Business and Commercial Uses Code
Overall Outcomes / Complies
Y/ N/ NA/ AS / Assessment Comments
(1)  The overall outcomes are the purpose of the code.
(2)  The overall outcomes sought for the Business and Commercial Uses Code are the following -
(A)  Business and commercial uses are designed and constructed to protect and enhance the existing and planned amenity and character of the zone and preferred use area.
(B)  Business and commercial uses are of a scale and form which is intended for development in the zone and preferred use area.
(C)  The design and layout of development promotes public safety and provides casual surveillance of public places.
(D)  Landscape works in the private and public realm promote the identity of the locality.
Business and Commercial Uses Code
Assessment criteria for assessable development /
Specific Outcomes / Probable Solutions / Complies
Y/ N/ NA/ AS / Assessments Comments /
1 Site size
SO1  The size and shape of the site is sufficient to accommodate:
a)  the building(s);
b)  required parking area;
c)  service areas;
d)  service vehicle access;
e)  landscaping; and
f)  water harvesting systems to provide the development with water for re-use. / PS 1.1 The site has a minimum frontage of 30m.
PS 1.2 The site incorporates a water harvesting tank capable of holding a minimum volume of 5,000 litres.
2 Building Design
SO2  Development addresses the street and contributes to active street frontages. / PS 2.1 In the Retail Core or Frame Business Zones the setback to street alignments is a maximum of 3m;
PS 2.2 Open air plazas are incorporated into the building design.
PS 2.3 Pedestrian entrances to buildings are clearly visible from the pedestrian and vehicle access points to the site.
PS 2.4 Windows and balconies address the street and any public areas.
PS 2.5 Buildings on corner sites are designed to emphasise their location.
PS 2.6 Buildings address street frontages and public spaces.
SO3  Building Work is consistent with the scale and form of development intended for the zone and preferred use area by providing that the development:
a) is of a scale and form which is compatible with the existing and planned buildings or structures in the zone and preferred use area having regard to:
(i)  height, mass and proportion; and
(ii)  roof form and pitch; and
(iii)  building materials, patterns, textures and colours and other decorative elements; and
(iv)  windows and doors; and
(v)  verandas, towers and eaves; and
(vi)  fencing, landscaping and entry treatments; and
(vii)  parking, manoeuvring and access areas; and
(viii)  existing buildings, structures and plants; and
b) has an attractive and functional appearance; and
c) is orientated towards the road network; and
d) provides a positive frontage with access and parking areas not a dominant feature of the frontage; and
e) contributes positively to the streetscape and the built form of the zone and preferred use area; and
f)  provides a positive relationship between the development and adjacent public places; and
g) provides a cohesive and legible built form; and
h) is integrated with the physical attributes and topography of the premises, including appropriate provisions for access to natural light and ventilation, privacy, drainage and outlook. / PS 3.1  A building and a structure does not exceed the number of storeys and height specified on the Building Heights Plan; and
SO4  Setbacks to all boundaries are compatible with adjacent land uses and contribute positively to the amenity and character of the location.
SO5  Building entrances are expressed on the facade of buildings with use of massing elements, articulation and use of materials and colour.
SO6  Signage is safe, integrated into entrance features and is complimentary to the character and scale of the locality. / PS 6.1 Business or Community Use Identification Signs comply with s7.1, Schedule 1 – Signs.
SO7  Public facilities are provided on site.
3 Pedestrians
SO8  The use contributes to pedestrian access and amenity. / PS 8.1 The external works provide:
a)  footpaths/cyclepaths; and
b)  access for people with disabilities; and
c)  pram crossings at road intersections.
PS 8.2 A cantilevered awning is provided across the full frontage of the footpath; and
PS 8.3 There is a concrete pedestrian pavement:
a)  3.6m wide for the full length of the road frontage; or
b)  for the full width of the footpath under any awning of building cantilevers.
SO9  Pedestrian walkways on the site link to adjacent developments within the boundary setbacks.
SO10  Pedestrians have convenient access to and from the site. / PS 10.1 There is a pedestrian pathway from the road frontage and through the car park, to the entry of the building.
SO11  Facilities for pedestrians and cyclists are provided which support alternative transport to the private motor vehicle. / PS 11.1 Where the floor area is both over 500m2 and there are more than 10 employees or where the use is targeted toward youths:
a)  secure areas for bike storage are provided; and
b)  lockers are provided on site; and
c)  staff change rooms and showers are provided on site.
4 Refuse storage
SO12  Refuse bin storage, loading and unloading occurs on site.
SO13  Car parks are appropriate in design and number for their intended use and do not rely on car stackers to meet the required number of spaces. / PS 13.1 Car parks are provided in accordance with s 7.2, Schedule 2 - Car-parking.
