Session One: September 10, 2012

Big Idea: God Reveals Himself to us Through Scripture

Action Plan

Preliminaries: (20 mins)

1. Name tents at places (boy/girl as much as possible)

2. Instrumental music in background (CD/player)

3. Prayer intention slips and pens at places

4. Prayer center objects on side table

5. Hold bowl of holy water at the door

6. Greet students at door with holy water – bless selves

7. Students are seated and write out prayer intentions

8. Take attendance – introduce self

9. Tell young people that there’s something very important that needs to be set up each week in the center of our table…the prayer center.

10. Have volunteers line up to carry the green cloth, prayer candle, cross, holy water, and Bible while the rest line up behind them.

11. Play instrumental music and have them walk around the room, coming to the spot where you are standing to place the items on the table. Those that have no items pause and bow to the Bible.

12. Explain that next week they are to bring in their own symbol to add to the prayer center.

13. Opening prayer

a. Stand – Sign of the Cross

b. Ritual greeting – (line from Nicene Creed)

c. Threefold sign of the cross (forehead, lips, heart)

d. Pass the candle – share prayer intentions

Engage: (15 mins)

1. Distribute “secret code” sheets and tell students that they have 2 minutes to try to solve the code which holds the key to getting to heaven (allow them to work together – if someone solves it, congratulate them and tell them to hide their sheet)

2. After 2 minutes, see if any have solved it. Explain that it would be frustrating if we had to solve a secret code in order to get to heaven. Luckily for us, God has not kept it secret…he actually went out of his way to reveal it to us. How did he reveal that to us? Where can we find what God has revealed to us? (Through Jesus; in the Bible)

3. Show a Bible – explain that we are so blessed to know that the way to live for eternity with God is not a secret but it is revealed in the Bible. Explain that this year, we will be getting to know the Bible much better.

4. Point out that we are going to each have a Bible to use this year along with a textbook that will guide us. Invite young people to come forward one at a time to be presented with their Bible and Finding God textbook.

a. Call forward one at a time, present Bible and FG textbook, and say, “the Word of the Lord” to which they should respond, “Thanks be to God”

b. Play instrumental music in background

c. invite them to turn to page 4

Explore: (20 mins)

1. Introduce foam ball “Jerome” and explain that you will toss it to the student who is to read.

2. Have students take turns (toss ball) reading aloud pages 4-5.

3. Have students highlight the following words:

a. inspired

b. Old Testament and New Testament

c. Magisterium

d. Interpretation

4. Summarize again that the Bible is one of the ways that God reveals his plan of salvation to us.

5. Write the word REVELATION on the board – explain that revelation simply means to reveal something….the opposite of keeping a secret

6. Explain that Revelation simply means to reveal something and that this year, as we learn about the Bible, we will be learning about what God has revealed to us about how to live with him for eternity.

7. Invite a student to come forward to read Scripture passage from the Bible: 2Peter 1:20-21

8. Have students find the passage in their Bibles to read along silently as reading is being proclaimed. (Word of the Lord….Thanks be to God)

9. Tell the young people that we are ready now to move into prayer.

Reflect: (10 mins)

1. Ask if someone can explain what the word sacred means (holy, special, set apart)

2. Introduce the notion of sacred space. Tell the young people that each week, we are going to have a prayer experience that begins with each of the going to a spot in the room that they have claimed as their own sacred space.

3. Put on instrumental music and call young people forward one at a time to pick up a tea light candle (as a reminder of the light of Christ they received in Baptism) from the table and to go to a spot they claim as their sacred space and to sit there quietly…no laying down.

4. After all are in their places, lead them in some deep breathing, telling them that it helps them to slow down and to pay attention to God’s presence.

5. Explain that the same Holy Spirit that inspired the writers of the Bible is within them, ready to inspire them this year to know God through the Bible.

6. Slowly read the words of the Prayer to the Holy Spirit on pg. 6

7. Repeat the words of the prayer

8. Invite the young people to speak to the Holy Spirit in their own words.

9. Allow quiet and silence the music

10. Gently and gradually call them back to their places.

Respond: (10 mins)

1. Together, go over the Respond page 8, reviewing the most important words.

2. Ask, “So, does God keep secrets? (No) How does God reveal his plan for us?” (through the Bible)

3. And if someone asks you what you learned tonight, what will you tell them? (God keeps no secrets. He reveals his plan for us in the Bible)

4. “How can we reveal God’s love to others?” (invite answers)

5. Explain that their assignment for the coming week is to do something that reveals God’s love for others.

6. Distribute their folders and assignment sheet asking them to bring in an object that symbolizes their faith and remind them to have their parents sign it and return it next week with their symbol.

7. Closing prayer:

a. Sign of the Cross

b. Pray the Nicene Creed on the back of the folder

c. Sign of Peace

d. Bless selves with holy water as they leave.