
Blackline Masters

Table of Contents

Name of Activities / Page Number
Analysis of Articles of the US Constitution / 3
Articles of Confederation Opinionnaire Worksheet / 4
The Bill of Rights / 5
Branches of Government Opinionnaire / 6
Classifying Governments Chart / 7
Classifying Policy Issues / 8
Classifying Rights and Answers / 9-10
Constitutional Analysis / 11
Democrat or Republican / 12
Democrat or Republican Issues / 13
Document Summaries Worksheet / 14-15
Fundamental Principles Word Grid / 16
Governmental Functions / 17
Governmental Powers / 18
Interest Groups and Political Parties Word Grid / 19
Mayflower Compact Worksheet / 20
Political Ideology Word Grid / 21
Propaganda Technique Comparison / 22
RAFT Writing / 23
Types of Government Systems / 24
Vocabulary Card on the Principles of Government / 25
What Are your Opinions About Foreign Policy? / 26

Analysis of Articles IV, V, VI, and VII

of the United States Constitution

Summarize Articles IV, V, VI, and VII in your own words in the space provided.

Article IV. Relationships between states and the federal government

What does full faith and credit mean?

Why is it important that citizens in one state have the rights of citizenship in all other states?

What is extradition?

How did the Constitution treat runaway slaves?

Why is it important that every state have a republican form of government?



Article V. Amending Process

What are the two ways amendments to the Constitution may be proposed?

What are the two ways amendments to the Constitution may be ratified?

Why did the Founding Fathers make the amending process so difficult?


Article VI. Legal Status of the Constitution

Why was it necessary for the new government to pay its debts?

How does the phrase supreme law of the land define power relationships between federal and state governments?

Why would government officials need to take an oath?

Why would there be no religious tests in order to be a government official?


Article VII. Ratification

How many states needed to ratify the Constitution before it would go into effect?


Articles of Confederation Opinionnaire Worksheet

Read through the summaries of the provisions of the Articles of Confederation below. Indicate whether each provision strengthened (S) or weakened (W) the national government provided for under the Articles of Confederation. In the space provided under each provision, explain why you made that choice and how the United States Constitution corrected the problem.

1.  The Articles created a loose confederation of independent states that gave limited powers to a central government. Circle S W ______

2.  The national government created a single house of Congress. Circle S W


3.  Each state would have one vote. Circle S W



4.  A unanimous vote was needed to amend the Articles. Circle S W



5. Each state coined its own money. Circle S W ______


6. Nine of thirteen states must agree to laws. Circle S W



7. No federal courts were created by the Articles. Circle S W



8. No executive existed under the Articles. Circle S W



9. Collection of taxes was unenforceable. Circle S W



Blackline Masters, Civics Page 23

Louisiana Comprehensive Curriculum, Revised 2008

The Bill of Rights

Identify the following freedoms and rights with the specific amendments in the Bill of Rights:

Amendment Number Freedom or Right

_____ (1) freedom of speech

_____ (2) freedom of religion

_____ (3) freedom of the press

_____ (4) freedom of assembly

_____ (5) right to petition government

_____ (6) right to bear arms

_____ (7) freedom from quartering soldiers

_____ (8) freedom from unreasonable


_____ (9) freedom from unreasonable


_____ (10) indictment by grand jury before


_____ (11) no double jeopardy

_____ (12) protection from self-


_____ (13) due process

_____ (14) eminent domain compensation

_____ (15) right to a speedy trial

_____ (16) right to a public trial

_____ (17) right to trial by jury of one’s


_____ (18) right to confront witnesses

_____ (19) right to counsel

_____ (20) right to jury trial in civil cases

_____ (21) protection from excessive bail

or fines

_____ (22) no cruel or unusual punishment

_____ (23) rights not listed are retained by



Have students complete the following opinionnaire. Students will discuss their answers following completion of the opinionnaires.

What Are Your Opinions About the Branches of Government?

Directions: After each statement, write SA (strongly agree), A (agree), D (disagree), or SD (strongly disagree). Then in the space provided, briefly explain the reasons for your opinions.