SO14  Where the required parking is located in a public car park on another site, the parking spaces allocated for the use are conveniently located.
SO15  Car parks contribute positively to the amenity of the surrounding locality in regard to:
a)  design;
b)  landscaping;
c)  lighting (including safety lighting and headlight glare);
d)  location;
e)  noise;
f)  safety; and
g)  traffic impacts. / PS 15.1 Separation of car parking areas is in accordance with s 7.5, Schedule 5 - Separation of incompatible land uses; and
PS 15.2 Car parking areas are designed and located in accordance with s 7.2, Schedule 2 - Car parking.
NOTE: Please see s 8.6, Planning Scheme Policy 6 - Information that may be requested to determine the requirements for a traffic circulation and parking study.
SO16  The size and dimensions of the site to accommodate the outdoor sales premises is appropriate. / PS 16.1 Minimum site area of 1000m2; and
PS 16.2 Minimum frontage of 30m.
SO17  The site is designed to ensure safety. / PS 17.1 A separation kerb is constructed 750mm, from and parallel to the public road frontage (including the kerb width), and extending the full width of the site with the exception of the ingress and egress points.
PS 17.2 Other measures are taken to ensure goods for sale do not protrude onto the footpath.
SO18  The service station site is of sufficient area to accommodate the development. / PS 18.1 The minimum site area is 1500m2.
SO19  Buildings, structures and car parking are setback from boundaries maintaining amenity and streetscape character. / PS 19.1 Pumpheads and awnings are setback a minimum of 7.5m from road frontages; and
PS 19.2 All other buildings and structures (other than pumpheads and awnings) are setback
a)  a minimum of 13.5m from road frontages; and
b)  a minimum of 2m from the side and rear boundaries
PS 19.3 Where the site abuts an existing or future residential area, all building, fuel pumps and structures are setback a minimum of 10m from the side and rear boundaries.
PS 19.4 Separation of parking manoeuvring and loading areas from adjacent uses is in accordance with section 7.5, Schedule 5 – Separation of incompatible land uses.
SO20  The service station has minimal impact on the natural and built environment having regard to:
a)  noise;
b)  fumes;
c)  odour;
d)  lighting;
e)  water, air and soil quality; and
f)  safety hazards.
SO21  The service station has safe and convenient access to and from the site for all vehicles entering and leaving the site. / PS 21.1 Where the site has 1 road frontage, the minimum frontage is 50m.
PS 21.2 Where the site is a corner site, the length of any one road frontage is a minimum of:
a)  45m and has a maximum of 2 access points; or
b)  35m and has a maximum of 1 access point.
PS 21.3 The frontage of the site is marked with a kerb, dwarf wall or similar vehicular barrier for the full length, excluding crossovers; and
PS 21.4 Construction standards are in accordance with section 8.10, Planning Scheme Policy 10 – Works (Development Standards Manual).
SO22  Footpaths, kerb and channel are provided to an appropriate standard. / PS 22.1 Construction standards are in accordance with section 8.10, Planning Scheme Policy 10 – Works (Development Standards Manual).
SO23  Stormwater is removed from the site to an appropriate standard. / PS 23.1 Stormwater drainage is provided in accordance with section 8.10, Planning Scheme Policy 10 – Works (Development Standards Manual).
SO24  Traffic and parking generated by the service station results in acceptable impacts on adjacent land and local road users.
S 8.6, Planning Scheme Policy 6 - Information that may be requested provides details on the minimum requirements for a traffic circulation and parking study.
SO25  Traffic and pedestrian access to and from the site is safe and convenient. / PS 25.1 Where the service station has a convenience retail function, pedestrian access is provided from the street to the entry of the building.
SO26  Retail components of the service station are supplementary to the service station. / PS 26.1 The maximum area of retail space is 80m2.
(E) SHOWROOMS / superstores
SO27  The location of entrances, windows and balconies on buildings contributes to the vibrancy and safety of these places by overlooking street frontages, public spaces and car parking areas.
SO28  Landscaping enhances the appearance of buildings on all street frontages and external and internal areas. / PS 28.1 Landscaping is provided in accordance with s 7.4, Schedule 4 – Landscaping
SO29  Buildings present varying and interesting facade treatments.
SO30  Premises provide a local function, are limited in size and do not directly compete with the urban villages. / PS 30.1 Premises have a maximum gross floor area of 200m2; and
PS 30.2 The height of buildings is consistent with the maximum for the zone where the site is located.
SO31  Setbacks of buildings are compatible with those in the surrounding area.
SO32  Buildings have a character consistent with the surrounding area.

Redcliffe City Planning Scheme

Template created March 2012 Page 6 of 6