Big Maggie Homework. Miss Lenihan Ordinary Level English 2014
Week 1
· 1st October: Description of Walter Polpin based on other characters impression.
· 2nd October: Letter to Mary Madden detailing events of the day - pay particular attention to Big Maggie's reaction to marriage.
· 3rd October: Diary Entry = Katie (end of Act 1, Sc 2).
Week 2
· Monday 6th October: Gert writes a letter seeking advice about her date with Teddy (Act 1, Sc. 2) up to page 40.
· Tuesday 7th October: Write a letter replying to Teddy's plea for help (Act 1, Sc. 3)
· Wednesday 8th October: Feature article (sensationalise) detailing the events (Act 2, Sc 1)
· Thursday 9th October: re-read the play. Identify 5 key moments.
· Friday 10th: Write 5 diary entries from Maggie's point of view. You should include moments from the entire play.
Week 3
· Monday 13th: pgs 67-68 Create and revise summary notes
· Tuesday 14th: pg 69 Excellence in English. Answer question 2 on Maggie Polpin
· Wednesday 15th: pg 71 Excellence in English. Answer question on Katie.
· Thursday 16th: pg 70 Excellence in English. Answer question on Gert.
· Friday 17th: pg 71 Excellence in English. Answer question on Maurice and Mick.
Week 4
· Monday 20th: pg 71 Excellence in English. Answer question on Teddy and Mr. Byrne.
· Tuesday 21st: pg 71 Excellence in English. Answer question on 'Self Reliance'.
· Wednesday 22nd: pg 71 Excellence in English. Answer question on 'Self Expression.'
· Monday 15th: pg 71 Excellence in English. Answer question on 'The Family.'