National Water
Management Center
Business Plan
Water Quality 1
1. Outreach to 1890's Institutions (NWMC Code: 00-023) Bunch 1
2. UAPB Partnership (NWMC Code: 00-024) Bunch 1
3. New Employee Orientation (NWMC Code: 00-029) Bunch 1
4. Manure Mgmt. Planner (NWMC Code: 01-008) Bunch 1
5. NLEAP Data (NWMC Code: 01-013) Bunch 2
6. Integrate AWM, MMP, MM & CSTK (NWMC Code: 02-107) Bunch 2
7. AWM Support (NWMC Code: 03-101) Moffitt 3
8. Update AWMFH (NWMC Code: 03-102) Moffitt 3
9. USDA AFO/CAFO Cost & Spin -Offs (NWMC Code: 03-107) Moffitt 3
10. Conservation Effects Assessment Project (NWMC Code: 03-115) Moffitt 3
11. Conservation Security Program (NWMC Code: 05-101) Moffitt/Bunch 4
12. SPAW Training (NWMC Code: 05-102) Moffitt 4
13. Colorado Salinity Salt Load Calculations (NWMC Code: 05-103) Moffitt 4
14. Utah Animal Feedlot Runoff Risk Index (NWMC Code: 05-104) Moffitt 4
15. Lake Champlain TMDL Phosphorus Coefficients (NWMC Code: 05-105) Moffitt 5
16. Waste Treatment Practice Standard (NWMC Code: 05-106) Moffitt 5
17. Non-Basin Technology (NWMC Code: 05-107) Moffitt 5
18. CNMP Training (NWMC Code: 05-108) Moffitt/Bunch 5
Watershed Planning 6
19. Watershed Planning Course Development (NWMC Code: 02-202) Atwood 6
20. NWM/ Handbook Revision (NWMC Code: 02-237) Judy 6
21. Cape Code Ecological Restoration Project (NWMC Code: 03-203) Atwood/Moffitt 6
22. Hanalei, Hawaii (NWMC Code: 04-204) Moore 6
23. Review of Rehabilitation Project Plans (NWMC Code: 05-201) Riley 6
24. Peer Review PL-566 Watershed Plans (NWMC Code: 05-202) Riley/Atwood 7
25. Flood Water Retarding Structures (NWMC Code: 05-203) Moore, et al 7
26. Delta Clearwater Watershed Project (NWMC Code: 05-204) Judy & Staff 7
27. Bailey Brook Watershed (NWMC Code: 05-205) Atwood, et al 7
28. Direct Assistance Field Review Rehab Planning (NWMC Code: 05-206) Riley 7
29. Allen Brook Urban Watershed Plan (NWMC Code: 05-207) Atwood, et al 7
30. Marmaton Watershed Project (NWMC Code: 05-208) Judy, et al 8
31. Middle Fork Popo Agie Project (NWMC Code: 05-209) Atwood/Judy 8
32. Upper Hocking Watershed (NWMC Code: 05-210) Moore, et al 8
33. Lost Creek Site B-2 Rehab Plan and EA (NWMC Code: 05-211) Moore/Judy 8
34. East Locust Creek Watershed (NWMC Code: 05-212) Judy/Moore 8
35. Pocassett Floodplain Management Study (NWMC Code: 05-213) Staff 9
36. Staff Training Rehab Planning and Economics (NWMC Code: 05-214) Riley/Staff 9
37. Utah - Watershed Planning and Training (NWMC Code: 05-215) Judy, et al 9
38. Arkansas Watershed Planning and Training (NWMC Code: 05-216) Judy, et al 9
39. South Fork Licking River (NWMC Code: 05-217) Moore 9
40. Kaycee Flood Mitigation Project (NWMC Code: 05-218) Atwood, et al 9
41. Wilber Watershed Feasibility Reports (NWMC Code: 05-219) Atwood, et al 10
Irrigation Water Management 11
42. NRCS Software Support (NWMC Code: 00-050) Carman 11
43. Nat'l Conservation Practice Standards (NWMC Code: 01-048) Carman 11
44. U of A Bio & Ag Eng Advisory Board (NWMC Code: 01-063) Carman 11
45. Irrigation and Aquaculture Erosion Control (NWMC Code: 01-067) Carman 11
46. Basic Water Management Training Course (NWMC Code: 02-311) Carman 11
47. IWM Training Material Maintenance Toolbox (NWMC Code: 02-316) Carman 11
48. Kc and Consumptive Use Curves/Values (NWMC Code: 02-325) Carman 12
49. ARS/NRCS Coop Irrigated Watershed Initiative (NWMC Code: 03-304) Carman 12
50. Red River Valley Association (NWMC Code: 04-304) Carman 12
51. Irrigation Pump Efficiencies – RI NE States (NWMC Code: 05-301) Carman 12
52. Ag Drainage Water Management – Iowa (NWMC Code: 05-302) Carman 12
