MINUTES of the MEETING of the BETCHWORTH PARISH COUNCIL held on MONDAY 2nd AUGUST 2010 at 8pm in the Hamilton Room.

Present: Councillors Wilson, Higgins, Hurman, Tanner and the Clerk. Also present part time were PC Dominic Loraine and PCSO Aimee Lucas.


(148) Apologies were received from Councillors Chalker, Hardy and Stimpson and District Councillor Paul Potter.


(149) The Minutes of the Meeting held on 5th July 2010 were approved and signed by the Chairman as a true and correct record.


(150) There were no matters arising.


(151) PC Dominic Loraine reported that there had been six crimes recorded between 19/4/10 and 2/8/10. Councillors were unaware of the car driven through crops, and the theft from secure storage at the shop at the end of July.

(152) Copies of a consultation document were tabled by PC Loraine. These concerned the proposal to introduce local meeting points on a regular basis. Councillors commented that the Panel Meeting at the monthly Parish Council meeting already met this objective, and that Officers would be better utilised regularly walking the parish, rather than sitting waiting for 2 hours for the public to appear (cf. the previous van initiative).

(153) The regular parking of a recovery vehicle in Middle Street, Brockham was discussed. PC Loraine explained that he had looked into this in depth and advised that this was not a traffic offence, and that recovery vehicles were exempt from VOSA O licence requirements.

(154) A Parishioner briefly appeared and complained that a 4X4 and trailer were currently parked outside the Dolphin obstructing the view of traffic emerging from Wonham Lane. This was parked within 10m of the junction and the police departed to investigate.


New Applications and Appeals

(155) MO/2010/0847/SCC Park Pit and Tapwood Quarry (Buckland Sandpits), Reigate Road, Buckland. (Within 20m of Betchworth Parish)

The continued extraction and processing of silica sand and transportation off site of sand, an amended interim restoration scheme for Park Pit, an amended programme of working for Tapwood Quarry, an amended dust action plan and dust management scheme, an amended groundwater monitoring scheme; and an amended restoration and aftercare scheme at Buckland Pits (Tapwood Quarry and Park Pit) until 31 August 2014 with restoration to water based recreation, woodland and grazing by 31 August 2015 without compliance with Conditions 3, 4, 16, 17, 23, 31, 32, 38, 39, 40, 41 and 42 of planning permission ref: MO/98/1549 dated 27 May 1999; and the installation of a new slurry plant at Tapwood Quarry.

(156) The Chairman and Clerk had examined this lengthy application and had concluded that the application took virtually no notice of the damage already done, and continuing to be done, to the Reigate Heath SSSI by dewatering. SCC Planning Committee would have to decide if the loss of 400,000 tonnes of strategic mineral (silica sand) outweighed the damage being done to the SSSI. Councillors considered that Hansons had wasted an extensive opportunity to extract this final scraping of sand and that the SSSI designation should clearly take precedence. They noted that the application only made a token gesture of temporary wetting of the SSSI during the proposed 5 year extension, and failed to commit to a long term hydrology solution, or to raise the final water level in Park Pit to 54m AOD as recommended by the Environment Agency. Agreed to respond accordingly after contacting Burt Smith. Action: Clerk, letter

(157) MO/2010/0914/PLAH The Old Laundrie, Gadbrook Road, Betchworth. Erection of single storey rear extension with room in roof space. No comment.


(158) MO/2010/0620/PLA Brockham Park House, Rykens Lane, Betchworth. Erection of gate. Approved with Conditions.

(159) MO/2010/0578/PLA Holly Cottage, Wellhouse Lane, Betchworth. Erection of new dwelling with detached double garage following demolition of existing dwelling and outbuildings. Approved with Conditions.

(160) MO/2010/0702/PLAH 55, Tynedale Road, Strood Green, Betchworth. Erection of Dutch barn style storage building. (Within 20m of Betchworth Parish) Approved with Conditions.

(161) The conditions attached to Holly Cottage were reviewed. These contained no cognizance of the Councils strong views, and it was queried whether the right issues were being addressed by the Council. Agreed to seek feedback and guidance from MVDC and invite Chris Robertson to the October meeting. Action: Clerk

(162) Councillor Higgins observed that recent Government proposals had suggested that Parish Councils would be able to determine local Planning Applications.

