Bible Study Notes Making Wise Decisions
Modern life is filled with choices. What career, ministries, and hobbies will you pursue? Should you continue your education, and if so, where? What friendships should you invest in? Which charities should you give to? The endless options can be overwhelming.
Thankfully, God’s Word provides guidance on how to know His will. Here are four valuable sources for making wise decisions:
1. The counsel of Scripture
As believers, we already know God’s will for us in most areas of daily life. Why? It is contained in His Word. We don’t have to pray about whether to spread rumors, tell lies, entertain lustful thoughts, or be rude to family members. We know to avoid stealing from our neighbor and cheating on our taxes. Steering clear of such sins won’t make our lives problem free, but they will enable us to avoid the painful consequences associated with deliberate wrongdoing.
§ Read Psalm 119:44-45. In what ways do we experience freedom when we follow God’s law? In other words, how have you been blessed or protected because you made a commitment to follow biblical principles?
§ When Joshua took Moses’ mantle of leadership, God commanded him to meditate on Scripture (Josh. 1:8). Describe how you could apply this principle to your life.
§ According to that same verse, what is the result of meditating on and obeying God’s Word (see also Psalm 1:1-6)?
§ How could you apply biblical principles to a decision you are currently facing? (Often, you won’t get a specific answer, but rather, the attitude you should take towards the decision or general principles to apply regarding it.)
2. The counsel of the Holy Spirit
The night before His crucifixion, Jesus told His disciples that He would send the Holy Spirit, the Helper, to comfort them and remind them of His teaching (John 16:7, 13). Through the Spirit, Christ dwells within each born-again believer, speaking to our hearts and guiding us in His will.
§ What comparison does Jesus make in John 10:3-4?
§ Do you believe that you hear the voice of the Lord? Why or why not?
God’s direction sometimes contradicts common sense or doesn’t line up with our desires. For instance, Paul wanted to go preach in Asia, but the Holy Spirit forbade him from doing so (Acts 16:6-7).
§ What has the Lord led you to do that either went against common sense or contradicted your desires? What was the ultimate result?
3. The counsel of wise friends and mentors
Spiritually mature friends and mentors can be wonderful resources in decision making. Consult wise believers about major life choices such as choosing a spouse, beginning a new or risky business venture, or moving across the country for a job opportunity.
§ Read Proverbs 13:20. How have you been challenged and strengthened in your walk with God through your friendship with godly believers?
§ Psalm 1:1 says, “How blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked.” Sometimes our friends couldn’t be described as “wicked,” but they aren’t passionate about God, either. How does spending time with lukewarm believers affect a person’s priorities?
§ If you don’t have committed believing friends or mentors in your life right now, what steps could you take to develop such relationships?
While it’s wise to consult other believers, remember that ultimately you are the one responsible for obeying God. In Acts 21:10-14, Paul remained committed to preaching the gospel in Jerusalem, although someone warned him prophetically that he would experience harsh persecution there.
4. The counsel of peace
When the Bible is silent on a specific matter, make sure you feel a sense of peace before God regarding your decision. That means that when you are alone in His presence, your conscience is clear. Righteousness and genuine spiritual peace and go hand in hand.
However, don’t expect your emotional state always to reflect the peace you feel spiritually. For instance, you may know you need to confront someone, but feel apprehensive about it.
§ Psalm 34:14 says, “Depart from evil and do good; Seek peace and pursue it.” Describe a time you knew God’s will because you had a lack of peace about a decision.
§ Proverbs 3:16-18 compares wisdom to a woman, saying, among other things,“ All her paths are peace.” According to this passage, what typically results when someone walks in wisdom?
§ In what ways do you try to “flee youthful lusts and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace” (2 Timothy 2:22)?
§ Is there any area of your life in which you do not feel at peace spiritually? If so, take some time to seek God about His will for you.
Closing: Are you wrestling with a particular decision? First, submit to the counsel of God’s Word on the matter. Listen to the Holy Spirit and seek the advice of more mature, committed Christians. Make sure you are at peace with God about it, and then follow through on your decision, confident that you are within the Lord’s will.
Prayer: As you close this study, take time to sit quietly before God, asking Him if there is anything He is speaking to you today.