53. Determine Drainable Porosity Organic Soils (NWMC Code: 05-303) Carman 13
54. Sprague River Watershed Evaluation (NWMC Code: 05-304) Carman 13
55. Lead IWM Conservation Security Program (NWMC Code: 05-305) Carman 13
56. Water Budget Tool Development (NWMC Code: 05-306) Carman 13
57. annAGNPS Evaluation for Cache River (NWMC Code: 05-307) Carman 14
58. AR Phosphorus Index – support (NWMC Code: 05-308) Carman 14
59. State Water Plan Update – Arkansas (NWMC Code: 05-309) Carman 14
60. Drainmod training – Missouri (NWMC Code: 05-310) Carman 14
61. Water Budget Tool Assistance (NWMC Code: 05-311) Carman 15
62. Water Budget Tool Assistance (NWMC Code: 05-312) Carman 15
63. IWM Training Tailwater Capture & Tools (NWMC Code: 05-313) Carman 15
64. Level Basins New Technology Development (NWMC Code: 05-314) Carman 15
65. IWM - Irrigation Scheduling (NWMC Code: 05-315) Carman 16
66. Assist NWCC on annAGNPS Modifications (NWMC Code: 05-316) Carman 16
67. ARS/Oxford Levee Erosion Reduction Study (NWMC Code: 05-317) Carman 16
68. annAGNPS Evaluation for Water Quality (NWMC Code: 05-318) Carman 16
69. IWM Support to Conservation Boot Camp (NWMC Code: 05-319) Carman 17
Ground Water 18
70. GW Assistance East Arkansas (NWMC Code: 00-005) Goodwin 18
71. USGS Updates (NWMC Code: 00-020) Pugh 18
72. ASU Water Conference (NWMC Code: 00-040) Goodwin 18
73. Little Red River GW basin (NWMC Code: 00-074) Goodwin 18
74. Fallon, Nevada (NWMC Code: 02-403) Goodwin 18
75. UAPB Liaison Mississippi River Alluvial Aquifer (NWMC Code: 03-404) Goodwin 19
76. Assessment of Waste Storage Structure Effectiveness (NWMC Code: 04-401) Hays 19
77. Revision National Basin Area Planning Manual (NWMC Code: 05-401) Goodwin 19
78. McCoy Creek WRP in Oregon (NWMC Code: 05-402) Goodwin 19
79. Meadow Creek WRP in Oregon (NWMC Code: 05-403) Goodwin 20
80. Assistance Kapakahi/Waikele watersheds (NWMC Code: 05-404) Goodwin 20
81. Assistance Address Elevated Nitrates (NWMC Code: 05-405) Goodwin/Hays 20
82. Analyze High Ground Water Table (NWMC Code: 05-406) Goodwin 20
Environmental Compliance 21
83. Walnut Bayou Watershed Plan/EIS (NWMC Code: 04-511) Heffington 21
84. Section 404 CWA Permitting Guidance (NWMC Code: 05-501) Heffington 21
85. Impacts of Irrigation Water Withdrawal (NWMC Code: 05-503) Heffington 21
86. Upper Pelican River / Rice Lake Wetlands (NWMC Code: 05-504) Heffington 21
87. Review of Rehabilitation Supplemental Plans (NWMC Code: 05-505) Spencer 21
88. Conservation Practices Standards Reviews (NWMC Code: 05-506) Spencer 21
89. Coordinator, CRC/CRS Annual Meeting (NWMC Code: 05-507) Spencer 22
90. Conservation Planning Course, Oregon (NWMC Code: 05-508) Spencer 22
91. Nevada Cultural Resources Compliance (NWMC Code: 05-509) Spencer 22
92. American Indian Alaska Native Employee Meeting (NWMC Code: 05-510) Spencer 22
93. McCoy Wash PL-566, California (NWMC Code 05-511) Spencer 23
94. Cultural Resource Compliance for Oregon (NWMC Code 05-512) Spencer 23
95. Cultural Resources CPPE Review (NWMC Code: 05-513) Spencer 23
H & H /Streambank and Wetland Restoration 24
96. Ouachita Regional Curves (NWMC Code: 00-003) Pugh 24
97. Marsh /Wetland Restoration Handbook (NWMC Code: 00-036) Atwood 24
98. Application Hydrologic Models Water Resources Plng (NWMC Code: 01-036) Scheer 24
99. WinTR-55 Workgroup (NWMC Code: 01-038) Scheer 24
100. Hydrology and Hydraulics Assistance (NWMC Code: 01-040) Garday, et al 25
101. NPEGLA (NWMC Code: 01-070) Scheer 25
102. Stream Design Manual (NWMC Code: 02-601) Garday 25
103. Soil Bioengineering Eval/Stream Restoration HB (NWMC Code: 02-604) Garday 25
