, Complexion, Hair Colour, Distinguishing Marks.
FUNC336 / 1.1.3 / Personal Documentation / Personal Documentation - record and maintain multiple personal identification numbers.
FUNC337 / 1.1.4 / Languages / Languages
FUNC338 / / Language Capabilities / Language Capabilities - record and maintain oral and reading ability in English and any other languages.
FUNC339 / / Translator Flag / Translator Flag - set flag if prisoner is prepared to act as translator.
FUNC340 / / Interpreter Required / Interpreter Required - record and maintain if the offender requires an interpreter.
FUNC341 / 1.1.5 / Contact Details / Contact Details - record and maintain multiple contacts, identified by type of relationship. Some contacts may need to be date stamped to ensure updated changes.
FUNC342 / / Solicitors / Solicitors - provide a facility to associate one or more firm of solicitors with a court event within a court case.
FUNC343 / 1.1.6 / Pregnancy Indicator / Pregnancy Indicator - record if the prisoner is pregnant and expected date of the birth.
FUNC344 / 1.1.7 / Offender Alias / Alias - record and maintain any multiple identities that have been used by the offender including alias date of birth and alias gender.
FUNC345 / 1.1.8 / Personal Details Maintenance / Personal Details Maintenance - update personal details, including the date of any changes made.
FUNC346 / / Move Gender and Ethnicity Fields / Move gender field from screen OIDPINFO (Personal Information) to screen OIDPIDEN (Physical Identifiers). Move ethnicity field from screen OIDPIDEN (Physical Identifiers) to screen OIDPINFO (Personal Information). I.e. swap the gender and ethnicity fields.
FUNC347 / 1.1.9 / Ex Service Personnel Indicator / Ex Service Personnel Indicator - record whether an offender is ex service personnel.
FUNC348 / 1.1.10 / Change Faith and Belief History / Change of Faith and Belief History - maintain a history of an offender's religion including the date on which the faith and belief was changed and the previous and current religions.
FUNC349 / 1.1.11 / Offender Record Merge / Offender record merging functionality
FUNC350 / 1.2 / Employment & Education / Employment & Education - record offender's work and education experience.
FUNC351 / 1.2.1 / Education History / Education History - record and maintain education history and attainments for the offender.
FUNC352 / 1.2.2 / Employment History / Employment History - record and maintain previous non-custody and custody employment, employment status on release.
FUNC353 / 1.2.3 / Occupations / Occupations LOV
FUNC4552 / 1.2.4 / Area of Study Selection Values / The reference values for user selection in the ‘Area of Study’ field recorded on the existing screen ‘Education/Employment’ (OCDEDEMP) require analysis to include additional values representing courses run internal to the prison service.
FUNC354 / 1.3 / Interests / Interests etc - record offenders background information.
FUNC355 / 1.3.1 / Smoker Status / Smoker Status - record and maintain if the prisoner is a smoker.
FUNC356 / / Smoker Status Validation / Validate smoker status when assigning offender to a cell.
FUNC357 / 1.3.2 / Alcohol Status / Alcohol Status - record and maintain if the offender is dependant/non-dependant on alcohol. If dependent, state what action should be taken.
FUNC358 / 1.3.3 / Drug Status / Drug Status - record and maintain if the offender is dependant/non-dependant on drugs and, if dependent, if the offender requires detox.
FUNC359 / 2 / Offender Assessment / Offender Assessment
FUNC360 / 2.1 / Assessment Needs / Assessment Needs Monitoring - monitor assessment needs.
FUNC361 / 2.1.1 / Assessment Scheduling / Assessments Scheduling - automatically schedule designated assessments and allow manual override of scheduled dates.
FUNC2707 / / Workflow trigger on assessment review date / When an Assessment is performed, either the user or the system can specify a date by which a re-Assessment should be performed. A workflow trigger is required when the re-Assessment date is reached so that users are aware they should be re-Assessing the offender
FUNC362 / 2.1.2 / Assessment Occurrence / Assessment Occurrence - record the occurrence, requested and completed dates and author of an assessment (and agency if author not NOMS). Allow others 'on behalf of' author.
FUNC363 / / Capture OGRS Score / As there is no feedback from Oasys until a later release, the need to capture the OGRS score for business functionality is now required. The OGRS score is necessary to inform decisions regarding referral to programmes and ECP placements. Currently in the NPS, the OGRS score is generated from a stand alone program and re-keyed into legacy systems. The same concept will continue in Tag.
FUNC364 / 2.1.3 / Assessment Result / Assessment Result - record the result and result date of an assessment.
FUNC365 / 2.2 / Assessment Assistance / Assessment Assistance - provide automatic assistance where appropriate to the assessment processes.
FUNC366 / 2.2.1 / Assessment Factors / Assessment Factors - provide the ability to note all contributory factors for input to assessment processes. Record the assessment input values and the author. See NPS Assessment Rules spreadsheet for details.
FUNC2706 / / Re-wording of CRAPP0069 - ASSESSMENT FACTOR SCORES / Release 1.1 needs to deliver the Risk Predictor
LIDS currently calculates the 4 risk predictor outcomes which then populate Oasys and inform the Oasys risk score and sentence plan. This business practice must continue.