Other Matters

(163) Betchworth Quarry Email received from SCC ROW Officer confirming that they had plans for the finalization of the footpath (kissing gate etc) but were awaiting removal of scaffold from the kiln and safety assurances from SWT. No response yet from SWT. Action: Clerk to expedite

(164) Reigate Road Quarry/MRF A second visit to the Quarry had taken place. Mr. Crate had subsequently advised that he would now be seeking a six month extension as it was not absolutely certain that the infilling would be complete by the end of September 2010. Councillors understood the speed of final infilling was dependant on the day to day variation of supplies of spoil, but were anxious to safeguard Atkinson House. and ensure it wasn’t “surrounded” by sand workings. Agreed to write to Frank’s regretting the possibility of delay, and indicating that they would be sympathetic to this extension providing it was completed before work commenced on the Common Field.

Action: Clerk, draft letter, Cllr. Tanner to review

(165) Betchworth Estate (Japanese Knotweed) Proposed shared scheme understood to be acceptable but information from Graeme Manton re the cost of weed killer was still outstanding.

(166) Mineral Plan Letter to the Inspector demonstrating that the Mineral Plan was a futile waste of time as SCC ignores it and seem to treat each application on its “so called merits” was still outstanding. Suggested that the Council should ignore further Mineral Plan matters and establish policies as to which matters to concentrate on. Action: Clerk, finalise letter

(167) MVDC LDF Noted that MVDC had “paused” their work on the Land Allocations Development Plan as the Regional Guidance on housing and gypsy requirements had been abandoned.


(168) A new monthly financial summary was not provided as there was no change from the previous month.

(169) A request for a donation to Crimestoppers was declined.

(170) The following accounts were approved for payment and cheques duly signed:-

i.) Hamilton Room £33.00 (replacement cheque)

ii.) SCA Membership £4.00 (adjustment)


(171) Councillor Tanner would provide an article for the September Parish Magazine outlining his thoughts for an emergency plan. (Deadline 16th Aug)

Action: C’llr Tanner


(172) Fencing in The Street Following an intervention by Councillor Paul Potter the dangerous fencing had been removed and the area made good. Council still wanted to delineate the footpath and restrict parking. Councillor Tanner to provide details of “bendy bollards” to Councillor Hurman to consider.

Action: C’llrs. Tanner & Hurman

(173) Footpath to Brockham Meeting with Lady Hamilton now agreed for September 2nd at 10.00am. Chairman, Clerk and Councillor Tanner to attend. Councillor Tanner to provide appropriate photographs.

Action: Chairman, Clerk & Cllr. Tanner

(174) School Path Work by the Community Service gang had commenced on 29th July and reports had been positive. Not sure if they would be on site again this week. Councillors to examine path in order to decide on resurfacing action at next meeting. Action: All

(175) Single lane working expected to commence on Pebble Hill on the 23rd August for the laying of electricity cable. Another letter to be sent to SCC Highways (copies to HC & PB) insisting that they now sort out the dangerous puddle on the bends. If they are unable to resolve then consultants should be called in.

Action: Clerk, letter


(176) Nothing to report.


Active Papers

(177) Communications received requiring Council response were distributed, as per Appendix 3 (Active Items) and resolved as follows:-

i.) SCA LEADER Funding Scheme. Funds still available for community or employment opportunities. Action Cllr. Higgins to check conditions

Passive Papers

(178) Other Communications received as per Appendix 4 (Passive Items) were distributed for Councillors to peruse and report back as appropriate, at the next meeting.

Other Matters

(179) Noted that there had been recent activity at the Happy Eater and the Barley Mow site. Scalpings had been laid down the centre of the Barley Mow Site and it looked as if the central bund had been moved northward. Agreed to ask the Enforcement Officer to investigate. Action: Clerk

(180) Agreed to invite the new Chairman of MVDC to the October Meeting of the Council. (See also Minute 160). Action: Clerk

(181) Agreed to consult County Councillor Helyn Clack for a convenient date in October/November for a meeting of the Dorking Rural Highways Forum.

Action: Clerk

(182) Involvement in the entertainment for the Harvest Supper was discussed.

Several Councillors were already actively involved and no conclusion was reached.


(183) Future meetings of the Council were confirmed as Mondays 5th September and Monday 4th October, both at 8.00pm in the Hamilton Room. Action: ALL

(184) Chairman and Clerk would attend the GACC AGM on Friday 12th November 7.30pm at Gatwick Manor, Crawley. Action: Chairman & Clerk

(185) SCAPTC Meeting. Revised date advised as Thursday 16th September 7pm at East Horsley Village Hall. Action: Chairman & Clerk

(186) Chairman closed the meeting at 9.27pm.