104. Regional Stream Classification Data on Web (NWMC Code: 02-607) Pugh 26
105. SITES Workgroup (NWMC Code: 03-601) Moore 26
106. Hydrology Update Group (HUG) (NWMC Code: 03-602) Scheer 26
107. WinTR-20 Workgroup (NWMC Code: 03-603) Garday 26
108. Add NWMC Geomorphic Data to the “Vigil Network” (NWMC Code: 03-605) Pugh 26
109. Stream Characterization – Middle Fork Saline River (NWMC Code: 03-608) Pugh 27
110. ASCE RCN Committee (NWMC Code: 04-602) Scheer 27
111. Iowa – Runoff Curve Number Study (NWMC Code: 04-605) Scheer 27
112. H&H Review for Buckeye Watershed (NWMC Code: 04-608) Garday, et al 27
113. H&H Review: Frye Creek, Graveyard, Stockton (NWMC Code: 04-609) Garday, et al 27
114. Impacts of Wetlands Adjacent Properties (NWMC Code: 05-601) Garday/Scheer 28
115. H&H Review Marmaton River Watershed (NWMC Code: 05-602) Scheer 28
116. Regional Runoff Characteristics (NWMC Code: 05-603) Garday 28
117. Southeast Massachusetts Hydrology Study (NWMC Code: 05-604) Garday 28
118. Stream Restoration Regional Curve Applications (NWMC Code: 05-605) Garday 28
119. Evaluation of Tidal Flow Models (NWMC Code: 05-606) Garday 28
120. White Paper Development Team (NWMC Code: 05-607) Scheer/Garday 29
Water Quality
1. Outreach to 1890's Institutions (NWMC Code: 00-023) Bunch
Provide water resources outreach assistance to 1890 college and universities.
Provide outreach assistance to 1890 institutions and others with an interest in water resources. Participate in USDA sponsored Outreach Conferences and Workshops. Develop a strategy in consultation with the USDA 1890 Liaisons, key individuals within the 1890 community and NRCS employees to market the partnership between UAPB and the Water Management Center to enhance outreach efforts to limited resource farmers and the transfer of technology associated with water management, wetlands, nutrient management, water quality, sustainable agriculture and alternative crops. Serve on the Advisory Board for North Carolina A&T State University Agricultural & Biosystems Engineering Department. Advise on curriculum development, student recruitment and retention and career opportunities with USDA.
100% Completed
2. UAPB Partnership (NWMC Code: 00-024) Bunch
Provide technical assistance to UAPB partnership to enhance or strengthen their outreach capabilities.
Assist UAPB in developing the Pearlie S. Reed and Robert L. Cole Small Farm Outreach Wetlands and Water Management Center. The center’s focus is technology transfer, education and training for small and limited resource farmers and others in the wetlands and water resources arena. Assist with CORE4 practices establishment, composting technology, wetlands restoration efforts w/WES, groundwater monitoring, Constructed wetlands cell for treating domestic waste, CROPFLEX evaluation, GIS support, etc. Highlight on-farm research efforts through Annual Field Days. Assist with identifying and developing outreach demonstration farms. Products: Outreach and Training.
100% Completed
3. New Employee Orientation (NWMC Code: 00-029) Bunch
Serves as a member of the National Instructor Cadre for National Employee Development Center (NEDC) ONE course.
Serve as a member of a National Instructor Cadre for NEDC to teach an awareness level course (Basic Field Conservation) to new employees highlighting the Natural Resources Conservation Service’s History, Mission and Vision.
100% Completed
4. Manure Mgmt. Planner (NWMC Code: 01-008) Bunch
Populate Manure Management Planner database and train NRCS specialists in the use of the tool for nutrient management.