This CR is to provide:-
(a) The risk predictor assessment must be able to use the algorithm to calculate the 4 different risk outcomes from the responses.
(b) A button report to print out the Risk Predictor including the calculated scores
FUNC367 / 2.2.2 / Assessment Prediction / Assessment Prediction - derive automatic prediction of assessment result via algorithms based on assessment factors, some of which may include conditional steps.
FUNC368 / / Default Security Category / Default Security Category - set the default security category to [redacted] for all offenders before a security category assessment has been performed.
FUNC369 / 2.2.3 / Assessment Prediction Override / Assessment Prediction Override - provide means to manually override all automatic predictions, retaining record of who overwrote prediction.
FUNC370 / 2.2.4 / Assessment Results / Assessment Results - provide an indicator on assessments or overrides which contravene specific business rules.
FUNC371 / / Multiple Scores / Provide ability to define multiple scores for an assessment question which are specific to defined assessment factors
FUNC372 / / Save Incomplete Assessment / Save incomplete Assessment and do not calculate until complete
FUNC373 / / Unapproved Assessments / Report to identify un-approved assessments
FUNC374 / / Assessment Review Trigger / Workflow trigger for assessment review
FUNC375 / / Evaluation Measures Functionality Use / Allow Evaluation Measures functionality to be used for any Assessment
FUNC376 / 2.2.5 / Assessment LOV / Assessment List of Values - provide LOVs (for results, decisions) which are relevant and specific to each assessment.
FUNC377 / 2.3 / Assessment Authorisation / Assessment Authorisation - ensure appropriate authorisation level.
FUNC378 / 2.3.1 / Assessment Authorisation Detail / Assessment Authorisation - record if an assessment requires authorisation, based on the grade or role of the completing user and, in the case of OASys on the Risk of Harm level.
FUNC379 / 2.4 / Specific Risk Assessments / Specific Risk Assessments - recognise all required assessment processes.
FUNC380 / 2.4.1 / Initial Self-Harm Indicator / Initial Self-Harm Indicator - record and maintain if the offender is considered as a particular self-harm risk [redacted]. The dates that the marker was set and closed should be available on screen.
FUNC381 / 2.4.2 / Self-Harm Alert / Self-Harm Indicator - provide an alert as part of the base offender header record when there is a self harm history.
FUNC382 / 2.4.3 / ACCT (Self Harm) Assessment / Self Harm ACCT Assessment
FUNC383 / 2.4.4 / Risk Indicators / Risk Indicators - record and maintain several risk indicators for the offender including vulnerability indicator, OASys ROH flag, MAPPA referral indicator, Area Child Protection Committee Registration indicator, VISOR flag. Risk indicators need to be visible in the Offender header. If design constraints limit this, there must at least be a warning flag with drill-down.
FUNC384 / / Lock Cell Sharing Risk Assessment / Cell Sharing Risk Assessment - lock the Cell Sharing Risk Assessment form after section 1 and 2 are complete and before further sections are completed.
FUNC385 / 2.4.5 / General Security Risk Indicator / General Security Risk Indicator - record and maintain if the prisoner is considered likely to destabilise the general security of the establishment. record and maintain the reason for adding this marker.
FUNC3139 / 2.4.6 / Implementation of LSR for Risk Predictor(For loadbalance risk predictor results) / When nomis went live at Albany, the site had not completed all of their risk predictions etc. Whilst nomis 1.0 does have the capability to display risk predictor assesment results, and these were migrated on go live where available, it does not have the capability to actually ""do"" the predictions. Therefore this exercise is to load the balance of the risk prediction results into nomis that were not available at the time of the original migration."
FUNC386 / 2.5 / Specific Needs Assessment / Specific Needs Assessment - recognise all specific needs of the offender.
FUNC387 / 2.5.1 / Disability Labels / Disability labels
FUNC388 / 2.5.2 / Healthcare Needs / HealthCare Needs - record and maintain healthcare needs.
FUNC389 / / Facilities Required / Record disability and facilities required
FUNC390 / 2.5.3 / Baby Details / Baby Details - record and maintain contact details (including phone number and address) of who will look after the baby when baby returns to the community or in an emergency.
FUNC391 / 2.6 / IEP Level / Incentives & Earned Privilege (IEP) Level - record all IEP levels and entitlements awarded for all offenders.
FUNC392 / 2.6.1 / Record Overall Level / IEP Level - record and maintain the overall assessed level: Enhanced (1), Standard (2) or Basic (3).
FUNC393 / 2.6.2 / IEP Earnings / IEP Earnings - record and maintain the establishment-specific IEP level impacts on type of employment activity.
FUNC394 / 2.6.3 / IEP Spend Limits / IEP Spend Limits - record and maintain the establishment-specific IEP level impacts on spend limits.
FUNC395 / 2.6.4 / IEP Visit Allowances / IEP Visit Allowances - record and maintain the establishment-specific IEP level impacts on visits.
FUNC3367 / 2.6.5 / Default IEP Level On IEDT Transfer In / When a Prisoner record is received into the C-NOMIS system fromthe IEDT interface, and that record is not matched with an existing Prisoner record in C-NOMIS, the Prisoner record's IEP level willbe set to a default IEP level. That default IEP level will be the C-NOMIS value of 'Standard'.