Better Choices for Connecticut
Better Choices for Connecticut is a community coalition working to help Connecticut make better choices on ways to improve the state’s imbalanced revenue system so that it better:
· Advances opportunity for shared prosperity for all Connecticut residents.
· Preserves services for children, families, and the elderly.
· Creates and sustains good jobs
· Re-invests in the middle class and our communities.
Membership in Better Choices for Connecticut is open to all organizations that embrace the mission and policy goals of the campaign. Membership dues are $250. Organizations that face financial hardship and cannot afford to pay dues can seek a partial or full waiver of dues and still join the campaign.
Checks for dues should be made payable to Connecticut Citizen Action Group, the fiscal sponsor of the campaign. Please indicate in the check memo that the check is for membership in the Better Choices for Connecticut Campaign. Mail checks to: CCAG, 30 Arbor Street, Hartford, CT 06106
Organizational Membership Enrollment
Please complete the form below to sign your organization up as a member of the Better Choices for Connecticut campaign. You can fax the completed form to (860) 523-1611 or scan and email to:
YES, our organization would like to be a member of the Better Choices for Connecticut Campaign.
We commit to paying $250 in campaign dues.
We would like to request a waiver. We can contribute:
Phone: Email:
Primary Contact Person:
Other individuals who are authorized to represent our organization: