Board of directors


Taya Whitehead (Robson)


Carla Hees (Powell River)


Renuka Bhardwaj (Vancouver)

Secretary/treasurer-Elect Katie Wahl (Prince Rupert)

director of communications Lynne Reside (Vernon)

director of personnel

Jamie Anderson (Campbell River)

director of conference

Glenda Burrows (North Vancouver)

members at large Nancy Dumais (Terrace)

Sarah Wedel (Prince George)

EcEBc Staff

Executive director

Emily Mlieczko

Tel: 604-709-6063, ext. 2


leadership program administrator

Karen Estrin

Tel: 604-709-6063, ext.3


membership administrator/ conference coordinator Yasmin Irani

Tel: 604-709-6063, ext. 1



Social Emotional lEarning: VoicES from thE fiEld

9 Seeds of Empathy

by Mary Gordon

13 Using Documentation to Teach Empathy and Compassion

by Krista Dalton

32  Finding Gems of Compassion and Empathy in Toddlers

by Ray-Ann Miller

33  Peer Teaching: A Means to Developing Empathy

by Jasmine West

34  Caden and Coconut: Building Confidence and Trust with a Toddler

by Tracy Barkman

35  The Emotions Wall and Supporting Children in Social Emotional Learning

by Arlene Strachan-Ayers, Keosha Girard, and Lindsy Friendship

20 Safe Spaces: A Pro-Social Approach to Bullying Prevention

by Westcoast Child Care Resource Centre

22 Let’s Talk: A Personal Safety Program for Young Children

by Lisa (Lee) McArthur

24 Incorporating Social Emotional Learning in a Kindergarten Classroom

by Irena MacDonald

26 Self-Regulation: A Look at the Educator

by Stephanie Tong

4  Resources and Information on Social Emotional Learning

by Arlene Strachan-Ayers, Keosha Girard, and Lindsy Friendship


5  Reviews—The Big Disconnect: Protecting Childhood and Family Relationships in the Digital Age Review by Rebecca Heyl

31 Active for Life: New Resources for Physical Literacy

nEwS and UpdatES

28  In this Issue

by Lynne Reside

29  President’s Column—Taking Care of Your Own Social-Emotional Health

by Taya Whitehead and Carla Hees

30  ECE Student Bursary Program

31  ECEBC’s Student Award Nomination

32  ECEBC’s Kay Britton Mentor Award Nomination

32 In Memoriam: Silvia McFayden Jones

15  Retirement Notice: Sharon Johnson

16  ECEBC Board Nomination Form

17  Provincial Membership Application Form

The Early Childhood Educator Winter 2015 3


Nomination Form for ECEBC Board Positions

Three (3) ECEBC Board of Directors positions are open for nominations, with a start date of May 1, 2015 following ECEBC’s Annual General Meeting.

All nominees must be full members in good standing for two years prior to ECEBC’s Annual General Meeting on May 1, 2015.

Nominations must be received by ECEBC in writing by Tuesday, March 31, 2015 at 4:00 p.m. Please send this form to the ECEBC office by mail, fax or email. We ask that each nominee provide a brief résumé outlining any previous experience on the ECEBC Board or ECEBC committees, as well as work experience and other relevant information. Nominees are asked to include a brief statement of their philosophy and goals, and indicate which Board position they are interested in. For more information, please contact Emily Mlieczko at 604.709.6063, ext 2, 1.800.797.5602, or .

Note: As per the changes to ECEBC’s bylaws, approved by the membership at the May 2009 Annual General Meeting, Directors are no longer voted to one specific position on the Board. Rather, individuals are elected to the Board of Directors and then selected by the Board for the position to which they are best suited. The ECEBC Board does, however, welcome knowing if an individual being nominated has a preference for a specific position.

We nominate: for a position on ECEBC’s Board of Directors.

Nominators’ signatures (NB: Two nominators are required for each nomination):



I agree, if elected, to accept the position of Director on ECEBC’s Board of Directors.

Signature of nominee:


Address of nominee:

For information regarding election to ECEBC’s Board of Directors, please refer to Part 5, item 26 of ECEBC’s bylaws at

The Early Childhood Educator Winter 2015 33


New Full / $115 / ($9.58 monthly)
New Student / $95 / ($7.92 monthly)
New Associate / $100 / ($8.33 monthly)
Renew Full / $110 / ($9.17 monthly)

Code of Ethics

ECEBC Membership Fees

Renew Student $90 ($7.50 monthly)

Renew Associate $95 ($7.92 monthly)

Membership Categories

Full Member

Has an Early Childhood Educator’s License to Practice from the Provincial Community Care Facilities Branch (Copy of license required with membership application). Eligible to vote on provincial issues at ECEBC’s Annual General Meeting.

Student Member

Is in the process of becoming professionally qualified in the field of early childhood or is in the process of completing 500 hours of work experience (signature of instructor/supervisor required on membership application).

Associate Member

Holds post-secondary certification in a related field, or has been a full member of ECEBC and is now retired from the ECE field, or is currently employed in the early childhood field and is in good standing with the Provincial Community Care Facilities Branch (copy of operating license or a license to practice as an Assistant ECE required with membership application).

Please return form to: ECEBC, 2774 East Broadway, Vancouver, BC V5M 1Y8

Phone: 604.709.6063 or 1.800.797.5602 Fax: 604.709.6077 Email:

34 The Early Childhood Educator Winter 2015