1.  The executive branch is the most powerful branch of our government._____

Your reasons:

2.  The legislative branch is the most powerful branch of our government._____

Your reasons:

3.  The judicial branch is the most powerful branch of our government._____

Your reasons:

Classifying Governments Chart

Democracy / Aristocracy / Autocracy

Classifying Policy Issues

Mark the following political actions as:

D=domestic or F=foreign or B=both

____ Income tax rates are reduced by Congress.

____ Tariffs are increased on steel imports.

____ The Americans with Disabilities Act (1990) is passed.

____ The North American Free Trade Agreement (1994) is signed.

____ The federal government borrows money to cover deficit spending.

Classifying Rights

Rights of Citizens / Personal / Political / Economic

Classifying Rights

Rights of Citizens / Personal / Political / Economic
due process / X
free speech / X
purchase of goods / X
voting / X
free association / X
pay taxes / X
jury trial / X
assembly / X
join political party / X
open business / X
religion / X
driver’s license / X

Constitutional Analysis

Article I, U.S. Constitution

Article I creates a national legislature that represents the people in making rules governing the country. The article has ten (10) sections. In the spaces provided below, write a summary of each section in your own words.

Section 1. Congress

What does vested mean?


Section 2. House of Representatives

Who can vote for House members?

What are the qualifications for a member to be elected?

What does sole power of impeachment mean?

What is enumeration?

Why did some people count differently?

How many representatives does each state have the right to elect?

What is their term of office?


Democrat or Republican

Students should use books or the Internet to find numbers to complete the following chart. Totals should be placed in each category.

Democrat / Republican / Other
Louisiana’s two U.S. Senators
Louisiana’s U.S. Representatives
Democrats in the Louisiana House
Republicans in the Louisiana House
Democrats in the Louisiana Senate
Republicans in the Louisiana Senate
Democrats in the U. S. House of Representatives
Republicans in the U. S. House of Representatives
Democrats in the U. S. Senate
Republicans in the U. S. Senate
States with Republican Governors
States with Democratic Governors
States with a Democratic Legislature (both houses)
States with a Republican Legislature (both houses)
States with a divided Legislature

Democrat or Republican Issues

Have students place a (D) for Democratic Party or an (R) for Republican Party in front of statements or political issues that best describe their principles. Students may interview parents or a political party member to assist them in completing the form.

____Government should protect social security as it is.

____Government should protect the life of a fetus. (Right to life)

____Government should increase the amount of money spent on national defense.

____Government should give women the right to choose. (Pro-choice)

____Government should privatize part of social security.

____Government should raise taxes to meet the social and economic needs of citizens.

____Private organizations should provide for the social and economic needs of


____Government should reduce taxes to promote the economy.

____Government should reduce taxes at all income levels.

____Government should reduce taxes on lower and middle income families.

____Government should regulate the way people use the environment.

____Government should set aside public lands for public use. (National forests and parks)

Document Summaries

Describe how each of the following documents contributed to the establishment of a limited government in the United States.

* * * * *

Magna Carta

The Magna Carta was the charter of English political and civil liberties granted by King John at Runnymede, England, in June of 1215. The document limited the king’s power and is therefore considered the beginning of constitutional government in England. The most notable of rights guaranteed is trial by jury.

* * * * *

English Bill of Rights (Rights of Englishmen)

The Rights of Englishmen were derived from the Magna Carta and verified in the Glorious Revolution of 1688. Essentially, the English parliament, in offering the throne to William of Orange in 1688, demanded that the king approve a bill of rights for all Englishmen, which became known as the English Bill of Rights in 1689. These rights included the following:

·  The king could not suspend the laws.

·  Only parliament could tax and expend money.

·  There was freedom of speech in parliament.

·  Bail was not to be excessive.

·  Parliament was to meet regularly.

* * * * *

English Common Law

The common law legal system is a system of laws that originated and was developed in England. The laws are based on court decisions and the doctrines implied in those decisions. These laws are based on customs and usages rather

than on codified laws.