Continue to work with the NRCS National Nutrient Management Specialists and Researchers at Purdue University to gather data from the remaining states (12), the Pacific Basin and the Caribbean Area to finalize data base population. Work one-on-one with Purdue programmers to implement enhancements to the tool and address functionality within states already visited. Develop a strategy to train NRCS Specialists and Extension Land Grant Specialists on how to utilize the tool during nutrient management planning and application. The approach would be to hold a series of Train-The-Trainer type sessions starting in FY 05.
100% Completed
5. NLEAP Data (NWMC Code: 01-013) Bunch
Support database development for the Internet version of Nitrate Leaching and Economic Analysis Package ( NLEAP).
Serve as a “Beta Tester” to provide feedback and assistance to NRCS Nutrient Management Specialist and ARS Research Scientists to further development of the model to be used by NRCS field staff and others to produce output files/reports for use in working with producers during nutrient management planning and application. Also, will support database development by gathering state specific data on selected crops to be added to model.
Finalize Beta Test of Internet version. Release version #1 with a User’s Guide and provide training to state level specialists.
Serve as the NRCS/NWMC technical representative in working with Arkansas State University researchers to validate model in the Delta of Arkansas. The University will identify combinations of soils, crops, fertility, and management strategies to be evaluated. Deep soil sampling and plant tissue testing will be conducted as part of the validation process.
50% Completed
6. Integrate AWM, MMP, MM & CSTK (NWMC Code: 02-107) Bunch
Assist NRCS National Headquarters integrate Agricultural Waste Management (AWM), Manure Management Planner (MMP), and Manure Master (MM) with the Customer Service Tool Kit (CSTK).
The Science and Technology Consortium’s Technology Training Work Group (TTWG) established this effort as a priority in terms of technical training, tools, and technology development and transfer. The ability of these tools to interact with each other will complement the Nutrient Management planning process for the agency. The NWMC currently have staff providing support with these tools working with NRCS national and state level specialists, ARS and CES researchers. The NWMC staff will continue to provide technical support with these tools and participate in discussions as the agency start looking at incorporating them into the Customer Service Toolkit for use by field office personnel and conservation partners. It would be a way to house these tools in one software package with a GIS interface for easy access during nutrient management planning and application.
25% Completed
7. AWM Support (NWMC Code: 03-101) Moffitt
Provide training and support of the new release of the Agricultural Waste Management design software, as well as training in other aspects of manure management.
Provide training and support of the current version (2.10) and the new release of the Agricultural Waste Management design software. Work on new version of AWM will consist of assisting in the technical decisions associated with the development and release of AWM3. This item will consist of answering questions, documenting and researching problems, and field trips to introduce the program to the field and provide initial training. Also included will be training on all aspects of manure management. Currently scheduled training includes sessions in Colorado and Louisiana. Training limited to AWM will be coordinated with Bruce Wilson at the NWCC.
100% Completed
8. Update AWMFH (NWMC Code: 03-102) Moffitt
Update the technical information in the Agricultural Waste Management Field Handbook (AWMFH).
Update the technical information in the AWMFH and other guidance documents. Cooperate with Barry Kintzer in re-writing and updating chapters of the Agricultural Waste Management Field Handbook or other technical materials as opportunity will allow. The task ends with the preparation of the document and coordination reviews. It does not include printing and distribution, nor does it consider delays outside the control of the NWMC. Current plans are to update Chapter 4 of AWM and take those changes forward into Chapter 11.
60% Completed
9. USDA AFO/CAFO Cost & Spin -Offs (NWMC Code: 03-107) Moffitt
Use the model developed in preparing USDA’s AFO/CAFO Cost and Capability Study to analyze other AFO related concerns such as emissions.
Use the model developed in preparing USDA’s AFO/CAFO Agricultural Census Study to analyze new census data and other AFO related concerns such as emissions. USDA’s Cost and Capability Study was completed before the end of FY02. The basis for the study was a framework where the livestock industry was divided into 25 representative farms, which represented unique methodology for livestock and manure handling. The representative farms were further broken into model farms, which represent a certain size representative farm at a given location (region). This framework and its supporting characteristics make it possible to look at other resource concerns such as emissions from manure. Census data from 2002 are coming on line and the plans are to run the model using the representative farms from the cost and capability study. New manure characteristics are being developed by ASAE and NRCS, and these need to be factored into the model.