Document Summaries

* * * * *

Mayflower Compact

The Mayflower Compact of 1620 asserted the rights of American colonists under English Common Law. English kings argued that they should rule as absolute monarchs (autocrats) because they had divine right (i.e., they believed they were ordained as sovereign by God and the Church). The nobility and merchants argued that they had rights as Englishmen to choose representatives to parliament—a parliament that would control taxes. The Mayflower Compact was an expression by the Pilgrims who agreed to be governed under a compact (e.g., government by the consent of the governed).

* * * * *

Declaration of Independence

By 1775, the experience with British colonialism taught the American colonists that their rights as Englishmen were in competition with the power of the English king and parliament. Ideas expressed in the Declaration of Independence declared:

·  The King had not protected Englishmen from their enemies.

·  All men have unalienable rights (e.g., life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness).

·  All men are equal before the law.

The rights of colonists had been violated by taxation and regulation by the English parliament without colonial representation in that legislative body (e.g., without consent of the governed).

* * * * *

Articles of Confederation

The Articles of Confederation was America’s first plan of national government,put into effect in 1781. It loosely organized the former thirteen colonies into a confederation of thirteen states under a weak national government. It was replaced later by the federal government created under the U. S. Constitution in


Fundamental Principles Word Grid

Country / Rule of Law / Limited government / Consent of the governed / Constitutionalism

Governmental Functions

* * * * *

Legislative Branch

Congress / Louisiana Legislature / Parish Level

House of Representatives: House of Representatives: Parish Council/:

Senate: Senate: Police Jury:

Majority Leaders: Majority Leaders:

Legislative Checks on Executive Legislative Checks on Executive

and Judicial Branches: and Judicial Branches:

* * * * *

Executive Branch

Federal Executive / Louisiana Executive / Parish Executive

President: Governor: Parish President:

District Attorney:


Vice-President: Lt. Governor:



Executive Checks on Judicial Executive Checks on Judicial

and Legislative Branches: and Legislative Branches:

U. S. Attorney General: Attorney General: Parish Attorney:

Executive Cabinet: Executive Cabinet:

* * * * *

Judicial Branch

Federal Courts / Louisiana Courts / Parish Courts

Supreme Court: Supreme Court:

Court of Appeals: Court of Appeals:

District Court: District Court: District Court:

Clerk of Court:

Judicial Checks on Executive Judicial Checks on Executive

and Legislative Branches and Legislative Branches:

Governmental Powers

Powers Reserved Concurrent Powers Congressional Powers

To the States (Shared)







Interest Groups and Political Parties Word Grid

Search for the websites of the following special interest groups and associations. Assess the special interests of each group and fill in the blanks. Determine how each group aligns with political parties and check off the appropriate symbol:

R=Republican D=Democratic N=Neutral B=Both

Special Interest Group / R / D / N / B
National Education Association
Chambers of Commerce
Airline Pilots Association
Sierra Club
American Legion
National Rifle Association
American Automobile Association
American Association of Retired Persons
American Trial Lawyers Association

Mayflower Compact Worksheet

After reading and discussing the opening sentence of the Mayflower Compact, write a sentence describing how the colonists believed in the divine right of the English King. Mark words from the document that support your statement.

In the name of God, Amen. We, whose names are underwritten, the Loyal Subjects of our dread Sovereign Lord, King James, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, etc.


Answer the questions that follow this quote from the Mayflower Compact.

Having undertaken for the Glory of God, and Advancement of the Christian Faith, and the Honour of our King and Country, a voyage to plant the first colony in the northern Parts of Virginia; do by these Presents, solemnly and mutually in the Presence of God and one of another, covenant and combine ourselves together into a civil Body Politick,

Where did the colonists plan to settle? ______

What did the colonists mean by “covenant and combine ourselves together into a civil Body Politick”? ______

Which portions of the following quote from the Mayflower Compact would you cite to indicate that they recognized the:
rule of law ______
rights of Englishmen______
consent of the governed______

for our better Ordering and Preservation, and Furtherance of the Ends aforesaid; And by Virtue hereof to enact, constitute, and frame, such just and equal Laws, Ordinances, Acts, Constitutions and Offices, from time to time, as shall be thought most meet and convenient for the General good of the Colony; unto which we promise all due Submission and Obedience.